Objects are a fundamental component of GraphQL schemas. They organize data you can request and receive from a service into types. They contain a collection of fields, each of which has its own type.
A Directive provides a way to describe alternate runtime execution and type validation behavior in a GraphQL document.
In some cases, you need to provide options to alter GraphQL's execution behavior in ways field arguments will not suffice, such as conditionally including or skipping a field. Directives provide this by describing additional information to the executor.
name: String!
description: String
isRepeatable: Boolean!
locations: [__DirectiveLocation!]!
args: [__InputValue!]!
includeDeprecated: Boolean
Default Value: false
description: String
types: [__Type!]!
A list of all types supported by this server.
queryType: __Type!
The type that query operations will be rooted at.
mutationType: __Type
If this server supports mutation, the type that mutation operations will be rooted at.
subscriptionType: __Type
If this server support subscription, the type that subscription operations will be rooted at.
directives: [__Directive!]!
A list of all directives supported by this server.
The fundamental unit of any GraphQL Schema is the type. There are many kinds of types in GraphQL as represented by the __TypeKind
Depending on the kind of a type, certain fields describe information about that type. Scalar types provide no information beyond a name, description and optional specifiedByURL
, while Enum types provide their values. Object and Interface types provide the fields they describe. Abstract types, Union and Interface, provide the Object types possible at runtime. List and NonNull types compose other types.
kind: __TypeKind!
name: String
description: String
specifiedByURL: String
fields: [__Field!]
includeDeprecated: Boolean
Default Value: false
interfaces: [__Type!]
possibleTypes: [__Type!]
enumValues: [__EnumValue!]
includeDeprecated: Boolean
Default Value: false
inputFields: [__InputValue!]
includeDeprecated: Boolean
Default Value: false
ofType: __Type
isOneOf: Boolean
message: String!
A human-readable message detailing the error.
id: ID!
The ID of the document uploaded
status: ApplicationDocumentUploadStatus
The status of the document uploaded by the applicant
type: DocumentType
The document type uploaded
revisions: [AccountHolderApplicationDocumentRevision]
Revisions on the applicant's document
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, this application document
was created.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, this application document
was last updated.
fileReviewReasons: [ApplicationDocumentReviewReason!]
The given reasons for the file review status.
status: ApplicationDocumentUploadStatus
The status of the document uploaded by the applicant
type: DocumentType
The document type uploaded
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, this application document revision
was created.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, this application document revision
was last updated.
fileReviewReasons: [ApplicationDocumentReviewReason!]
The given reasons for the file review status.
entries: [AccountHolderApplicationDocumentToVerificationResultCodeEntry!]
A list of entries representing the DocumentType
to AccountHolderVerificationResultCode
document: DocumentType
A requested DocumentType
verificationResultCodes: [AccountHolderVerificationResultCode!]
A list of AccountHolderVerificationResultCode
documentVerificationResultCodeContext: AccountHolderApplicationDocumentToVerificationResultCodeContext
A context representing the relationship between the documents requested to be uploaded and the AccountHolderVerificationResultCode
s presented during the Application process.
verificationResultCodeDocumentContext: AccountHolderApplicationVerificationResultCodeToDocumentContext
A context representing the relationship between the AccountHolderVerificationResultCode
s presented during the Application process and the documents requested.
referenceIdentifier: ID
A reference identifier for the account holder application document session **Note: ** This is not a Global ID
documentUploadSession: AccountHolderApplicationDocumentUploadSession
A document upload session
status: ApplicationDocumentUploadSessionStatus
The status of the application's document upload session
uploadedDocuments: [ApplicationDocument]
Documents submitted for the application
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, this application document
was created.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, this application document
was last updated.
status: AccountHolderApplicationStatusCode!
Status of application.
entries: [AccountHolderApplicationVerificationResultCodeToDocumentEntry!]
A list of entries representing the AccountHolderVerificationResultCode
to DocumentType
verificationResultCode: AccountHolderVerificationResultCode
The AccountHolderVerificationResultCode
on the AccountHolderCardProductApplication
documents: [DocumentType!]
A list of DocumentType
id: ID!
Global ID used to reference the application in operations.
applicationState: AccountHolderApplicationState
The current state of the application.
adverseActionReasons: [AdverseActionReason!]
A prioritized list of Adverse Action Reasons explaining the Application Deal.
applicationDenialReason: ApplicationDenialReason
The Denial Reason for an Application
accountHolderSnapshot: AccountHolderSnapshot
The account holder's data at the time of application.
cardProduct: CardProduct
The Card Product to which the account holder is applying.
applicationHistory: AccountHolderCardProductApplicationSnapshotConnection
Past states of the application
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the application was created.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the application was last updated.
financialAccounts: FinancialAccountConnection
The financial accounts associated with this account holder application.
For information on Highnote's Search API, see our Search guide.
after: String
The cursor to start the page.
filterBy: AccountHolderFinancialAccountsFilterInput
Filter results to specific financial accounts.
offers: AccountHolderCardProductApplicationOfferConnection
A paginated list of AccountHolderCardProductApplicationOffer
associated with the AccountHolderCardProductApplication
For information on Highnote's Search API, see our Search guide.
after: String
The cursor to start the page.
filterBy: AccountHolderCardProductApplicationOfferFilterByInput
The search filters available on offers
creditReportFraudAlertVerificationResult: CreditReportFraudAlertVerificationResult
Fields that were confirmed verified in response to a fraud alert on the applicant's credit report. Only present in the case of a fraud alert.
decisionedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the application was decisioned.
expiresAt: String
The approximate date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the application is set to expire if not decisioned.
pageInfo: PageInfo!
Information about the current page.
edges: [AccountHolderCardProductApplicationEdge!]
A list of edges.
cursor: String!
The cursor for this edge for use in pagination.
node: AccountHolderCardProductApplication
The account holder card product application.
id: ID!
The global ID used to reference the AccountHolderCardProductApplicationOffer
name: String
The offer name.
status: CardProductApplicationOfferStatus
The offer status.
category: CardProductApplicationOfferCategory
The offer category
pageInfo: PageInfo!
Information about the current page.
edges: [AccountHolderCardProductApplicationOfferEdge!]
A list of edges.
cursor: String
The cursor for this edge for use in pagination.
node: AccountHolderCardProductApplicationOffer
The node representing an AccountHolderCardProductApplicationOffer
applicationState: AccountHolderApplicationState!
The current state of the application.
adverseActionReasons: [AdverseActionReason!]
A list of Adverse Action Reasons explaining the Application Denial.
accountHolderSnapshot: AccountHolderSnapshot
The account holder's data at the time of application.
cardProduct: CardProduct
The Card Product to which the account holder is applying.
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the application was created.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the application was last updated.
pageInfo: PageInfo!
Information about the current page.
edges: [AccountHolderCardProductApplicationSnapshotEdge]
A list of edges.
cursor: String!
The cursor for this edge for use in pagination.
node: AccountHolderCardProductApplicationSnapshot
The Account Holder Card Product Application Snapshot.
pageInfo: PageInfo!
Information about the current page.
edges: [AccountHolderEdge!]
A list of edges.
cursor: String!
The cursor for this edge for use in pagination.
node: AccountHolder
The account holder.
idempotencyKey: IdempotencyKey
A UUIDv4 string used to uniquely identify requests. This field ensures that duplicate requests are not processed more than once and provides idempotency for the request.
id: ID!
A unique identifier for this provisioning instance. This field helps to uniquely identify and reference a specific provisioning request.
accountHolder: AccountHolder
The account holder associated with this provisioning request. This field provides details about the account holder being provisioned.
outcome: AccountHolderProvisioningOutcome
The outcome of the provisioning process. This field provides details about the result of the provisioning, including any errors or completion status.
nextAction: AccountHolderProvisioningWorkflowAction
The next action to be performed in the provisioning workflow. This field specifies what action is scheduled to follow the current one.
currentAction: AccountHolderProvisioningWorkflowAction
The current action being executed in the provisioning workflow. This field provides details about the ongoing action in the provisioning process.
createdAt: String
The date and time when this provisioning request was created, represented in ISO 8601 format. This timestamp indicates when the record was initially created.
updatedAt: String
The date and time when this provisioning request was last updated, represented in ISO 8601 format. This timestamp reflects the most recent modification to the record.
workflowActions: [AccountHolderProvisioningWorkflowAction!]
A list of workflow actions associated with this provisioning request. This field includes all actions performed or scheduled during the provisioning process.
status: AccountHolderProvisioningStatus
The current status of the provisioning process, such as whether it is in progress, completed, or in error.
id: ID!
Globally unique ID to fetch a Node. This field provides a unique identifier for the node, allowing for its retrieval and reference.
action: ProvisionAccountHolderAction
The specific action being performed in the provisioning workflow. This field specifies the type of provisioning action executed, such as creating an application or setting a credit limit.
outcome: AccountHolderProvisioningWorkflowActionDetail
The outcome of the provisioning workflow action. This field provides details about the result of the action, indicating whether it was successful or encountered issues.
actionInput: ProvisionAccountHolderActionDetail
Input related to the provisioning action. This field contains details about the input parameters used for the action, such as application details or configuration settings.
executionOrder: UnsignedInt
The order in which the action was executed within the workflow. This field specifies the sequence of the action to maintain the correct processing order.
node: AccountHolderProvisioningActionNode
The node associated with the provisioning action. This field can be one of several types, including account applications, financial accounts, payment cards, or workflow action results, providing additional context about the action.
status: AccountHolderProvisioningWorkflowActionStatus
The current status of the provisioning process, such as whether it is in progress, completed, or in error.
status: AccountHolderVerificationStatusCode
Current status of the verification attempt.
riskStatus: AccountHolderRiskVerificationStatusCode
Current status of the risk verification attempt.
reason: AccountHolderVerificationStatusReasonCode
The reason for the current status of the verification attempt.
results: [AccountHolderVerificationResult!]
Results from the verification attempt.
requiredDocuments: [AccountHolderApplicationRequiredDocument]
Documents required to support manual verification of the application.
adverseActionReasons: [AdverseActionReason!]
A list of Adverse Action Reasons explaining the Application Denial.
requestedUpdates: [RequestedIdentityUpdate!]
Requested Updates to the Identity
code: AccountHolderVerificationResultCode
The specific result of a verification requirement.
description: String
A description for the resulting code of a verification requirement.
pageInfo: PageInfo!
Information about the current page.
edges: [AccountReviewEdge!]
A list of edges.
cursor: String!
The cursor for this edge to use in pagination.
node: AccountReview
The AccountReview
id: ID!
The ID of the FinancialAccount
that has changed status.
accountName: String
The name of this FinancialAccount
externalId: String
Externally provided ID (255 character limit) that can be used to refer to the issued payment card's' financial account. This ID is unique per organization and tenant. If not provided, Highnote will generate an ID (ten digit, Base58, all caps).
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, this event was created.
id: ID!
The ID of the FinancialAccount
that has changed status.
accountName: String
The name of this FinancialAccount
externalId: String
Externally provided ID (255 character limit) that can be used to refer to the issued payment card's' financial account. This ID is unique per organization and tenant. If not provided, Highnote will generate an ID (ten digit, Base58, all caps).
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, this event was created.
id: ID!
The ID of the FinancialAccount
that has changed status.
accountName: String
The name of this FinancialAccount
externalId: String
Externally provided ID (255 character limit) that can be used to refer to the issued payment card's' financial account. This ID is unique per organization and tenant. If not provided, Highnote will generate an ID (ten digit, Base58, all caps).
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, this event was created.
id: ID!
The ID of the FinancialAccount
that has changed status.
accountName: String
The name of this FinancialAccount
externalId: String
Externally provided ID (255 character limit) that can be used to refer to the issued payment card's' financial account. This ID is unique per organization and tenant. If not provided, Highnote will generate an ID (ten digit, Base58, all caps).
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, this event was created.
id: ID!
The ID of the FinancialAccount
that has changed status.
accountName: String
The name of this FinancialAccount
externalId: String
Externally provided ID (255 character limit) that can be used to refer to the issued payment card's' financial account. This ID is unique per organization and tenant. If not provided, Highnote will generate an ID (ten digit, Base58, all caps).
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, this event was created.
yearToDateAccumulatedInterestDebit: Amount
The interest debit balance that has accumulated year to date, across all balance types.
yearToDateAccumulatedInterestCredit: Amount
The interest credit balance that has accumulated year to date, across all balance types.
yearToDateAccumulatedFeesDebit: Amount
The fee debit balance that has accumulated year to date, across all balance types.
yearToDateAccumulatedFeesCredit: Amount
The fee credit balance that has accumulated year to date, across all balance types.
enabled: Boolean
Whether or not the feature is enabled for the Financial Account.
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the feature was created.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the feature was last updated.
effectiveFrom: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the feature was effective from.
effectiveThrough: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the feature was effective through.
companyEntryDescription: String
Company entered value for the type of ACH.
individualName: String
Receiver’s individual name set by the bank initiating the ACH entry.
This could be a person or a business.
individualIdentificationNumber: String
Receiver’s identification number set by the bank initiating the ACH entry.
id: ID!
The ID of the transaction event. This id
can be used to later retrieve details of this AchExternallyInitatedDepositFailedEvent
or correlate it with other events on this Transaction
transactionId: ID
The ID of the Electronic Funds Transfer that trigger this event.
amount: Amount
The amount of the transfer.
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the transfer was created.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the transfer was last updated.
financialAccountId: ID
The ID of the financial account receiving funds.
companyName: String
he name of the company that initiated the ACH transfer.
companyIdentifier: String
The Company Identifier is a 10-position alphameric code used to identify an Originator of the ACH transaction. It may begin with an ANSI one-digit Identification Code Designator (ICD), followed by the Identification Number.
