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Collaborative Authorization


Collaborative authorization empowers you to approve or decline transactions in real time based on your business logic. The following steps outline an example of how collaborative authorization typically works on a card product:

  1. An account holder makes a purchase.
  2. The account holder's purchase is sent to Highnote and passed through your business logic, for example, your configured spend rules.
  3. If the purchase passes your business logic, an HTTPS POST request is sent to your configured collaborative authorization endpoint for approval.
  4. You respond to the request with an approval or denial decision.
  5. The authorization response is sent to the merchant with the decision.

These steps are outlined in the following graphic:


This guide covers how to configure and activate a collaborative authorization endpoint, verify requests, make real-time authorization decisions, and simulate authorizations in the test environment.

Enable the feature

Note: Collaborative authorization is self-service in your test environment. In the live environment, the Highnote team must enable the feature for your product.

To start using collaborative authorization, you must complete the following steps:

  1. Have the Highnote team enable the feature for your card product. For more information, contact support@highnote.com.
  2. Register a collaborative authorization endpoint.
  3. Activate the collaborative authorization endpoint.
  4. Configure your request and response process.
  5. Optional - Test the feature.

Manage endpoints

You can manage collaborative authorization endpoints using the Highnote dashboard or API.

via the dashboard

For information on managing your collaborative authorization endpoints using the Highnote dashboard, see the Collaborative authorization support guide.

via the Highnote API

Refer to the following guidelines when managing collaborative authorization endpoints using the Highnote API:

  • You can have up to five collaborative authorization endpoints, but only one endpoint can be active at a time.
  • Collaborative authorization requests are sent as HTTPS POST requests with JSON bodies. The following headers will be included on each request:
    • user-agent: HightnotePlatform/1.0.0
    • highnote-signature: The result of computing an HMAC 256 signature of the request body
    • content-type: application/json

Register an endpoint

You can use the following mutation to register and add a collaborative authorization endpoint. By default, collaborative authorization endpoints are inactive at creation. Refer to the following requirements when registering a collaborative authorization endpoint:

  • Make the endpoint highly available.
  • The endpoint must be capable of returning a 2XX response. All other status codes will result in the transaction being declined.
  • The endpoint requests and responses must be served via HTTPS.

Activate an endpoint

Warning: Activating an endpoint will automatically deactivate any existing ACTIVE endpoints. Only one endpoint can be ACTIVE at a time.

Once a collaborative authorization endpoint has been registered, you must activate and verify it. Use the following mutation to activate a collaborative authorization endpoint:

Request and response guidelines

Warning: The collaborativeAuthorizationRequest.id is an idempotent key. In the event of a retry, Highnote will resend the same request to your collaborative authorization endpoint with the same id.

Note the following guidelines for handling collaborative authorization requests and responses:

  • You have up to two seconds to respond to a collaborative authorization request with an approval or denial decision.
  • Returning any HTTP response code except 2XX will cause the collaborative authorization request to fail and trigger your default authorization settings.
  • Failure to respond to a request within two seconds will cause the collaborative authorization request to fail and trigger your default authorization settings.

Request body

A collaborative authorization request is an HTTPS POST request with a JSON body. A collaborative authorization request body has several Amount fields relating to a transaction's money movement. These Amount fields may differ from one request to another.

Refer to the following table for an overview of the various Amount fields in a request body:

transactionAmountThe amount of money processed in the transactionDisplayed in the cardholder's currency
settlementAmountThe amount of money settled in HighnoteDiffers from transactionAmount when both fields are in different currencies. For example, if a transactionAmount reflects funds in EUR, the settlementAmount will reflect USD and differ.
requestedAmountThe amount of money Highnote authorized based on the card's available balance, applied spend rules, and any other processing rulesDisplayed in USD and includes surcharge fees

Request body example payload

The following code snippet provides an example of a collaborative authorization request body:

Example collaborative authorization response payload


Collaborative authorization reponse bodies may have the following fields:

transaction.idUnique identifier of the transaction
reponseCodeTransaction authorization response
authorizedAmountAn Amount object

For a full list of collaborative authorization response codes, see the CollaborativeAuthorizationReponseCode API reference.

Approved response

When your endpoint responds with the following payload, an AuthorizationEvent will reflect a status of APPROVED. The following code snippet provides an example APPROVED response body:

Approved response body

Partial amount approved response

Note: For partial approvals, the authorizedAmount cannot be greater than the requestedAmount and must be expressed in the same currency.

When your endpoint responds with the following payload, an AuthorizationEvent will reflect a status of PARTIAL_AMOUNT_APPROVED. The merchant must report whether their point of sale can accept a partial amount via the terminalSupportsPartialApproval field in the pointOfSaleDetails object:

Partial amount approved response

Declined response

When you need to decline an AuthorizationEvent, your endpoint will pass back an appropriate response code reflecting why your system declined the authorization:

Decline response

Find collaborative authorization key

When you register a collaborative authorization endpoint, the API returns a secret key. If you need to retrieve this key again, you can query the CollaborativeAuthorizationEndpoint object to retrieve the signingKeys field.

Use the following query to retrieve a collaborative authorization endpoint's secret key:

Simulate collaborative authorization

Warning: The Highnote test environment allows you to freely explore the platform features and functionality. It is intended for experimenting, building integrations, and training your team.

To ensure the security of your real-world data, please refrain from entering production data into the test environment. Production data includes sensitive information like customer details, financial data, or personally identifiable information (PII).

Use only dummy or test data explicitly created for testing purposes in the test environment.

You may test collaborative authorization in your test environment by adding and activating a CollaborativeAuthorizationEndpoint and using a simulateAuthorization mutation:

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