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API Status and Changes

API and platform status

Highnote provides transparency on the operational status of the platform and GraphQL using the Highnote Status Page. You can subscribe to updates on the page and will be notified of any downtime.

When an incident impacts the platform and GraphQL API, the Highnote team immediately begins investigating, assessing the impact, and communicating via the status page.

Refer to the following details of each phase and the activities that occur in each phase:

Incident identificationWhen an incident has been identified, Highnote will create an incident in the incident tracking system and begin the investigation.
Investigation and communicationThe Highnote Incident Commander and incident response team work to investigate the issue, determine the scope, and identify a resolution. Based on the scope and severity, the Highnote status page is updated with partial or full outages.
Resolution and communicationOnce the resolution is identified and tested, the fix is deployed to production. The Highnote team will then communicate update(s) to you through the Highnote status page.
Post mortemAfter the incident management process has occurred, the Highnote incident response team walks through what happened, the resolution, and lessons learned for future improvements.

API and platform changes

To maintain uninterrupted service, we recommend building robust and resilient integrations that can adapt to API and platform changes.

When changes occur on the Highnote platform and GraphQL API, the Highnote team reviews them to assess their impact and communicates with you proactiveally about the upcoming changes. The following table provides details of each phase for implementing platform changes and the activities that occur in each phase.

PlanningOnce a change is determined, change planning begins. This includes documenting the change and its impact.
Communication and documentationThe Highnote team ensures that the change's documentation is completed and that your usage is reviewed to determine its impact on you. Highnote creates communication that includes the change's description, the reason for the change, the potential impact on you of the change, and the timing. For more information on communication timelines, see Additive Changes and Breaking Changes.
ImplementationHighnote ensures the execution of communication to you by Highnote Customer Support. This includes performing the change as documented.
RetrospectiveAfter the change is launched, Highnote holds a retrospective to reflect on the change management process.

Additive changes

Additive changes refer to modifications to notifications and/or Highnote’s API schema that introduces new features, functionality, or resources without altering or removing existing components.

Highnote provides seven days notice before releasing additive changes.

Breaking changes

Breaking changes refer to modifications to notifications and/or Highnote’s API schema that alters existing behavior in a way that may cause existing client applications and integrations to break or malfunction.

Highnote provides 90 days notice before releasing breaking changes.

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