Identification Code Designator (ICD) | ANSI Identification Number | Example |
IRS Employer Identification Number (EIN) | 1 | 1234567890 for an Originator with 234567890 EIN |
Data Universal Numbering Systems (DUNS) | 3 | 30008016958 for an Originator with 0008016958 DUNS |
User Assigned Number | 9 | 9111111111 for an Originator with 111111111 under assigned Identification Number |
companyEntryDescription: String
Company entered value for the type of ACH.
settlementDate: String
The settlement date as specified by the company that initiated the ACH transfer, ISO 8601 format.
externallyInitatedDepositACHReasonCode: ExternallyInitiatedACHStatusReasonCode
Additional details about why an AchExternallyInitatedDeposit failed.
transferStatus: ACHTransferStatusDetails
The status of the ACH transfer.
use externallyInitatedDepositACHReasonCode instead
id: ID!
The ID of the transaction event. This id
can be used to later retrieve details of this AchExternallyInitatedDepositProcessedEvent
or correlate it with other events on this Transaction
transactionId: ID
The ID of the Electronic Funds Transfer that trigger this event.
amount: Amount
The amount of the transfer.
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the transfer was created.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the transfer was last updated.
financialAccountId: ID
The ID of the financial account receiving funds.
companyName: String
he name of the company that initiated the ACH transfer.
companyIdentifier: String
The Company Identifier is a 10-position alphameric code used to identify an Originator of the ACH transaction. It may begin with an ANSI one-digit Identification Code Designator (ICD), followed by the Identification Number.
Identification Code Designator (ICD) | ANSI Identification Number | Example |
IRS Employer Identification Number (EIN) | 1 | 1234567890 for an Originator with 234567890 EIN |
Data Universal Numbering Systems (DUNS) | 3 | 30008016958 for an Originator with 0008016958 DUNS |
User Assigned Number | 9 | 9111111111 for an Originator with 111111111 under assigned Identification Number |
companyEntryDescription: String
Company entered value for the type of ACH.
settlementDate: String
The settlement date as specified by the company that initiated the ACH transfer, ISO 8601 format.
transferStatus: ACHTransferStatusDetails
The status of the ACH transfer.
transfer status only needed for failed or returned events
id: ID!
The ID of the transaction event. This id
can be used to later retrieve details of this AchExternallyInitatedDepositReceivedEvent
or correlate it with other events on this Transaction
transactionId: ID
The ID of the Electronic Funds Transfer that trigger this event.
amount: Amount
The amount of the transfer.
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the transfer was created.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the transfer was last updated.
financialAccountId: ID
The ID of the financial account receiving funds.
companyName: String
he name of the company that initiated the ACH transfer.
companyIdentifier: String
The Company Identifier is a 10-position alphameric code used to identify an Originator of the ACH transaction. It may begin with an ANSI one-digit Identification Code Designator (ICD), followed by the Identification Number.
Identification Code Designator (ICD) | ANSI Identification Number | Example |
IRS Employer Identification Number (EIN) | 1 | 1234567890 for an Originator with 234567890 EIN |
Data Universal Numbering Systems (DUNS) | 3 | 30008016958 for an Originator with 0008016958 DUNS |
User Assigned Number | 9 | 9111111111 for an Originator with 111111111 under assigned Identification Number |
companyEntryDescription: String
Company entered value for the type of ACH.
settlementDate: String
The settlement date as specified by the company that initiated the ACH transfer, ISO 8601 format.
transferStatus: ACHTransferStatusDetails
The status of the ACH transfer.
transfer status only needed for failed or returned events
id: ID!
The ID of the transaction event. This id
can be used to later retrieve details of this AchExternallyWithdrawalDepositFailedEvent
or correlate it with other events on this Transaction
transactionId: ID
The ID of the Electronic Funds Transfer that trigger this event.
amount: Amount
The amount of the transfer.
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the transfer was created.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the transfer was last updated.
financialAccountId: ID
The ID of the Financial account that is the source of the funds.
companyName: String
he name of the company that initiated the ACH transfer.
companyIdentifier: String
The Company Identifier is a 10-position alphameric code used to identify an Originator of the ACH transaction. It may begin with an ANSI one-digit Identification Code Designator (ICD), followed by the Identification Number.
Identification Code Designator (ICD) | ANSI Identification Number | Example |
IRS Employer Identification Number (EIN) | 1 | 1234567890 for an Originator with 234567890 EIN |
Data Universal Numbering Systems (DUNS) | 3 | 30008016958 for an Originator with 0008016958 DUNS |
User Assigned Number | 9 | 9111111111 for an Originator with 111111111 under assigned Identification Number |
companyEntryDescription: String
Company entered value for the type of ACH.
settlementDate: String
The settlement date as specified by the company that initiated the ACH transfer, ISO 8601 format.
externallyInitiatedWithdrawalACHReasonCode: ExternallyInitiatedACHStatusReasonCode
Additional details about why an AchExternallyInitiatedWithdrawal failed.
transferStatus: ACHTransferStatusDetails
The status of the ACH transfer.
use ExternallyInitiatedWithdrawalAchReasonCode instead
id: ID!
The ID of the transaction event. This id
can be used to later retrieve details of this AchExternallyInitiatedWithdrawalProcessedEvent
or correlate it with other events on this Transaction
transactionId: ID
The ID of the Electronic Funds Transfer that trigger this event.
amount: Amount
The amount of the transfer.
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the transfer was created.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the transfer was last updated.
financialAccountId: ID
The ID of the Financial account that is the source of the funds.
companyName: String
he name of the company that initiated the ACH transfer.
companyIdentifier: String
The Company Identifier is a 10-position alphameric code used to identify an Originator of the ACH transaction. It may begin with an ANSI one-digit Identification Code Designator (ICD), followed by the Identification Number.
Identification Code Designator (ICD) | ANSI Identification Number | Example |
IRS Employer Identification Number (EIN) | 1 | 1234567890 for an Originator with 234567890 EIN |
Data Universal Numbering Systems (DUNS) | 3 | 30008016958 for an Originator with 0008016958 DUNS |
User Assigned Number | 9 | 9111111111 for an Originator with 111111111 under assigned Identification Number |
companyEntryDescription: String
Company entered value for the type of ACH.
settlementDate: String
The settlement date as specified by the company that initiated the ACH transfer, ISO 8601 format.
transferStatus: ACHTransferStatusDetails
The status of the ACH transfer.
transfer status only needed for failed or returned events
id: ID!
The ID of the transaction event. This id
can be used to later retrieve details of this AchExternallyInitiatedWithdrawalReceivedEvent
or correlate it with other events on this Transaction
transactionId: ID
The ID of the Electronic Funds Transfer that trigger this event.
amount: Amount
The amount of the transfer.
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the transfer was created.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the transfer was last updated.
financialAccountId: ID
The ID of the Financial account that is the source of the funds.
companyName: String
he name of the company that initiated the ACH transfer.
companyIdentifier: String
The Company Identifier is a 10-position alphameric code used to identify an Originator of the ACH transaction. It may begin with an ANSI one-digit Identification Code Designator (ICD), followed by the Identification Number.
Identification Code Designator (ICD) | ANSI Identification Number | Example |
IRS Employer Identification Number (EIN) | 1 | 1234567890 for an Originator with 234567890 EIN |
Data Universal Numbering Systems (DUNS) | 3 | 30008016958 for an Originator with 0008016958 DUNS |
User Assigned Number | 9 | 9111111111 for an Originator with 111111111 under assigned Identification Number |
companyEntryDescription: String
Company entered value for the type of ACH.
settlementDate: String
The settlement date as specified by the company that initiated the ACH transfer, ISO 8601 format.
transferStatus: ACHTransferStatusDetails
The status of the ACH transfer.
transfer status only needed for failed or returned events
id: ID!
The global ID to reference the AchHoldAddedEvent
transactionId: ID
The ID of the ACH Transaction related to this event.
fromStatus: AchHoldStatus
The previous hold status.
holdType: AchHoldType
The hold type.
sourceAccountId: ID
The account that the money is going out of. Will not exist for non-originating credit transactions.
receivingAccountId: ID
The account that the money is going to. Will not exist for non-originating debit transactions.
companyName: String
The company name.
companyIdentifier: String
The company identifier.
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the ach transaction was created.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the ach transaction was last updated.
id: ID!
The global ID to reference the AchHoldRemovedEvent
transactionId: ID
The ID of the ACH Transaction related to this event.
fromStatus: AchHoldStatus
The previous hold status.
holdType: AchHoldType
The hold type.
sourceAccountId: ID
The account that the money is going out of. Will not exist for non-originating credit transactions.
receivingAccountId: ID
The account that the money is going to. Will not exist for non-originating debit transactions.
companyName: String
The company name.
companyIdentifier: String
The company identifier.
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the ach transaction was created.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the ach transaction was last updated.
pageInfo: PageInfo!
Information about the current page.
ACHTransactionConnection is deprecated in favor of IntegratorInitiatedACHTransferConnection and/or ExternallyInitiatedACHTransferConnection.
edges: [ACHTransactionEdge!]
A list of edges.
ACHTransactionConnection is deprecated in favor of IntegratorInitiatedACHTransferConnection and/or ExternallyInitiatedACHTransferConnection.
cursor: String!
The cursor for this edge for use in pagination.
ACHTransactionEdge is deprecated in favor of IntegratorInitiatedACHTransferEdge and/or ExternallyInitiatedACHTransferEdge.
node: ACHTransactionEdgeNode
The ACH Transaction.
ACHTransactionEdge is deprecated in favor of IntegratorInitiatedACHTransferEdge and/or ExternallyInitiatedACHTransferEdge.
id: ID!
Uniquely identifies the AchTransferHoldAddedEvent
fromHoldStatus: AchHoldStatus
The previous hold status.
fromHoldType: AchHoldType
The previous hold type.
holdStatusAddedAt: String
The date the transfer hold was added by Highnote, in ISO 8601 format, e.g. 2024-01-01T00:00:00.000Z.
transfer: AchTransfer!
Detains about the ACH transfer that had a hold added by Highnote.
id: ID!
Uniquely identifies the AchTransferHoldRemovedEvent
fromHoldStatus: AchHoldStatus
The previous hold status.
fromHoldType: AchHoldType
The previous hold type.
holdStatusRemovedAt: String
The date the transfer hold was removed by Highnote, in ISO 8601 format, e.g. 2024-01-01T00:00:00.000Z.
transfer: AchTransfer!
Detains about the ACH transfer that had a hold removed by Highnote.
streetAddress: String
The number and street of the address.
extendedAddress: String
Additional data about the address, e.g. apartment or unit numbers.
postalCode: String
The postal code of the address.
region: String
A region for the address.
locality: String
The locality of the address (e.g. town, city)
countryCodeAlpha3: String
The three letter country code where the address resides.
componentsMissing: [AddressComponent!]
List of address components that are missing.
provided: Address
The address as provided to validateAddress
componentsInvalid: [AddressComponent!]
List of address components that are invalid.
provided: Address
The address as provided to validateAddress
token: ValidatedAddressToken
The validated address token.
componentsChanged: [AddressComponent!]
List of address components that were changed.
token: ValidatedAddressToken
The validated address token.
outcome: AddressValidationOutcome
Outcome of the address validation.
id: ID!
ID of the Organization
tenantId: ID!
ID of the Tenant
profile: OrganizationProfile!
Details of the Organization
businessDetail: BusinessDetail
Detailed information about the organization
code: AdverseActionCode
The reason why the application was denied.
description: String
A human friendly description for the code
responseCode: TransactionAdviceEventResponseCode
The provided response code provided by advice message.
Monetary amount where the currency is used to express the expectations for the number of decimal places. See ISO Standard Currency Codes for more information.
value: UnsignedInt
Value of the amount as an integer. The number of decimal places varies by currency so the value will be an integer accounting for the minor units.
For example, a US dollar value of $10.99 will be returned as 1099
. A US dollar value of $10 will be returned as 1000
Currencies with zero decimal places (such as JPY
) or those with more than 2 (such as JOD
) will be returned as 1099
and 10990
Currency | Value |
USD | 1099 |
JPY | 1099 |
JOD | 10990 |
decimalPlaces: UnsignedInt
The number of decimal places for this Amount
. This value is used to determine the decimal place for the value
This value will always be at least the number of decimal places for the currencyCode
A value of 1099
, a currencyCode of USD
, and a decimalPlaces of 2
as a string representation would be $10.99.
A value of 1099
, a currencyCode of USD
, and a decimalPlaces of 3
as a string representation would be $1.099.
value: AmountFeeConditionValue
The amount value against which amount in account holder activity is compared.
operator: FeeChargeOperator
The fee charge condition comparison operator.
id: ID!
Global ID used to reference the AmountLimitCheckRule
in operations.
name: String
The name assigned to the rule.
maximumAmount: Amount
The maximum amount to allow for a check.
version: String
The current version of the rule. Specific versions can be attached and detached from card products and payment cards.
revisions: CheckRuleConnection
The list of revisions for this check rule.
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the rule was created.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the rule was last updated.
id: ID!
Global ID used to reference the AmountLimitInterFinancialAccountTransferRule
in operations.
name: String
The name assigned to the rule.
maximumAmount: Amount
The maximum amount to allow for an inter financial account transfer.
version: String
The current version of the rule. Specific versions can be attached and detached from card products and payment cards.
interFinancialAccountTransferAccountType: InterFinancialAccountTransferAccountType
Indicates the account type to monitor.
revisions: InterFinancialAccountTransferRuleConnection
The list of revisions for this transfer rule.
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the transfer rule was created.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the transfer rule was last updated.
status: InterFinancialAccountTransferRuleResultStatus
A status representing the result of the rule’s evaluation.
message: String
A message describing the result.
interFinancialAccountTransferRule: AmountLimitInterFinancialAccountTransferRule
Amount limit inter financial account transfer rule
id: ID!
Global ID used to reference the Merchant Category Spend Rule in operations.
name: String
The name assigned to the rule.
maximumAmount: Amount
The maximum amount to allow for a single authorization.
version: String
The current version of the rule. Specific versions can be attached and detached from card products and payment cards.
