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Experian Credit Report


This report contains data for commercial credit report furnishing with Experian.

Data availability

Data for this report is available as follows:

  • Earliest available: 18 months from today
  • Latest available: One day from today

Report fields

Field nameData typeDescription
Account NumberStringThe account holder's financial account number, unique to the Experian credit report
Business NameStringThe business account holder's legal business name
Address 1StringThe business account holder's physical street address
CityStringThe city of the business account holder's physical billing address
StateStringThe state of the business account holder's physical billing address
CountryStringThe county of the business account holder's physical billing address
Zip CodeNumberThe zip code of the business account holder's physical billing address
PhoneStringThe account holder's phone number
Tax IDStringThe business account holder's employer identification number (EIN) or social security number (SSN) for sole proprietorships
Owner 1 First NameStringThe primary authorized person's first name
Owner 1 Last NameStringThe primary authorized person's last name
Owner 1 Street AddressStringThe primary authorized person's physical street address
Owner 1 Social SecurityStringThe primary authorized person's social security number (SSN)
Owner 1 Date of BirthDateThe primary authorized person's date of birth (DOB)
Date OpenDateTime (ISO 8601: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ)The date the business account holder's financial account was opened
Account TypeStringThe type of card product
Secure IndicatorBooleanIndicates if the card product is secured with collateral or not
Credit LimitNumberThe credit limit assigned to the account holder's financial account
TermsStringThe payment terms of the card product
Total AR BalanceNumberThe total outstanding balance payable on the financial account
Aging Current FutureNumberThe outstanding balance payable on the financial account if it is not current (but not delinquent)
Aging 1 - 30 daysNumberThe outstanding balance payable on the financial account that is 1-30 days delinquent
Aging 31 - 60 daysNumberThe outstanding balance payable on the financial account that is 31 - 60 days delinquent
Aging 61 - 90 daysNumberThe outstanding balance payable on the financial account that is 61 - 90 days delinquent
Aging 91 - 120 daysNumberThe outstanding balance payable on the financial account that is 91 - 120 days delinquent
Number of GuarantorsNumberThe number of debt guarantors on the financial account
Extract DateDateTime (ISO 8601: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ)The date the account holder’s data was extracted
Close DateDateTime (ISO 8601: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ)The date the financial account was closed
Close ReasonStringThe reason the financial account was closed

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