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Ledger Entry Report


This report contains ledger entries across all financial accounts for your organization.

Data availability

Data for this report is available as follows:

  • Earliest available: 18 months from today
  • Latest available: One (1) day from today

Report fields

created_atDateTime (ISO 8601: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ)The date when the ledger entry was created.
card_product_idStringUnique identifier for the card product.
card_product_nameStringName of the card product with the ledger entry.
financial_account_idStringUnique identifier for the financial account with the ledger entry.
financial_account_nameStringName of the financial account with the ledger entry.
transaction_idStringTransaction lifecycle identifier. For example, two transaction events (AUTH and CLEAR) make up one complete transaction lifecycle and so both events will have the same transaction lifecycle id.
financial_eventStringCategorizes the activity of the financial event (e.g., AUTHORIZE_AND_CLEAR, REVERSAL, CLEAR).
financial_event_idStringUnique identifier the financial event that the LedgerEntry results from.
ledger_nameStringSpecifies the type of ledger (e.g., AVAILABLE_CASH, CASH).
ledger_entry_idStringUnique identifier for the ledger entry.
change_amountStringAmount by which the ledger balance changed.
change_amount_directionStringDirection of the change amount. Possible values are "Debit" or "Credit".
normal_balanceDecimalExpected balance type for an account. Possible values are "Debit" or "Credit".
balance_at_ledger_entryDecimalBalance of the account after the ledger entry.

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