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the spend rule was created.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the spend rule was last updated.
revisions: SpendRuleConnection
The list of revisions for this spend rule.
recommendation: SpendRuleRecommendation
The recommendation to ALLOW
an event based on the result of the rule.
message: String
A message describing the result.
valuesTested: [Amount!]
The tested amounts of the event.
spendRule: AmountLimitSpendRule
The spend rule attached at the time of the event.
attachedLevel: AttachedLevel
The attached level.
id: ID!
Global ID
name: String
Name given to the API Key.
key: String
Non-redacted, secret value. Will only be present after the initial call to create the API Key.
redactedKey: String
Redacted, or masked, secret value.
revokedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the API Key was revoked.
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the API Key was created.
name: String
The name of the ATM.
description: String
A description representing details about the ATM.
logo: ATMLocationLogoDetails
Details about the ATM location logo.
features: [ATMLocationFeature!]
Features available at the ATM.
address: Address
The physical address of the ATM.
coordinates: Coordinates
The coordinates of the ATM.
distance: Distance
The relative distance of the ATM.
brand: ATMLocationBrand
The brand of the ATM location.
atmLocations: [ATMLocation!]
A list of ATM locations.
id: ID!
The ID of the transaction event.
responseCode: TransactionEventResponseCode
The Highnote response code
transaction: Transaction
The Transaction for this event.
avsResponseCode: AVSResponseCode
Code representing the result of an address verification check
postalCodeResponseCode: PostalCodeResponseCode
Code representing the result of postal code verification check
cvvResponseCode: CVVResponseCode
Code representing the result of CVV (security code) verification check
networkResponseCode: String
The response code from the card network (e.g. Mastercard).
Use responseCode instead
networkTransactionId: ID
The transaction ID from the card network (e.g. Mastercard).
No longer supported
approvedAmount: Amount
The amount approved for this AuthorizationAndClearEvent
requestedAmount: Amount
The amount requested to be approved for this AuthorizationAndClearEvent
originalAmount: Amount
The original amount of the AuthorizationAndClearEvent
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, this AuthorizationAndClearEvent
was created.
paymentCard: PaymentCard
The PaymentCard
associated to this AuthorizationAndClearEvent
cardProduct: CardProduct
The CardProduct
associated to this AuthorizationAndClearEvent
merchantDetails: MerchantDetails
The details about the merchant who requested the authorization and clear.
collaborativeAuthorizationDetails: CollaborativeAuthorizationDetails
Details if transaction supported collaborative auth
spendRuleResults: SpendRuleResultConnection
The triggered spend rules and the results for the authorization and clear.
accountHolderId: ID
ID of the account holder for the card account
currentFinancialAccountAvailableToSpendAmount: Amount
Amount available to spend after this transaction event
currentFinancialAccountMaximumBalanceAmount: Amount
Maximum balance allowed for the card account at the time of this transaction event
transactionProcessingType: CardTransactionProcessingType
Represents the customer transaction type being processed.
pointOfServiceDetails: PointOfServiceDetails
The Point Of Service Details.
additionalNetworkData: AdditionalNetworkData
Network specific transaction data.
disputes: [PaymentCardTransactionDispute!]
Disputes on this AuthorizationAndClearEvent
partial: Boolean
Determines whether this authorization and clear was approved for partial or full amount.
paymentCardSnapshot: PaymentCardSnapshot
A snapshot of the PaymentCard
at the time of the AuthorizationAndClearEvent
advice: Boolean
Determines whether this event is an advice.
adviceDetail: AdviceDetail
Details if event is an advice.
id: ID!
The ID of the transaction event. This id
can be used to later retrieve details of this AuthorizationEvent
or correlate it with other events on this Transaction
transaction: Transaction
The Transaction for this event.
responseCode: TransactionEventResponseCode
The Highnote response code
avsResponseCode: AVSResponseCode
Code representing the result of an address verification check
postalCodeResponseCode: PostalCodeResponseCode
Code representing the result of postal code verification check
cvvResponseCode: CVVResponseCode
Code representing the result of CVV (security code) verification check
networkResponseCode: String
The response code from the card network (e.g. Mastercard).
Use responseCode instead
networkTransactionId: ID
The transaction ID from the card network (e.g. Mastercard).
No longer supported
approvedAmount: Amount
The amount approved for this AuthorizationEvent
requestedAmount: Amount
The amount requested to be approved for this AuthorizationEvent
originalAmount: Amount
The original amount of this AuthorizationEvent
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, this AuthorizationEvent
was created.
paymentCard: PaymentCard
The PaymentCard
associated to this AuthorizationEvent
cardProduct: CardProduct
The CardProduct
associated to this AuthorizationEvent
merchantDetails: MerchantDetails
The details about the merchant who requested the authorization.
collaborativeAuthorizationDetails: CollaborativeAuthorizationDetails
Details if transaction supported collaborative auth
authorizationExpiration: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the authorization will expire.
spendRuleResults: SpendRuleResultConnection
The triggered spend rules and the results for the authorization.
currentFinancialAccountAvailableToSpendAmount: Amount
Amount available to spend after this transaction event
currentFinancialAccountMaximumBalanceAmount: Amount
Maximum balance allowed for the card account at the time of this transaction event
transactionProcessingType: CardTransactionProcessingType
Represents the customer transaction type being processed.
pointOfServiceDetails: PointOfServiceDetails
The Point Of Service Details.
additionalNetworkData: AdditionalNetworkData
Network specific transaction data.
partial: Boolean
Determines whether this authorization was approved for partial or full amount.
paymentCardSnapshot: PaymentCardSnapshot
A snapshot of the PaymentCard
at the time of the AuthorizationEvent
additionalTransactionData: [AdditionalTransactionData!]
Additional transaction data for this transaction
advice: Boolean
Determines whether this event is an advice.
adviceDetail: AdviceDetail
Details if event is an advice.
status: AuthorizedUserApplicationStatusCode!
Status of application.
id: ID!
Global ID used to reference the application in operations.
applicationState: AuthorizedUserApplicationState
The current state of the application.
adverseActionReasons: [AdverseActionReason!]
A prioritized list of Adverse Action Reasons explaining the Application Deal.
applicationDenialReason: ApplicationDenialReason
The Denial Reason for an Application
authorizedUserSnapshot: AuthorizedUserSnapshot
The authorized user's data at the time of application.
accountHolderCardProductApplication: AccountHolderCardProductApplication
The linked Account Holder Application to which authorized user is applying.
financialAccount: FinancialAccount
The Financial Account to which the account holder is applying.
applicationHistory: AuthorizedUserCardProductApplicationSnapshotConnection
Past states of the application
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the application was created.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the application was last updated.
pageInfo: PageInfo!
Information about the current page.
edges: [AuthorizedUserCardProductApplicationEdge!]
A list of edges.
cursor: String!
The cursor for this edge for use in pagination.
node: AuthorizedUserCardProductApplication
The account holder card product application.
applicationState: AuthorizedUserApplicationState!
The current state of the application.
adverseActionReasons: [AdverseActionReason!]
A list of Adverse Action Reasons explaining the Application Denial.
authorizedUserSnapshot: AuthorizedUserSnapshot
The authorized user's data at the time of application.
accountHolderCardProductApplication: AccountHolderCardProductApplication
The linked Account Holder Application to which authorized user is applying.
financialAccount: FinancialAccount
The Financial Account to which the account holder is applying.
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the application was created.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the application was last updated.
pageInfo: PageInfo!
Information about the current page.
edges: [AuthorizedUserCardProductApplicationSnapshotEdge]
A list of edges.
cursor: String!
The cursor for this edge for use in pagination.
node: AuthorizedUserCardProductApplicationSnapshot
The Authorized User Card Product Application Snapshot.
enabled: Boolean
Whether or not the feature is enabled for the CardProduct
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the feature was created.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the feature was last updated.
effectiveFrom: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the feature was effective from.
effectiveThrough: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the feature was effective through.
pageInfo: PageInfo!
Information about the current page.
edges: [AuthorizedUserEdge!]
A list of edges.
cursor: String!
The cursor for this edge for use in pagination.
node: USPersonAuthorizedUser
The Authorized User.
id: ID!
The ID of the transaction event.
responseCode: TransactionEventResponseCode
The Highnote response code
transaction: Transaction
The Transaction for this event.
networkResponseCode: String
The response code from the card network (e.g. Mastercard).
Use responseCode instead
avsResponseCode: AVSResponseCode
Code representing the result of an address verification check
postalCodeResponseCode: PostalCodeResponseCode
Code representing the result of postal code verification check
cvvResponseCode: CVVResponseCode
Code representing the result of CVV (security code) verification check
networkTransactionId: ID
The transaction ID from the card network (e.g. Mastercard).
No longer supported
approvedAmount: Amount
The amount approved for this BalanceInquiryEvent
requestedAmount: Amount
The amount requested to be approved for this BalanceInquiryEvent
originalAmount: Amount
The original amount of the BalanceInquiryEvent
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, this BalanceInquiryEvent
was created.
paymentCard: PaymentCard
The PaymentCard
associated to this BalanceInquiryEvent
cardProduct: CardProduct
The CardProduct
associated to this BalanceInquiryEvent
merchantDetails: MerchantDetails
The details about the merchant who requested the balance inquiry.
spendRuleResults: SpendRuleResultConnection
The triggered spend rules and the results for the balance inquiry.
currentFinancialAccountAvailableToSpendAmount: Amount
Amount available to spend after this transaction event
currentFinancialAccountMaximumBalanceAmount: Amount
Maximum balance allowed for the card account at the time of this transaction event
transactionProcessingType: CardTransactionProcessingType
Represents the customer transaction type being processed.
pointOfServiceDetails: PointOfServiceDetails
The Point Of Service Details.
additionalNetworkData: AdditionalNetworkData
Network specific transaction data.
paymentCardSnapshot: PaymentCardSnapshot
A snapshot of the PaymentCard
at the time of the BalanceInquiryEvent
currentCycleState: CurrentFinancialAccountDelinquencyState
The delinquency state of this FinancialAccount
for this cycle, as of now. Can be CURRENT, DELINQUENT, or CLOSING.
statement: FinancialAccountStatement
The statement for this BillingCycle
totalDaysDelinquent: UnsignedInt
If the BillingCycle
has a terminal state of DELINQUENT or CLOSING, the number of days since the delinquency started. If the BillingCycle
has a terminal state of CURRENT, this value is 0.
amountDelinquent: Amount
The amount delinquent, including any interest or fees, at the close of this cycle.
stateTransitionHistory: [DelinquencyStateTransition]
A list of DelinquencyStateTransition
s that overlap with this BillingCycle
repayments: [CreditRepaymentStatementApplication!]
A list of repayments applied to this billing cycle. Please note that only the first 20 repayments for a cycle will be returned.
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, this was created.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, this was updated.
id: ID!
Global Id used to reference this billing configuration.
billingCycleStartDayOfMonth: Int
Billing cycle start day of the month. The billing cycle starts the day the Financial Account is created.
The billingCycleStartDayOfMonth
range is between 1 and 31.
from: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, from which the billing cycle configuration is valid.
through: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, through which the billing cycle configuration is valid.
pageInfo: PageInfo!
Information about the current page.
edges: [BillingCycleEdge!]
A list of edges.
cursor: String!
The cursor for this edge for use in pagination.
node: BillingCycle
The BillingCycle
businessAccountHolder: USBusinessAccountHolder
The USBusinessAccountHolder
for which documents have been requested.
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, this event was created.
documentUploadSession: IdentityVerificationDocumentUploadSession
The IdentityVerificationDocumentUploadSession
created for the requested documents.
reason: IdentityVerificationDocumentRequestReason
The reason identity verification documents are being requested.
businessAccountHolder: USBusinessAccountHolder
The USBusinessAccountHolder
which was updated.
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, this event was created.
updateTypes: [BusinessAccountHolderIdentityUpdateType!]
The type of each update made, indicating which fields were modified on the USBusinessAccountHolder
businessAuthorizedPerson: USBusinessAuthorizedPerson
The USBusinessAuthorizedPerson
for which documents have been requested.
businessAccountHolder: USBusinessAccountHolder
The USBusinessAccountHolder
to which the USBusinessAuthorizedPerson
is associated.
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, this event was created.
documentUploadSession: IdentityVerificationDocumentUploadSession
The IdentityVerificationDocumentUploadSession
created for the requested documents.
reason: IdentityVerificationDocumentRequestReason
The reason identity verification documents are being requested.
businessAuthorizedPerson: USBusinessAuthorizedPerson
The USBusinessAuthorizedPerson
which was updated.
businessAccountHolder: USBusinessAccountHolder
The USBusinessAccountHolder
for which the USBusinessAuthorizedPerson
was updated.
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, this event was created.
updateTypes: [BusinessAssociatedPersonIdentityUpdateType!]
The type of each update made, indicating which fields were modified on the USBusinessAuthorizedPerson
annualRevenue: [Amount]
Annual revenue expressed as an Amount.
primaryAuthorizedPerson: AuthorizedPerson
The details of the person authorized to act on behalf of business.
businessProfile: BusinessProfile
Information about the business.
isPubliclyTradedOrGovernmentEntity: Boolean!
Whether the business is publicly traded or a government entity. If set to true, then ultimate beneficial owner information is not required.
hasOwnerWithMoreThan25PercentStake: Boolean!
Whether the business has an owner with more than 25% stake in the business.
owners: [OnboardingBusinessAuthorizedPerson!]
Ultimate beneficial owners for the business, owning 25% or more of the business.
stepStatus: OnboardingApplicationStepStatus
The status of ownership information being collected
annualVolumes: [BusinessPlanReportedAmount!]
Gross annual revenues per reported year.
largestTickets: [BusinessPlanReportedAmount!]
Largest anticipated sales per reported year.
averageTickets: [BusinessPlanReportedAmount!]
Average anticipated sales per reported year.
largestMonthlyVolumes: [BusinessPlanReportedAmount!]
Largest monthly volumes per reported year.
interactionMethods: [BusinessCustomerInteractionMethod!]
The different points of interaction the business has with their customers.
employeeCounts: [BusinessPlanReportedValue!]
