


  1. A Highnote account
  2. A server-side integration using an API key


Highnote's server-side SDKs help you integrate quickly with Highnote's API. Highnote offers the following SDKs:

Card viewer SDKThis SDK allows you to embed sensitive card data in your UI and avoid PCI data from being compromised.
Secure inputs SDKThis SDK allows you to create a UI where customers can securely input sensitive data without compromise.
Document upload SDKThis SDK allows you to collect identity verification documents from account holders when a card product application enters manual review.

All Highnote SDKs following semver and can be installed using the following:

  • JavaScript package managers: npm, yarn, and pnpm
  • CDN

Install via JavaScript package managers

Highnote's SDKs support installation using the following JavaScript package managers:

  • npm
  • yarn
  • pnpm

Refer to the following commands to install your SDK package:

Card viewer SDK

To install the card viewer SDK, use the command for your preferred package manager:


Secure inputs SDK

To install the secure inputs SDKs, use the command for your preferred package manager:


Document upload SDK

To install the document upload SDK, use the command for your preferred package manager:


Install via CDN

You can install Highnote SDKs directly from a CDN like JSDelivr. We recommend specifying a specific version of the SDK to ensure stability and avoid potential issues caused by updates. You can replace @latest with the desired version number, such as @1.0.0.

Refer to the following <script> tags to install your SDK via CDN:

Card viewer SDK

To include the card viewer SDK, add the following <script> tag to your HTML file:

Script tag for card viewer SDK

Secure inputs SDK

To include the secure inputs SDK, add the following <script> tag to your HTML file:

Script tag for secure inputs SDK

Document upload SDK

To include the document upload SDK, add the following <script> tag to your HTML file:

Script tag for document upload SDK

Next steps

After installing your SDK, refer to the following guides for additional information:

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