Reported Employee Count
operatingModels: [BusinessPlanOperatingModel!]
Reported Business Operating Models
customerSupportContactInformation: BusinessPlanCustomerSupportContactInformation
Details on the business' customer support contact information
type: BusinessPlanOperatingModelType
The business plan operating model.
reportedAsOperatingModel: Boolean
Indicates whether the BusinessPlanOperatingModelType
is a reported operating model.
operatingModelDetails: [BusinessPlanOperatingModelDetail!]
Details of the BusinessPlanOperatingModelType
minimumDays: UnsignedInt
Minimum possible days for the forward commitment
maximumDays: UnsignedInt
Maximum possible days for the forward commitment
goodsAndServicesProvided: [BusinessPlanOperatingGoodsAndServiceCategory!]
The list of products and/or services sold to your customers.
seasonalRanges: [BusinessPlanOperatingModelSeasonalMonthlyRange!]
A collection of seasonal ranges describing the business operations.
peakMonths: [Month!]
Highest grossing month(s) for the business.
value: UnsignedInt
A value, represented as an Unsigned Integer
reportedOn: Date
The close-out date of the preceding fiscal year in ISO 8601 format.
Format: YYYY-MM-DD
businessUltimateBeneficialOwner: USBusinessUltimateBeneficialOwner
The USBusinessUltimateBeneficialOwner
for which documents have been requested.
businessAccountHolder: USBusinessAccountHolder
The USBusinessAccountHolder
to which the USBusinessUltimateBeneficialOwner
is associated.
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, this event was created.
documentUploadSession: IdentityVerificationDocumentUploadSession
The IdentityVerificationDocumentUploadSession
created for the requested documents.
reason: IdentityVerificationDocumentRequestReason
The reason identity verification documents are being requested.
businessUltimateBeneficialOwner: USBusinessUltimateBeneficialOwner
The USBusinessUltimateBeneficialOwner
which was updated.
businessAccountHolder: USBusinessAccountHolder
The USBusinessAccountHolder
for which a USBusinessUltimateBeneficialOwner
was updated.
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, this event was created.
updateTypes: [BusinessAssociatedPersonIdentityUpdateType!]
The type of each update made, indicating which fields were modified on the USBusinessUltimateBeneficialOwner
cardPresent: UnsignedInt!
The percentage of transactions that are card-present
moto: UnsignedInt!
The percentage of transactions in which card information is provided over the phone or through mail
eCommerce: UnsignedInt!
The percentage of transactions that are card-not-present
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, this document upload link
was created.
documentType: CardArtDocumentType
The document type that was uploaded
documentUploadSession: CardProfileDocumentUploadSession
The session which associates all of the files uploaded using the secure upload link
id: ID!
Global ID used to reference the secure upload link
status: DocumentUploadLinkStatusCode
The status of the upload
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, this document upload link
was last updated.
uploadUrl: String
A url to be used to upload the contents of the document.
** Note: ** The maximum file size is 10 MB
downloadUrl: String
a url to be used to download the contents of the document.
amount: Amount
The amount for this PaymentTransaction
status: PaymentTransactionLifecycleStepStatus
The current status for this step.
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, this object was created.
events: [PaymentTransactionEvent!]
Events associated with this event.
transaction: PaymentTransaction
The PaymentTransaction
associated with this event.
amount: Amount
The amount for this PaymentTransaction
status: PaymentTransactionLifecycleStepStatus
The current status for this step.
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, this object was created.
events: [PaymentTransactionEvent!]
Events associated with this event.
transaction: PaymentTransaction
The PaymentTransaction
associated with this event.
amount: Amount
The amount for this PaymentTransaction
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, this object was created.
transaction: PaymentDebitTransactionSummary
The PaymentTransactionSummary
associated with this event.
status: PaymentTransactionLifecycleStepStatus
The current status for this step.
Use `CardAuthorizationStep` instead.
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, this object was created.
Use `CardAuthorizationStep` instead.
events: [PaymentTransactionEvent!]
Events associated with this event.
Use `CardAuthorizationStep` instead.
transaction: PaymentTransaction
The PaymentTransaction
associated with this event.
Use `CardAuthorizationStep` instead.
status: PaymentTransactionLifecycleStepStatus
The current status for this step.
Use `CardCaptureStep` instead.
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, this object was created.
Use `CardCaptureStep` instead.
events: [PaymentTransactionEvent!]
Events associated with this event.
Use `CardCaptureStep` instead.
transaction: PaymentTransaction
The PaymentTransaction
associated with this event.
Use `CardCaptureStep` instead.
amount: Amount
The amount for this PaymentTransaction
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, this object was created.
transaction: PaymentDebitTransactionSummary
The PaymentTransactionSummary
associated with this event.
order: PaymentOrder
The PaymentOrder
associated with this PaymentTransaction
amount: Amount
The amount for this PaymentTransaction
status: PaymentTransactionLifecycleStepStatus
The current status for this step.
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, this object was created.
events: [PaymentTransactionEvent!]
Events associated with this event.
transaction: PaymentTransaction
The PaymentTransaction
associated with this event.
amount: Amount
The amount for this PaymentTransaction
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, this object was created.
transaction: PaymentDebitTransactionSummary
The PaymentTransactionSummary
associated with this event.
status: PaymentTransactionLifecycleStepStatus
The current status for this step.
Use `CardCreditStep` instead.
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, this object was created.
Use `CardCreditStep` instead.
events: [PaymentTransactionEvent!]
Events associated with this event.
Use `CardCreditStep` instead.
transaction: PaymentTransaction
The PaymentTransaction
associated with this event.
Use `CardCreditStep` instead.
amount: Amount
The amount for this PaymentTransaction
status: PaymentTransactionLifecycleStepStatus
The current status for this step.
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, this object was created.
events: [PaymentTransactionEvent!]
Events associated with this event.
transaction: PaymentTransaction
The PaymentTransaction
associated with this event.
amount: Amount
The amount for this PaymentTransaction
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, this object was created.
transaction: PaymentCreditTransactionSummary
The PaymentTransactionSummary
associated with this event.
id: ID!
Global ID used to reference the CardDataInputCapabilitySpendRule
in operations.
name: String
The name assigned to the rule.
allowed: [CardDataInputCapability!]
The CardDataInputCapability
types that will be allowed during authorizations.
blocked: [CardDataInputCapability!]
The CardDataInputCapability
types that will result in declined authorizations.
version: String
The current version of the rule. Specific versions can be attached and detached from card products and payment cards.
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the spend rule was created.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the spend rule was last updated.
revisions: SpendRuleConnection
The list of revisions for this spend rule.
recommendation: SpendRuleRecommendation
The recommendation to ALLOW
an event based on the result of the rule.
message: String
A message describing the result.
valuesTested: [CardDataInputCapability!]
The tested CardDataInputCapability
of the event.
spendRule: CardDataInputCapabilitySpendRule
The spend rule attached at the time of the event.
attachedLevel: AttachedLevel
The attached level.
id: ID!
Global ID used to reference the Digital Wallet Token in operations.
status: CardDigitalWalletTokenState
The current status of the Digital Wallet Token.
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the Digital Wallet Token was created.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the Digital Wallet Token was last updated.
requesterName: String
The name of the requester the Digital Wallet Token was created for.
cardDigitalWalletTokenStateTransitions: CardDigitalWalletTokenStateTransitionConnection
Paginated list of card digital wallet token state transitions associated to a token.
paymentCard: PaymentCard
The PaymentCard
that is associated to the CardDigitalWalletToken
id: ID!
The ID used to reference the CardDigitalWalletToken
in operations.
paymentCardId: ID
Payment card ID for which token was issued.
tokenStatus: DigitalWalletTokenStatus
The current status of the CardDigitalWalletToken
tokenPreviousStatus: DigitalWalletTokenStatus
The previous status of the CardDigitalWalletToken
reason: DigitalWalletTokenStatusChangeReason
The reason for the status change.
pageInfo: PageInfo!
Information about the current page.
edges: [CardDigitalWalletTokenEdge!]
A list of edges.
cursor: String!
The cursor for this edge for use in pagination.
node: CardDigitalWalletToken
The card digital wallet token.
state: CardDigitalWalletTokenState
A state of the card digital wallet token.
reason: CardDigitalWalletTokenStateReason
A reason for the state transition.
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the state transition was created.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the state transition was last updated.
pageInfo: PageInfo!
Information about the current page.
edges: [CardDigitalWalletTokenStateTransitionEdge!]
A list of edges.
cursor: String!
The cursor for this edge for use in pagination.
node: CardDigitalWalletTokenStateTransition
The card digital wallet token state transition.
id: ID!
The ID used to reference the CardDigitalWalletToken
in operations.
paymentCardId: ID
Payment card ID for which token was issued.
tokenStatus: DigitalWalletTokenStatus
The current status of the CardDigitalWalletToken
tokenPreviousStatus: DigitalWalletTokenStatus
The previous status of the CardDigitalWalletToken
reason: DigitalWalletTokenStatusChangeReason
The reason for the status change.
id: ID!
The ID used to reference the CardDigitalWalletToken
in operations.
paymentCardId: ID
Payment card ID for which token was issued.
tokenStatus: DigitalWalletTokenStatus
The current status of the CardDigitalWalletToken
tokenPreviousStatus: DigitalWalletTokenStatus
The previous status of the CardDigitalWalletToken
reason: DigitalWalletTokenStatusChangeReason
The reason for the status change.
enabled: Boolean
Whether or not the feature is enabled for the Financial Account.
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the feature was created.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the feature was last updated.
creditLimit: Amount
The credit limit on the FleetCardAccountFeature
effectiveFrom: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the feature was effective from.
effectiveThrough: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the feature was effective through.
amount: Amount
The amount for this PaymentTransaction
status: PaymentTransactionLifecycleStepStatus
The current status for this step.
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, this object was created.
events: [PaymentTransactionEvent!]
Events associated with this event.
transaction: PaymentTransaction
The PaymentTransaction
associated with this event.
amount: Amount
The amount for this PaymentTransaction
Use `CardIncrementalAuthorizationStep` instead.
status: PaymentTransactionLifecycleStepStatus
The current status for this step.
Use `CardIncrementalAuthorizationStep` instead.
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, this object was created.
Use `CardIncrementalAuthorizationStep` instead.
events: [PaymentTransactionEvent!]
Events associated with this event.
Use `CardIncrementalAuthorizationStep` instead.
transaction: PaymentTransaction
The PaymentTransaction
associated with this event.
Use `CardIncrementalAuthorizationStep` instead.
amount: Amount
The amount effected by the PaymentTransactionEvent
Use `CardPaymentCaptureProcessingEvent` instead.
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, this object was created.
Use `CardPaymentCaptureProcessingEvent` instead.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, this object was updated.
Use `CardPaymentCaptureProcessingEvent` instead.
paymentCardTransactionChargebacks: PaymentCardTransactionChargebackConnection
A paginated list of PaymentCardTransactionChargeback
for this CardProduct
For information on Highnote's Search API, see our Search guide.
after: String
The cursor to start the page.
filterBy: CardProductPaymentCardTransactionChargebacksFilterInput
Filter results to specific PaymentCardTransactionChargeback
id: ID!
Global ID used to reference the Card Product in operations.
name: String
Human-friendly name of the Card Product.
usage: CardUsage
Whether the cards issued for this product are MULTI_USE
vertical: CardProductVertical
The business use case for the Card Product.
commercial: Boolean
Indicates Card Product usage is for commercial purposes.
paymentCards: PaymentCardConnection
The Payment Cards issued to this Card Product.
For information on Highnote's Search API, see our Search guide.
after: String
The cursor to start the page.
filterBy: CardProductPaymentCardsFilterInput
Filter results to specific Payment Cards.
transactionEvents: TransactionEventConnection
A paginated list of Transaction
For information on Highnote's Search API, see our Search guide.
after: String
The cursor to start the page.
filterBy: CardProductTransactionEventsFilterInput
Filter results to specific Transaction Card Events.
attachedSpendRules: SpendRuleConnection
The spend rules attached to this Card Product.
attachedRewardRules: RewardRuleAttachmentConnection
A paginated list of Attached RewardEarnRule
attachedRewardRedemptionConfigurations: RewardRedemptionConfigurationAttachmentConnection
A paginated list of Attached RewardRedemptionConfigs.
cardProductApplications: AccountHolderCardProductApplicationConnection
The Applications for this Card Product.
searchCardProductApplications: SearchCardProductApplicationConnection
Search Applications for this Card Product with a filter.
For information on Highnote's Search API, see our Search guide.
after: String
The cursor to start the page.
filterBy: CardProductApplicationFilterInput
The filter to apply to the search.
financialAccounts: [FinancialAccount!]
The financial account backing this CardProduct.
Use accounts instead.
accounts: FinancialAccountConnection
The financial accounts associated with this CardProduct
For information on Highnote's Search API, see our Search guide.
features: [CardProductFeature!]
The list of features for this CardProduct.
groupOrders: PhysicalCardGroupOrderConnection
The physical card group orders for this CardProduct.
attachedVelocityRules: VelocityRuleConnection
The velocity rules attached to this Card Product.
attachedPlatformSpendRules: SpendRuleConnection
The platform spend rules attached to this CardProduct
These are READ ONLY and cannot be modified.
attachedPlatformVelocityRules: VelocityRuleConnection
The platform velocity rules attached to this CardProduct
These are READ ONLY and cannot be modified.
paymentCardTransactionDisputes: PaymentCardTransactionDisputeConnectionPayload
A paginated list of PaymentCardTransactionDispute
for this CardProduct
after: String
The cursor to start the page.
filterBy: CardProductPaymentCardTransactionDisputesFilterInput
Filter results to specific PaymentCardTransactionDispute
For information on Highnote's Search API, see our Search guide.
integratorACHTransfers: IntegratorInitiatedACHTransferConnection
A paginated list of Integrator Initiated ACH Transfers.
For information on Highnote's Search API, see our Search guide.
after: String
The cursor to start the page.
filterBy: IntegratorInitiatedACHTransferFilterInput
Filter results to specific Integrator Initiated ACH Transfers.
externalACHTransfers: ExternallyInitiatedACHTransferConnection
A paginated list of Externally Initiated ACH Transfers.
For information on Highnote's Search API, see our Search guide.
after: String
The cursor to start the page.
filterBy: ExternallyInitiatedACHTransferFilterInput
Filter results to specific Externally Initiated ACH Transfers.
originatedAchTransfers: OriginatedAchTransferPayload
A paginated list of originated ACH transfers.
For information on Highnote's Search API, see our Search guide.
after: String
The cursor to start the page.
filterBy: OriginatedAchTransferFilterInput
Filter results to specific originated ACH transfers.
nonOriginatedAchTransfers: NonOriginatedAchTransferPayload
A paginated list of non-originated ACH transfers.
For information on Highnote's Search API, see our Search guide.
after: String
The cursor to start the page.
filterBy: NonOriginatedAchTransferFilterInput
Filter results to specific non-originated ACH transfers.
feeSchedules: FeeScheduleConnection
The Fee schedules for this Card Product.
For information on Highnote's Search API, see our Search guide.
after: String
The cursor to start the page.
filterBy: FeeScheduleFilterInput
Filter results to specific fee schedule.
attachedInterFinancialAccountTransferRules: InterFinancialAccountTransferRuleConnectionPayload
The inter financial account transfer rules attached to this Card Product.
attachedVelocityInterFinancialAccountTransferRules: VelocityInterFinancialAccountTransferRuleConnectionPayload
The velocity inter financial account transfer rules belonging to this Organization
interFinancialAccountTransfers: InterFinancialAccountTransferConnection
The InterfinancialAccountTransfers
belonging to this CardProduct
For information on Highnote's Search API, see our Search guide.
after: String
The cursor to start the page.
filterBy: InterFinancialAccountTransferFilterInput
Filter results to specific inter financial account transfers.
creditPlanTemplates: CreditPlanTemplateConnection
A paginated list of CreditPlanTemplate
s available on this CardProduct
after: String
The cursor to start the page.
filterBy: CreditPlanTemplateFilterInput
Filter results to specific CreditPlanTemplates
creditPlans: CreditPlanConnection
A paginated list of CreditPlan
s available on this CardProduct
after: String
The cursor to start the page.
filterBy: CreditPlanFilterInput
Filter results to specific CreditPlan
cardProfileSets: CardProfileSetConnectionPayload
A paginated list of all card profile sets filtered by name, status
For information on Highnote's Search API, see our Search guide.
after: String
The cursor to start the page.
filterBy: FilteredCardProductCardProfileSetsInput
creditConfiguration: CreditCardProductConfiguration
The credit configuration for this CardProduct
sourceTemplateId: String
The ID for the source template that created this CardProduct
timeRange: BusinessMetricTimeRange
An ISO 8601 value (inclusive) for the beginning and end date.
createdApplications: CreatedOrApprovedApplicationBusinessMetricAttribute
The created applications.
approvedApplications: CreatedOrApprovedApplicationBusinessMetricAttribute
The approved applications.
deniedApplications: UnsignedInt
The denied applications.
inReviewApplications: UnsignedInt
The in review applications.
pendingApplications: UnsignedInt
The pending applications.
closedApplications: UnsignedInt
The closed applications.
timeRange: BusinessMetricTimeRange
An ISO 8601 value (inclusive) for the beginning and end date.
asOf: String
Data freshness timestamp of metrics.
cardProductApplicationBusinessMetrics: [CardProductApplicationBusinessMetric!]
Returned list of cardProductApplicationBusinessMetrics.
pageInfo: PageInfo!
Information about the current page.
edges: [CardProductEdge!]
A list of edges.
cursor: String!
The cursor for this edge for use in pagination.
node: CardProduct
The Card Product.
documents: [CardArtDocument!]
A list of documents uploaded via a secure card art document upload link
id: ID!
Global ID used to reference the card art document upload session
status: DocumentUploadSessionStatusCode
The current state of the card art document upload session
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, this document upload session
was last updated.
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, this document upload session
was created.
expiration: String
The date and time the card art document upload session will expire.
cardProduct: CardProduct!
Card Product of the card art document Upload Session.
allowedDocumentTypes: [CardArtDocumentType!]
List of allowed document types for the card art document upload session
id: ID!
ID of the card profile set.
status: CardProfileSetStatus
Status of the card profile set.
name: String
Name of the card profile set.
intent: CardProfileSetIntent
Intent of the card profile set.
network: CardProfileSetNetwork
Network of the card profile set.
preferredConfiguration: Boolean
Preferred CardProfileSet
cardProduct: CardProduct
Card Product of the card profile set.
physicalCardProfiles: [PhysicalCardProfile!]
Physical Card Profiles of the card profile set.
digitalCardProfiles: [DigitalCardProfile!]
Digital Card Profiles of the card profile set.
virtualCardProfiles: [VirtualCardProfile!]
Virtual Card Profiles of the card profile set.
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, this CardProfileSet
was created.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, this CardProfileSet
was last updated.
description: String
Description about the CardProfileSet
pageInfo: PageInfo!
Information about the current page.
edges: [CardProfileSetEdge!]
A list of edges.
cursor: String!
The cursor for this edge for use in pagination.
node: CardProfileSet
The Card Profile Set.
id: ID!
ID of the CardProfileSetRelationship
cardProfileSet: CardProfileSet
The parent CardProfileSet
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, this CardProfileSetRelationship
was created.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, this CardProfileSetRelationship
was last updated.
id: ID!
ID of the card profile set.
status: CardProfileSetStatus
Status of the card profile set.
name: String
Name of the card profile set.
intent: CardProfileSetIntent
Intent of the card profile set.
network: CardProfileSetNetwork
Network of the card profile set.
cardProductBinAssignmentId: ID
The bin assignment id associated with the card profile set.
preferredConfiguration: Boolean
Preferred CardProfileSet
cardProduct: CardProduct!
Card Product of the card profile set.
physicalCardProfiles: [PhysicalCardProfile!]
Physical Card Profiles of the card profile set.
digitalCardProfiles: [DigitalCardProfile!]
Digital Card Profiles of the card profile set.
virtualCardProfiles: [VirtualCardProfile!]
Virtual Card Profiles of the card profile set.
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, this CardProfileSetRestricted
was created.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, this CardProfileSetRestricted
was last updated.
description: String
Description about the CardProfileSet
courier: CardProfileShipmentCourier
Courier information.
senderDetails: PaymentCardSenderDetails
Sender details.
method: PaymentCardShippingMethod
Shipping method.
signatureRequiredOnDelivery: Boolean
Whether signature is required on delivery.
amount: Amount
The amount for this PaymentTransaction
status: PaymentTransactionLifecycleStepStatus
The current status for this step.
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, this object was created.
events: [PaymentTransactionEvent!]
Events associated with this event.
transaction: PaymentTransaction
The PaymentTransaction
associated with this event.
amount: Amount
The amount for this PaymentTransaction
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, this object was created.
transaction: PaymentDebitTransactionSummary
The PaymentTransaction
associated with this event.
status: PaymentTransactionLifecycleStepStatus
The current status for this step.
Use `CardReversalStep` instead.
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, this object was created.
Use `CardReversalStep` instead.
events: [PaymentTransactionEvent!]
Events associated with this event.
Use `CardReversalStep` instead.
transaction: PaymentTransaction
The PaymentTransaction
associated with this event.
Use `CardReversalStep` instead.
id: ID!
Global ID used to reference the rule in operations.
name: String
The name assigned to the rule.
allowed: [CardTransactionProcessingType!]
The list of CardTransactionProcessingType
that will be allowed.
Min: 1
Max: 200
blocked: [CardTransactionProcessingType!]
The list of CardTransactionProcessingType
that will be blocked.
Min: 1
Max: 200
version: String
The current version of the rule. Specific versions can be attached and detached from card products and payment cards.
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the spend rule was created.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the spend rule was last updated.
revisions: SpendRuleConnection
The list of revisions for this spend rule.
recommendation: SpendRuleRecommendation
The recommendation to ALLOW
an event based on the result of the rule.
message: String
A message describing the result.
valuesTested: [CardTransactionProcessingType!]
The tested CardTransactionProcessingType
of the event.
spendRule: CardTransactionProcessingTypeConditionSpendRule
The spend rule attached at the time of the event.
attachedLevel: AttachedLevel
The attached level.
id: ID!
The ID of the CatalogItem
name: String
The name of the CatalogItem
description: String
The description of the CatalogItem
amountPerItem: Amount
The amount for this CatalogItem
per individual item.
paymentInstructions: [PaymentInstruction!]
Breakdown of the payment instructions for the CatalogItem
by Amount
externalIdentifier: String
An optional external reference ID for this PaymentOrderItem
networkType: ChargebackExternalNetworkType
The external network of the chargeback.
externalNetworkId: ID!
The external network id of the chargeback.
enabled: Boolean
Whether or not the feature is enabled for the CardProduct
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the feature was created.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the feature was last updated.
effectiveFrom: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the feature was effective from.
effectiveThrough: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the feature was effective through.
originatingAccount: FinancialAccount
The Financial account of account holder from where the fee is deducted.
receivingAccount: FinancialAccount
The income financial account of receiving fees.
cardProduct: CardProduct
The Card product associated with the financial activity from the account holder that triggered the fee charge.
feeActivityType: FeeTransferEventFeeActivityType
The activity for which the fee is charged.
feeAmount: Amount
The configured fee amount.
transferedFeeAmount: Amount
The actual fee amount charged.
transferDate: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the fee was charged.
status: FeeTransferStatusDetails
The Fee transfer event status.
feeChargeRule: FeeChargeRule
Fee charge rule that was applied to this fee transfer event.
feeChargeActvity: FeeChargeActivity
Details of the charge activity of account holder that is triggering fee transfer event.
id: ID!
Global ID used to reference this object.
status: CheckPaymentStatus
The current status of the check.
failureReason: CheckPaymentFailureReason
The reason for the check failure, if applicable.
events: [CheckPaymentEvent!]
A list of events that the CheckPayment
has gone through.
amount: Amount
The amount of the check.
recipient: CheckPaymentRecipient
The recipient of the check.
checkType: CheckPaymentType
The type of the check: digital or physical.
shippingTime: CheckPaymentShippingTime
The delivery type of the check.
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8602 format, this object was created.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8602 format, this object was updated.
id: ID!
Global ID used to reference the document upload session
status: DocumentUploadSessionStatusCode
The current state of the document upload session
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, this document upload session
was created.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, this document upload session
was last updated.
documents: [UploadLink]
A list of documents uploaded via a secure document upload link
allowedDocumentTypes: [CheckPaymentDocumentType!]
List of allowed document types for the CheckPayment
upload session
id: ID!
Global ID used to reference this object.
type: CheckPaymentEventType
The event type of check at the time of the event.
failureReason: CheckPaymentFailureReason
The reason for the check failure, if applicable.
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8602 format, this event occurred.
checkPayment: CheckPayment
The checkPayment associated with this event.
edges: [CheckPaymentsEdge!]
A list of edges.
pageInfo: PageInfo!
Information to aid in pagination.
count: UnsignedInt
The total number of cleared transactions.
amount: Amount
The total amount of cleared transactions.
topMerchantCategory: ClearedTransactionBusinessMetricTopMerchantCategory
Top merchant category.
topMerchantName: ClearedTransactionBusinessMetricTopMerchantName
Top merchant name.
sortedDirection: BusinessMetricAttributeSortedDirection
Sort by Ascending or Descending, Descending as default.
topMerchantCategoryAttributes: [ClearedTransactionMerchantCategoryBusinessMetricAttribute!]
Top merchant category.
sortedDirection: BusinessMetricAttributeSortedDirection
Sort by Ascending or Descending, Descending as default.
topMerchantNameAttributes: [ClearedTransactionMerchantNameBusinessMetricAttribute!]
Top merchant name.
count: UnsignedInt
The total number of cleared transactions for the merchant category.
amount: Amount
The total amount of cleared transactions for the merchant category.
merchantCategory: MerchantCategory
Merchant category.
count: UnsignedInt
The total number of cleared transactions for the merchant.
amount: Amount
The total amount of cleared transactions for the merchant.
merchantName: String
Merchant name.
id: ID!
The ID of the transaction event. This id
can be used to later retrieve details of this ClearingEvent
or correlate it with other events on this Transaction
responseCode: TransactionEventResponseCode
The Highnote response code
transaction: Transaction
The Transaction for this event.
networkResponseCode: String
The response code from the card network (e.g. Mastercard).
Use responseCode instead
networkTransactionId: ID
The transaction ID from the card network (e.g. Mastercard).
No longer supported
approvedAmount: Amount
The amount approved for this ClearingEvent
requestedAmount: Amount
The amount requested to be approved for this ClearingEvent
originalAmount: Amount
The original amount of the AuthorizationEvent
related to this ClearingEvent
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, this ClearingEvent
was created.
paymentCard: PaymentCard
The PaymentCard
associated to this ClearingEvent
cardProduct: CardProduct
The CardProduct
associated to this ClearingEvent
merchantDetails: MerchantDetails
The details about the merchant who requested the clear.
additionalTransactionData: [AdditionalTransactionData!]
Level 2 / Level 3 transaction data for this transaction
currentFinancialAccountAvailableToSpendAmount: Amount
Amount available to spend after this transaction event
currentFinancialAccountMaximumBalanceAmount: Amount
Maximum balance allowed for the card account at the time of this transaction event
transactionProcessingType: CardTransactionProcessingType
Represents the customer transaction type being processed.
pointOfServiceDetails: PointOfServiceDetails
The Point Of Service Details.
additionalNetworkData: AdditionalNetworkData
Network specific transaction data.
disputes: [PaymentCardTransactionDispute!]
Disputes on this ClearingEvent
partial: Boolean
Determines whether this is a partial or full clear for an authorization.
paymentCardSnapshot: PaymentCardSnapshot
A snapshot of the PaymentCard
at the time of the ClearingEvent
advice: Boolean
Determines whether this event is an advice.
adviceDetail: AdviceDetail
Details if event is an advice.
value: String!
The value to send as an Authorization Bearer header or to provide to the SDK.
expirationDate: String
The expiration date for the token in ISO 8601 format.
Tokens expire after 15 minutes.
usage: ClientTokenUsage
Describes how the client token can be used
enabled: Boolean
Whether or not the feature is enabled for the CardProduct
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the feature was created.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the feature was last updated.
effectiveFrom: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the feature was effective from.
effectiveThrough: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the feature was effective through.
enabled: Boolean
Whether or not the feature is enabled for the CardProduct
issuerStandInEnabled: Boolean
Indicates usage of card product's default settings to determine authorization decision when a CollaborativeAuthorizationEndpoint
fails to respond.
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the feature was created.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the feature was last updated.
effectiveFrom: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the feature was effective from.
effectiveThrough: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the feature was effective through.
responseCode: CollaborativeAuthorizationResponseCode
Response code returned by you in collaborative authorization flow. This Response code is set to TIMEOUT if the platform does not receive a response within the allotted time. If an error occurred while receiving your response, the response code will be set to ERROR
authorizedAmount: Amount
The amount you authorized for the transaction. Value will be ZERO if you responded with an invalid amount or did not provide an amount.
currentProductStandIn: CollaborativeAuthorizationStandIn
The state of the product's stand-in value at the time this event was processed, which determines whether transactions are approved or declined in the case of a timeout in the collaborative authorization flow.
id: ID!
Global ID used to reference the CollaborativeAuthorizationEndpoint
in operations.
name: String
The name of the CollaborativeAuthorizationEndpoint
uri: String
The URI to send collaborative authorization requests.
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the CollaborativeAuthorizationEndpoint
was created.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the CollaborativeAuthorizationEndpoint
was most recently updated.
signingKeys: [SigningKey!]
The signing keys used for this CollaborativeAuthorizationEndpoint
status: CollaborativeAuthorizationEndpointStatus!
The status of the CollaborativeAuthorizationEndpoint
pageInfo: PageInfo!
Information about the current page.
edges: [CollaborativeAuthorizationEndpointEdge!]
A list of edges.
cursor: String!
The cursor for this edge for use in pagination.
node: CollaborativeAuthorizationEndpoint
The CollaborativeAuthorizationEndpoint
id: ID!
The unique id of the FinancialAccountStatement
periodStart: String
The date, in ISO 8601 format, the statement period starts.
periodEnd: String
The date, in ISO 8601 format, the statement period ends.
openedAt: String
The timestamp, in ISO 8601 format, the statement was opened.
closedAt: String
The timestamp, in ISO 8601 format, the statement was closed.
startingPrimaryCreditBalance: Amount
The credit balance at the start of the period for the primary ledger.
startingPrimaryDebitBalance: Amount
The debit balance at the start of the period for the primary ledger.
endingPrimaryCreditBalance: Amount
The credit balance at the end of the period for the primary ledger.
endingPrimaryDebitBalance: Amount
The debit balance at the end of the period for the primary ledger.
primaryLedger: Ledger
The ledger associated with the primary balance
startingSecondaryCreditBalance: Amount
The credit balance at the start of the period for the secondary ledger.
startingSecondaryDebitBalance: Amount
The debit balance at the start of the period for the secondary ledger.
endingSecondaryCreditBalance: Amount
The credit balance at the end of the period for the secondary ledger.
endingSecondaryDebitBalance: Amount
The debit balance at the end of the period for the secondary ledger.
secondaryLedger: Ledger
The ledger associated with the primary balance
startingTertiaryCreditBalance: Amount
The credit balance at the start of the period for the tertiary ledger.
startingTertiaryDebitBalance: Amount
The debit balance at the start of the period for the tertiary ledger.
endingTertiaryCreditBalance: Amount
The credit balance at the end of the period for the tertiary ledger.
endingTertiaryDebitBalance: Amount
The debit balance at the end of the period for the tertiary ledger.
tertiaryLedger: Ledger
The ledger associated with the tertiary balance
periodPurchasesAmount: Amount
The total from purchases for the statement period.
periodFeesAmount: Amount
The total from fees for the statement period.
periodFeeCredit: Amount
The total fee credit (for example due to waiving fees) for the statement period.
periodRefundsAndPaymentsAmount: Amount
The total refunds and payments for the statement period.
endingCreditLimit: Amount
The credit limit at the end of the period.
paymentDueOn: String
The date, in ISO 8601 format, payment is due on end of day.
pastDueAmount: Amount
The past due balance on the Financial Account as of the close of the statement’s billing cycle.
statementEntries: FinancialAccountStatementEntryConnection
statement entries.
For information on Highnote's Search API, see our Search guide.
after: String
The cursor to start the page.
filterBy: FinancialAccountStatementEntriesFilterInput
Filter results to specific Financial Account Activities.
repaymentHistory: [CreditRepaymentStatementApplication!]
History of repayments per statement
accumulatedAccountInterestAndFees: AccumulatedAccountInterestAndFees
The interest and fees that an account has accumulated as it relates to a FinancialAccountStatement
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, this was created.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, this was most recently updated.
creditAmount: Amount
Credit amount of the transaction.
debitAmount: Amount
Debit amount of the transaction.
primaryCreditBalance: Amount
Credit balance of the account.
primaryDebitBalance: Amount
Debit balance of the account.
postDate: String
The date, in ISO 8601 format, the transaction was posted. (Different word for 'posted'?)
ledgerEntry: LedgerEntry
Ledger Entry for the entry
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, this was created.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, this was most recently updated.
asOf: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the snapshot was calculated. Note that this will be the date/time of the last impactful event.
currentOpenStatement: FinancialAccountStatement
The current open statement
latestClosedStatement: FinancialAccountStatement
The most recently closed statement
currentAmountDue: Amount
The current amount due.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, this was most recently updated.
enabled: Boolean
Whether or not the feature is enabled for the Financial Account.
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the feature was created.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the feature was last updated.
creditLimit: Amount
The credit limit on the CommercialCreditPayInFullCardAccountFeature
effectiveFrom: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the feature was effective from.
effectiveThrough: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the feature was effective through.
id: ID!
The unique id of the FinancialAccountStatement
periodStart: String
The date, in ISO 8601 format, the statement period starts.
periodEnd: String
The date, in ISO 8601 format, the statement period ends.
openedAt: String
The timestamp, in ISO 8601 format, the statement was opened.
closedAt: String
The timestamp, in ISO 8601 format, the statement was closed.
startingPrimaryCreditBalance: Amount
The credit balance at the start of the period for the primary ledger.
startingPrimaryDebitBalance: Amount
The debit balance at the start of the period for the primary ledger.
endingPrimaryCreditBalance: Amount
The credit balance at the end of the period for the primary ledger.
endingPrimaryDebitBalance: Amount
The debit balance at the end of the period for the primary ledger.
primaryLedger: Ledger
The ledger associated with the primary balance
startingSecondaryCreditBalance: Amount
The credit balance at the start of the period for the secondary ledger.
startingSecondaryDebitBalance: Amount
The debit balance at the start of the period for the secondary ledger.
endingSecondaryCreditBalance: Amount
The credit balance at the end of the period for the secondary ledger.
endingSecondaryDebitBalance: Amount
The debit balance at the end of the period for the secondary ledger.
secondaryLedger: Ledger
The ledger associated with the primary balance
startingTertiaryCreditBalance: Amount
The credit balance at the start of the period for the tertiary ledger.
startingTertiaryDebitBalance: Amount
The debit balance at the start of the period for the tertiary ledger.
endingTertiaryCreditBalance: Amount
The credit balance at the end of the period for the tertiary ledger.
endingTertiaryDebitBalance: Amount
The debit balance at the end of the period for the tertiary ledger.
tertiaryLedger: Ledger
The ledger associated with the tertiary balance
periodPurchasesAmount: Amount
The total from purchases for the statement period.
periodFeesAmount: Amount
The total from fees for the statement period.
periodFeeCredit: Amount
The total fee credit (for example due to waiving fees) for the statement period.
periodInterestCharges: Amount
The total from interest for the statement period.
periodInterestCredit: Amount
The total interest credit (for example due to waiving interest) for the statement period.
periodRefundsAndPaymentsAmount: Amount
The total refunds and payments for the statement period.
endingCreditLimit: Amount
The credit limit at the end of the period.
paymentDueOn: String
The date, in ISO 8601 format, payment is due on end of day.
pastDueAmount: Amount
The past due balance on the Financial Account as of the close of the statement’s billing cycle.
periodPurchaseCreditPlan: [FinancialAccountStatementPurchaseCreditPlan!]
Period's purchase details by Credit Plan for the statement
payOffWarning: FinancialAccountStatementPayOffWarning
Payoff warning for the statement when balance is greater than zero
periodMinimumPaymentDue: Amount
Period's minimum payment due to the statement
statementEntries: FinancialAccountStatementEntryConnection
statement entries.
For information on Highnote's Search API, see our Search guide.
after: String
The cursor to start the page.
filterBy: FinancialAccountStatementEntriesFilterInput
Filter results to specific Financial Account Activities.
repaymentHistory: [CreditRepaymentStatementApplication!]
History of repayments per statement
accumulatedAccountInterestAndFees: AccumulatedAccountInterestAndFees
The interest and fees that an account has accumulated as it relates to a FinancialAccountStatement
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, this was created.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, this was most recently updated.
creditAmount: Amount
Credit amount of the transaction.
debitAmount: Amount
Debit amount of the transaction.
primaryCreditBalance: Amount
Credit balance of the account.
primaryDebitBalance: Amount
Debit balance of the account.
postDate: String
The date, in ISO 8601 format, the transaction was posted. (Different word for 'posted'?)
ledgerEntry: LedgerEntry
Ledger Entry for the entry
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, this was created.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, this was most recently updated.
asOf: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the snapshot was calculated. Note that this will be the date/time of the last impactful event.
currentOpenStatement: FinancialAccountStatement
The current open statement
latestClosedStatement: FinancialAccountStatement
The most recently closed statement
currentAmountDue: Amount
The current amount due.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, this was most recently updated.
A rule that combines multiple other spend rule results together in an all or none approach.
Must be used as a cumulativeRule for a VelocityRule
The resulting VelocityRule
will have a passing result if all spendRules on the
pass or if all spendRules on the VelocityRule
id: ID!
Global ID used to reference the rule in operations.
name: String
The name assigned to the rule.
allow: Boolean
The action to apply to the transaction event, if the rule passes
version: String
The current version of the rule. Specific versions can be attached and detached from card products and payment cards.
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the spend rule was created.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the spend rule was last updated.
revisions: SpendRuleConnection
The list of revisions for this spend rule.
primaryAuthorizedPerson: ConsentingParty
This field represents the consenting party
consentTimestamp: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, marking when the ConsentingParty
accepted the agreement
consentIpAddress: IPAddress
The IPAddress
of the ConsentingParty
when they accepted the agreement.
id: ID!
The unique id of the FinancialAccountStatement
periodStart: String
The date, in ISO 8601 format, the statement period starts.
periodEnd: String
The date, in ISO 8601 format, the statement period ends.
openedAt: String
The timestamp, in ISO 8601 format, the statement was opened.
closedAt: String
The timestamp, in ISO 8601 format, the statement was closed.
startingPrimaryCreditBalance: Amount
The credit balance at the start of the period for the primary ledger.
startingPrimaryDebitBalance: Amount
The debit balance at the start of the period for the primary ledger.
endingPrimaryCreditBalance: Amount
The credit balance at the end of the period for the primary ledger.
endingPrimaryDebitBalance: Amount
The debit balance at the end of the period for the primary ledger.
primaryLedger: Ledger
The ledger associated with the primary balance
startingSecondaryCreditBalance: Amount
The credit balance at the start of the period for the secondary ledger.
startingSecondaryDebitBalance: Amount
The debit balance at the start of the period for the secondary ledger.
endingSecondaryCreditBalance: Amount
The credit balance at the end of the period for the secondary ledger.
endingSecondaryDebitBalance: Amount
The debit balance at the end of the period for the secondary ledger.
secondaryLedger: Ledger
The ledger associated with the primary balance
startingTertiaryCreditBalance: Amount
The credit balance at the start of the period for the tertiary ledger.
startingTertiaryDebitBalance: Amount
The debit balance at the start of the period for the tertiary ledger.
endingTertiaryCreditBalance: Amount
The credit balance at the end of the period for the tertiary ledger.
endingTertiaryDebitBalance: Amount
The debit balance at the end of the period for the tertiary ledger.
tertiaryLedger: Ledger
The ledger associated with the tertiary balance
periodPurchasesAmount: Amount
The total from purchases for the statement period.
periodFeesAmount: Amount
The total from fees for the statement period.
periodFeeCredit: Amount
The total fee credit (for example due to waiving fees) for the statement period.
periodRefundsAndPaymentsAmount: Amount
The total refunds and payments for the statement period.
endingCreditLimit: Amount
The credit limit at the end of the period.
paymentDueOn: String
The date, in ISO 8601 format, payment is due on end of day.
pastDueAmount: Amount
The past due balance on the Financial Account as of the close of the statement’s billing cycle.
statementEntries: FinancialAccountStatementEntryConnection
statement entries.
For information on Highnote's Search API, see our Search guide.
after: String
The cursor to start the page.
filterBy: FinancialAccountStatementEntriesFilterInput
Filter results to specific Financial Account Activities.
repaymentHistory: [CreditRepaymentStatementApplication!]
History of repayments per statement
accumulatedAccountInterestAndFees: AccumulatedAccountInterestAndFees
The interest and fees that an account has accumulated as it relates to a FinancialAccountStatement
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, this was created.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, this was most recently updated.
creditAmount: Amount
Credit amount of the transaction.
debitAmount: Amount
Debit amount of the transaction.
primaryCreditBalance: Amount
Credit balance of the account.
primaryDebitBalance: Amount
Debit balance of the account.
postDate: String
The date, in ISO 8601 format, the transaction was posted. (Different word for 'posted'?)
ledgerEntry: LedgerEntry
Ledger Entry for the entry
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, this was created.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, this was most recently updated.
asOf: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the snapshot was calculated. Note that this will be the date/time of the last impactful event.
currentOpenStatement: FinancialAccountStatement
The current open statement
latestClosedStatement: FinancialAccountStatement
The most recently closed statement
currentAmountDue: Amount
The current amount due.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, this was most recently updated.
id: ID!
The unique id of the FinancialAccountStatement
periodStart: String
The date, in ISO 8601 format, the statement period starts.
periodEnd: String
The date, in ISO 8601 format, the statement period ends.
openedAt: String
The timestamp, in ISO 8601 format, the statement was opened.
closedAt: String
The timestamp, in ISO 8601 format, the statement was closed.
startingPrimaryCreditBalance: Amount
The credit balance at the start of the period for the primary ledger.
startingPrimaryDebitBalance: Amount
The debit balance at the start of the period for the primary ledger.
endingPrimaryCreditBalance: Amount
The credit balance at the end of the period for the primary ledger.
endingPrimaryDebitBalance: Amount
The debit balance at the end of the period for the primary ledger.
primaryLedger: Ledger
The ledger associated with the primary balance
startingSecondaryCreditBalance: Amount
The credit balance at the start of the period for the secondary ledger.
startingSecondaryDebitBalance: Amount
The debit balance at the start of the period for the secondary ledger.
endingSecondaryCreditBalance: Amount
The credit balance at the end of the period for the secondary ledger.
endingSecondaryDebitBalance: Amount
The debit balance at the end of the period for the secondary ledger.
secondaryLedger: Ledger
The ledger associated with the primary balance
startingTertiaryCreditBalance: Amount
The credit balance at the start of the period for the tertiary ledger.
startingTertiaryDebitBalance: Amount
The debit balance at the start of the period for the tertiary ledger.
endingTertiaryCreditBalance: Amount
The credit balance at the end of the period for the tertiary ledger.
endingTertiaryDebitBalance: Amount
The debit balance at the end of the period for the tertiary ledger.
tertiaryLedger: Ledger
The ledger associated with the tertiary balance
periodPurchasesAmount: Amount
The total from purchases for the statement period.
periodFeesAmount: Amount
The total from fees for the statement period.
periodFeeCredit: Amount
The total fee credit (for example due to waiving fees) for the statement period.
periodInterestCharges: Amount
The total from interest for the statement period.
periodInterestCredit: Amount
The total interest credit (for example due to waiving interest) for the statement period.
periodRefundsAndPaymentsAmount: Amount
The total refunds and payments for the statement period.
endingCreditLimit: Amount
The credit limit at the end of the period.
paymentDueOn: String
The date, in ISO 8601 format, payment is due on end of day.
pastDueAmount: Amount
The past due balance on the Financial Account as of the close of the statement’s billing cycle.
periodPurchaseCreditPlan: [FinancialAccountStatementPurchaseCreditPlan!]
Period's purchase details by Credit Plan for the statement
payOffWarning: FinancialAccountStatementPayOffWarning
Payoff warning for the statement when balance is greater than zero
periodMinimumPaymentDue: Amount
Period's minimum payment due to the statement
statementEntries: FinancialAccountStatementEntryConnection
statement entries.
For information on Highnote's Search API, see our Search guide.
after: String
The cursor to start the page.
filterBy: FinancialAccountStatementEntriesFilterInput
Filter results to specific Financial Account Activities.
repaymentHistory: [CreditRepaymentStatementApplication!]
History of repayments per statement
accumulatedAccountInterestAndFees: AccumulatedAccountInterestAndFees
The interest and fees that an account has accumulated as it relates to a FinancialAccountStatement
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, this was created.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, this was most recently updated.
creditAmount: Amount
Credit amount of the transaction.
debitAmount: Amount
Debit amount of the transaction.
primaryCreditBalance: Amount
Credit balance of the account.
primaryDebitBalance: Amount
Debit balance of the account.
postDate: String
The date, in ISO 8601 format, the transaction was posted. (Different word for 'posted'?)
ledgerEntry: LedgerEntry
Ledger Entry for the entry
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, this was created.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, this was most recently updated.
asOf: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the snapshot was calculated. Note that this will be the date/time of the last impactful event.
currentOpenStatement: FinancialAccountStatement
The current open statement
latestClosedStatement: FinancialAccountStatement
The most recently closed statement
currentAmountDue: Amount
The current amount due.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, this was most recently updated.
value: CountFeeConditionValue
The count value against which account holder activity count is compared.
operator: FeeChargeOperator
The fee charge condition comparison operator.
id: ID!
Global ID used to reference the CountLimitInterFinancialAccountTransferRule
in operations.
name: String
The name assigned to the rule.
maximumCount: Int
The maximum count of inter financial account transfers to allow.
interFinancialAccountTransferAccountType: InterFinancialAccountTransferAccountType
Indicates the account type to monitor.
version: String
The current version of the rule. Specific versions can be attached and detached from card products and payment cards.
revisions: InterFinancialAccountTransferRuleConnection
The list of revisions for this transfer rule.
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the transfer rule was created.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the transfer rule was last updated.
id: ID!
Global ID used to reference the Count Limit Spend Rule in operations.
name: String
The name assigned to the rule.
maximumCount: Int
The maximum count of transactions to allow.
version: String
The current version of the rule. Specific versions can be attached and detached from card products and payment cards.
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the spend rule was created.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the spend rule was last updated.
revisions: SpendRuleConnection
The list of revisions for this spend rule.
cardProduct: CardProduct!
The resulting CardProduct
total: UnsignedInt
The total number of approved or created applications.
authorizedUsers: UnsignedInt
The total authorized user number.
accountHolders: UnsignedInt
The total account holder number.
delinquentInDays: UnsignedInt
The number of days between when a payment is due and when a FinancialAccount
becomes delinquent if the payment is not made.
suspendedInDays: UnsignedInt
The number of days between when a payment is due and when a FinancialAccount
becomes suspended if the payment is not made.
chargeOffInDays: UnsignedInt
The number of days between when a payment is due and when a FinancialAccount
becomes closed if the payment is not made.
lateFeeGracePeriodInDays: UnsignedInt
The number of days between when a payment is assessed (cycle close date) and when it is due.
billingCyclePeriod: CreditStatementCyclePeriod
Whether statement cycles are WEEKLY
. Please note that WEEKLY
cycles must have a FIXED
grace period and MONTHLY
cycles must have a FLOATING
grace period.
billingCycleGracePeriodType: CreditStatementGracePeriodType
Whether the grace period is FLOATING
. Please note that WEEKLY
cycles must have a FIXED
grace period and MONTHLY
cycles must have a FLOATING
grace period.
billingCycleGracePeriodInDays: UnsignedInt
Number of days included in the grace period
enabled: Boolean
Whether or not the feature is enabled for the Financial Account.
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the feature was created.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the feature was last updated.
creditLimit: Amount
The credit limit on the CreditCardAccountFeature
effectiveFrom: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the feature was effective from.
effectiveThrough: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the feature was effective through.
accountAging: CreditAccountAgingCardProductConfiguration
The account aging configuration available on a CardProduct
. For example, the number of days until a payment is due, and until an account is
considered DELINQUENT
minimumPayment: CreditMinimumPaymentCardProductConfiguration
The minimum payment configuration available on a CardProduct
. For example, whether the minimum payment includes the past due amount, interest, and fees.
Used for Revolving Card Products only.
repayment: CreditRepaymentCardProductConfiguration
The repayment configuration available on a CardProduct
. Used for Revolving Card Products only.
interest: CreditInterestApplicationCardProductConfiguration
The interest configuration available on a CardProduct
. Used for Revolving Card Products only.
billingCycleConfiguration: CreditBillingCycleCardProductConfiguration
The billing statement configuration available on a CardProduct
. Used for Revolving Card Products only.
id: ID!
Global ID used to reference the transfer in operations.
balanceType: CreditBalanceType
The type of balance this CreditPlan
applies to. For example, PURCHASE
interestDetails: InterestDetails
Details about the interest that will be charged, such as the annual percentage rate (APR).
accountingDirection: AccountingDirection
The direction funds are moving in the perspective of the customer.
statement: FinancialAccountStatement
The FinancialAccountStatement
associated with this event.
creditPlan: CreditPlan
The CreditPlan
associated with this event.
servicemembersCivilReliefAct: ServicemembersCivilReliefActConfiguration
The Servicemembers Civil Relief Act (SCRA) configuration for this FinancialAccount
militaryLendingAct: MilitaryLendingActConfiguration
The Military Lending Act (MLA) configuration for this FinancialAccount
interestRates: [CreditPlanFinancialAccountConfiguration!]
A list of credit plan configurations for this FinancialAccount
id: ID!
Global ID used to reference the transfer in operations.
amount: Amount
The amount of the transfer.
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the transfer was created.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the transfer was last updated.
ledgers: [Ledger!]
The ledgers affected by the transfer.
ledgerNames: [LedgerName!]
Scope the results to specific ledgers
status: ExternallyInitiatedACHStatusDetails
The status of the externally initiated ACH transfer.
companyName: String
The name of the company that initiated the ACH transfer.
descriptor: ACHDescriptor
Descriptive fields about the transfer which may show up on bank reports.
companyIdentifier: String
The ID of the company that initiated the ACH transfer, ISO 8601 format.
settlementDate: String
The settlement date as specified by the company that initiated the ACH transfer, ISO 8601 format.
toFinancialAccount: FinancialAccount
The Highnote account receiving the credit.
cardProduct: CardProduct
The Card Product associated to the Financial Account.
returnDate: String
The date this transaction was returned, in ISO 8601 format.
traceNumber: String
A unique 15 digit number assigned by the originator to identify the transfer.
id: ID!
Global ID used to reference the transfer in operations.
amount: Amount
The amount of the transfer.
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the transfer was created.
companyName: String
he name of the company that initiated the ACH transfer.
companyIdentifier: String
The Company Identifier is a 10-position alphameric code used to identify an Originator of the ACH transaction. It may begin with an ANSI one-digit Identification Code Designator (ICD), followed by the Identification Number.
Identification Code Designator (ICD) | ANSI Identification Number | Example |
IRS Employer Identification Number (EIN) | 1 | 1234567890 for an Originator with 234567890 EIN |
Data Universal Numbering Systems (DUNS) | 3 | 30008016958 for an Originator with 0008016958 DUNS |
User Assigned Number | 9 | 9111111111 for an Originator with 111111111 under assigned Identification Number |
companyEntryDescription: String
Company entered value for the type of ACH.
settlementDate: String
The settlement date as specified by the company that initiated the ACH transfer, ISO 8601 format.
status: ExternallyInitiatedACHStatusDetails
The status of the externally initiated ACH transfer.
toFinancialAccount: FinancialAccount
The account receiving the funds.
transfer: ElectronicFundsTransfer
The ElectronicFundsTransfer
that triggered this event.
returnDate: String
The date this transaction was returned, in ISO 8601 format.
id: ID!
The unique id of the CreditLedgerEntry
financialAccount: FinancialAccount
A FinancialAccount
backed by the Ledger
that this ledger entry belongs to.
journalEntry: JournalEntry
A JournalEntry
showing this CreditLedgerEntry
and its offsetting DebitLedgerEntry
ledger: Ledger
that CreditLedgerEntry
belongs to.
amount: Amount
The amount of the CreditLedgerEntry
memo: String
The optional memo of the CreditLedgerEntry
financialEvent: FinancialEvent
The event that triggered the ledger entry.
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, this ledger entry was created.
creditBalanceAtLedgerEntry: Amount
The credit balance that is the result of the ledger entry.
debitBalanceAtLedgerEntry: Amount
The debit balance that is the result of the ledger entry.
id: ID!
The Global ID of this CreditLimitChangeRequest
financialAccountId: ID!
The Global ID of the FinancialAccount
in review.
use financialAccount instead
financialAccount: FinancialAccount
The FinancialAccount
in review.
status: CreditLimitChangeRequestStatus
The status of the CreditLimitChangeRequest
statusHistory: [CreditLimitChangeRequestStatusHistory!]
The status history of the CreditLimitChangeRequest
requestedChange: CreditLimitChangeRequestDetails
Details about the CreditLimitChangeRequest
existingCreditLimit: Amount
The credit limit before the review.
updatedCreditLimit: Amount
The updated credit limit.
customerDetails: CreditLimitChangeRequestCustomerDetails
Details collected about the customer.
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, this was created.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, this was updated.
closedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, this was closed.
currentDebtObligations: [Amount!]
The current debt obligations amount used for this decision.
annualIncome: [Amount!]
The annual income amount used for this decision.
annualRevenue: [Amount!]
The annual revenue amount used for this decision. Only applicable for business accounts.
adverseActionReasons: [AdverseActionReason!]
The adverse action reason(s) why an increase request is denied or if a decrease request is approved.
externalFinancialAccountBalance: [Amount!]
The external bank balance used for this decision.
requestedChangeType: CreditLimitChangeRequestType
The type of CreditLimitChangeRequest
, whether INCREASE
requestedCreditLimit: Amount
The requested credit limit.
requestor: CreditLimitChangeRequestor
The type of requestor, whether CUSTOMER
creditLimitChangeRequestId: ID
Unique identifier for the CreditLimitChangeRequest
financialAccountId: ID
The identifier of the FinancialAccount
associated with this request.
creditLimitChangeRequestType: CreditLimitChangeRequestType
The type of change request, whether INCREASE
creditLimitChangeRequestStatus: CreditLimitChangeRequestStatus
The status of the change request.
creditLimitChangeRequestFailureReason: CreditLimitChangeRequestFailureReason
Details about a failure status.
createdAt: String
The date and time in ISO 8601 format this was created.
updatedAt: String
The date and time in ISO 8601 format this was updated.
previousStatus: CreditLimitChangeRequestStatus
The previous status.
newStatus: CreditLimitChangeRequestStatus
The new status.
createdAt: String
The date and time when the status changed, in ISO 8601 format.
financialAccount: FinancialAccount
The account that got impacted
amount: Amount
The amount of the manual adjustment.
normalBalance: NormalBalance
The normal balance type of the Ledger
ledgerName: LedgerName
The name of the Ledger
percentage: Float
The percentage of the card balance used to calculate the minimum payment. A value of '100' indicates '100%'.
thresholdAmount: Amount
The minimum threshold for the minimum payment. For example, minimum payments are at least $25.
includesPastDueAmount: Boolean
Whether the minimum payment includes past due amount or not.
includesInterestAmount: Boolean
Whether the minimum payment includes interest amount or not.
includesFeesCharged: Boolean
Whether the minimum payment includes fees charged or not.
id: ID!
The unique id of the FinancialAccountStatement
periodStart: String
The date, in ISO 8601 format, the statement period starts.
periodEnd: String
The date, in ISO 8601 format, the statement period ends.
openedAt: String
The timestamp, in ISO 8601 format, the statement was opened.
closedAt: String
The timestamp, in ISO 8601 format, the statement was closed.
startingPrimaryCreditBalance: Amount
The credit balance at the start of the period for the primary ledger.
startingPrimaryDebitBalance: Amount
The debit balance at the start of the period for the primary ledger.
endingPrimaryCreditBalance: Amount
The credit balance at the end of the period for the primary ledger.
endingPrimaryDebitBalance: Amount
The debit balance at the end of the period for the primary ledger.
primaryLedger: Ledger
The ledger associated with the primary balance
startingSecondaryCreditBalance: Amount
The credit balance at the start of the period for the secondary ledger.
startingSecondaryDebitBalance: Amount
The debit balance at the start of the period for the secondary ledger.
endingSecondaryCreditBalance: Amount
The credit balance at the end of the period for the secondary ledger.
endingSecondaryDebitBalance: Amount
The debit balance at the end of the period for the secondary ledger.
secondaryLedger: Ledger
The ledger associated with the primary balance
startingTertiaryCreditBalance: Amount
The credit balance at the start of the period for the tertiary ledger.
startingTertiaryDebitBalance: Amount
The debit balance at the start of the period for the tertiary ledger.
endingTertiaryCreditBalance: Amount
The credit balance at the end of the period for the tertiary ledger.
endingTertiaryDebitBalance: Amount
The debit balance at the end of the period for the tertiary ledger.
tertiaryLedger: Ledger
The ledger associated with the tertiary balance
periodPurchasesAmount: Amount
The total from purchases for the statement period.
periodFeesAmount: Amount
The total from fees for the statement period.
periodFeeCredit: Amount
The total fee credit (for example due to waiving fees) for the statement period.
periodRefundsAndPaymentsAmount: Amount
The total refunds and payments for the statement period.
endingCreditLimit: Amount
The credit limit at the end of the period.
paymentDueOn: String
The date, in ISO 8601 format, payment is due on end of day.
pastDueAmount: Amount
The past due balance on the Financial Account as of the close of the statement’s billing cycle.
statementEntries: FinancialAccountStatementEntryConnection
statement entries.
For information on Highnote's Search API, see our Search guide.
after: String
The cursor to start the page.
filterBy: FinancialAccountStatementEntriesFilterInput
Filter results to specific Financial Account Activities.
repaymentHistory: [CreditRepaymentStatementApplication!]
History of repayments per statement
accumulatedAccountInterestAndFees: AccumulatedAccountInterestAndFees
The interest and fees that an account has accumulated as it relates to a FinancialAccountStatement
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, this was created.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, this was most recently updated.
creditAmount: Amount
Credit amount of the transaction.
debitAmount: Amount
Debit amount of the transaction.
primaryCreditBalance: Amount
Credit balance of the account.
primaryDebitBalance: Amount
Debit balance of the account.
postDate: String
The date, in ISO 8601 format, the transaction was posted. (Different word for 'posted'?)
ledgerEntry: LedgerEntry
Ledger Entry for the entry
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, this was created.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, this was most recently updated.
asOf: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the snapshot was calculated. Note that this will be the date/time of the last impactful event.
currentOpenStatement: FinancialAccountStatement
The current open statement
latestClosedStatement: FinancialAccountStatement
The most recently closed statement
currentAmountDue: Amount
The current amount due.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, this was most recently updated.
delinquencyStartedOn: String
The due date of the oldest contiguous delinquent Statement. Null if the FinancialAccount
is not currently delinquent.
totalDaysDelinquent: UnsignedInt
Number of days since the due date of the oldest contiguous delinquent statement. 0 if the FinancialAccount
is not currently delinquent.
totalAmount: Amount
The current amount deliquent, including any interest or fees, for this FinancialAccount
numberOfCycles: UnsignedInt
Count of contiguous delinquent cycles for this FinancialAccount
. 0 if the FinancialAccount
is not currently delinquent.
currentDelinquentCycles: [CreditPayInFullFinancialAccountDelinquencyCycle]
A list of contiguous billing cycles where this FinancialAccount
was delinquent.
statementId: ID!
The unique identifier for the financial account statement for this billing cycle.
statement: CreditPayInFullCardFinancialAccountStatement
The financial account statement for this billing cycle. Includes information such as periodStart, periodEnd, and paymentDueOn.
daysDelinquent: UnsignedInt
Days elapsed between the due date of the oldest contiguous delinquent cycle and the periodEnd of this cycle.
amount: Amount
The amount delinquent, including any interest or fees, at the periodEnd of this cycle.
totalRepaymentsApplied: Amount
The total Amount of repayments applied to this billing cycle.
repayments: [CreditRepaymentStatementApplication!]
A list of repayments applied to this billing cycle. Please note that only the first 20 repayments for a cycle will be returned.
state: FinancialAccountDelinquencyState
The delinquency state of this FinancialAccount
at the periodEnd of this cycle, such as CURRENT, DELINQUENT, or CLOSING.
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, this was created.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, this was last updated.
enabled: Boolean
Whether or not the feature is enabled for the Financial Account.
CreditPaymentCardFinancialAccountFeature is deprecated. Please use CreditCardAccountFeature instead.
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the feature was created.
CreditPaymentCardFinancialAccountFeature is deprecated. Please use CreditCardAccountFeature instead.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the feature was last updated.
CreditPaymentCardFinancialAccountFeature is deprecated. Please use CreditCardAccountFeature instead.
effectiveFrom: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the feature was effective from.
CreditPaymentCardFinancialAccountFeature is deprecated. Please use CreditCardAccountFeature instead.
effectiveThrough: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the feature was effective through.
CreditPaymentCardFinancialAccountFeature is deprecated. Please use CreditCardAccountFeature instead.
id: ID!
The globally unique identifier for this CreditPlan
name: String
The name for this CreditPlan
. Supports up to 255 alphanumeric characters. Does not need to be unique.
status: CreditPlanStatus
The status of this CreditPlan
. For example, ACTIVE
planType: CreditPlanType
The type of CreditPlan
. For example, STANDARD
balanceType: CreditBalanceType
The type of transaction this CreditPlan
applies to. For example, PURCHASE
riskBasedPricingPolicy: RiskBasedPricingPolicy
The risk based pricing policy for this CreditPlan
percentageOfCreditLimit: UnsignedInt
The percentage of the FinancialAccount
's credit limit that will be available for this CreditPlan
interestPolicy: CreditPlanInterestPolicy
The interest policy for this CreditPlan
effectiveFromDate: Date
The date this plan starts to be in effect for new FinancialAccount
s, in YYYY-MM-DD (ISO 8601 RFC 3339) date format. For example, 2023-01-15
effectiveThroughDate: Date
The date this plan stops being in effect for new FinancialAccount
s, in YYYY-MM-DD (ISO 8601 RFC 3339) date format. For example, 2023-02-15
. If null, the plan is treated as indefinite, with no set ending.
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, this was created.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, this was updated.
pageInfo: PageInfo!
Information about the current page.
edges: [CreditPlanEdge!]
A list of edges.
balanceType: CreditBalanceType
The type of balance this configuration applies to. For example, PURCHASE
interest: InterestDetails
Details about the interest that will be charged, such as the annual percentage rate (APR).
creditPlan: CreditPlan
The CreditPlan
this configuration applies to.
rateType: InterestRateType
Whether the interest rate is fixed or variable.
index: InterestRateIndexConfiguration
For variable interest rates only. The current configuration of the index used to derive the variable APR.
accrualType: InterestAccrualType
Whether interest accrues using a SIMPLE
accrualMethod: InterestAccrualMethod
The date used to calculate interest accrual. For example, TRANSACTION_POST_DATE
assessmentSchedule: InterestAssessmentSchedule
Whether interest is assessed DAILY
or on the STATEMENT
cycle close date.
defaultApr: Float
The default interest rate (APR) for this CreditPlan
, expressed as a Float
with up to 3 digit precision after the decimal point.
scraApr: Float
The Servicemembers Civil Relief Act (SCRA) interest rate for this CreditPlan
, expressed as a Float
with up to 3 digit precision after the decimal point.
id: ID!
The globally unique identifier for this CreditPlanTemplate
name: String
The name for this CreditPlanTemplate
. Supports up to 255 alphanumeric characters. Does not need to be unique.
status: CreditPlanTemplateStatus
The status of this CreditPlanTemplate
. For example, ACTIVE
planType: CreditPlanType
The type of CreditPlan
this template supports. For example, STANDARD
balanceType: CreditBalanceType
The type of transaction this CreditPlanTemplate
applies to. For example, PURCHASE
riskBasedPricingPolicy: RiskBasedPricingPolicy
The risk based pricing policy for this CreditPlanTemplate
interestPolicy: CreditPlanTemplateInterestPolicy
The interest policy for this CreditPlanTemplate
maximumCreditLimit: Amount
The maximum credit limit allowed by this plan, expressed as an Amount
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, this was created.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, this was updated.
pageInfo: PageInfo!
Information about the current page.
edges: [CreditPlanTemplateEdge!]
A list of edges.
cursor: String!
The cursor for this edge for use in pagination.
node: CreditPlanTemplate
The CreditPlanTemplate
rateType: InterestRateType
Whether the interest rate is fixed or variable.
accrualType: InterestAccrualType
Whether interest accrues using a SIMPLE
accrualMethod: InterestAccrualMethod
The date used to calculate interest accrual. For example, TRANSACTION_POST_DATE
assessmentSchedule: InterestAssessmentSchedule
Whether interest is assessed DAILY
or on the STATEMENT
cycle close date.
aprRange: InterestRateRange
The range of potential interest rates (APRs) available through this CreditPlanTemplate
variableAprIndex: InterestRateIndex
The index used for interest rate calculation. For example, PRIME
scraApr: Float
The Servicemembers Civil Relief Act (SCRA) interest rate for this CreditPlanTemplate
, expressed as a Float
with up to 3 digit precision after the decimal point.
creditPlan: CreditPlan
The CreditPlan
for this configuration.
interest: InterestDetails
Details about the interest that will be charged, such as the annual percentage rate (APR).
amount: Amount
The total amount of the repayment.
repaymentMethod: CreditRepaymentMethod
The method used to repay the credit balance. For example, ACH
repaymentType: CreditRepaymentType
Whether the repayment decreases (CREDIT
) or increases (DEBIT
) the owed balance.
memo: String
Used for manual credit repayments. This field represents notes about the adjustment. Can include UTF-8 or ASCII characters, with a maximum length of 1024 characters.
references: [String!]
Used for manual credit repayments. This is a list of references, such as support ticket identifiers or other external identifiers. Can include UTF-8 or ASCII characters, with a maximum length of 255 characters for each reference.
createdAt: String
The date and time this was created, in ISO 8601 format.
updatedAt: String
The date and time this was updated, in ISO 8601 format.
repaymentWaterfall: [RepaymentCategory!]
The order in which to apply a repayment across categories such as principal, interest, and fees.
statement: FinancialAccountStatement
The statement this repayment is being applied to.
sourceRepayment: CreditRepayment
The CreditRepayment
associated with this CreditRepaymentStatementApplication
appliedAmount: Amount
The amount applied to this statement.
accountHolderInitiatedApplication: Boolean!
Whether or not the AccountHolder
initiated this application.
name: Boolean!
Whether or not the AccountHolder
name on the application matches the applicant.
dateOfBirth: Boolean!
Whether or not the AccountHolder
date of birth on the application matches the applicant.
address: Boolean!
Whether or not the AccountHolder
mailing address on the application matches the applicant.
annualRevenue: [Amount]
Annual revenue expressed as an Amount.
id: ID!
The ID of the transaction. This id
can be used to later retrieve details of this Transaction.
transactionEvents: [TransactionEvent!]
The list of TransactionEvents related to this Transaction.
eventTypes: [TransactionEventFilter!]
Scope results to specific types of TransactionEvents.
status: UnderwriterVerificationStatusCode
The current underwriting status.
reviewReasonDetails: CreditUnderwritingVerificationReviewReasonDetails
Details about an IN_REVIEW
. Only present if IN_REVIEW
decision: UnderwriterDecision
The credit underwriting decision.
decisionDate: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format for a given application underwriting decision date.
decisionResults: [CreditDecisionResult!]
A list of results from the credit decision.
creditScoreDetails: CreditUnderwritingVerificationCreditScoreDetails
Details about the credit score associated with this decision.
creditBureau: CreditBureau
Credit Bureau that sourced this credit score
creditScoreModels: [CreditScoreModel!]
Credit Score Model
reviewReason: CreditUnderwritingVerificationReviewStatusReasonCode
The reason for CreditUnderwritingVerification
memo: String
Optional memo field for the reason for CreditUnderwritingVerification
state: FinancialAccountDelinquencyState
The delinquency state, such as CURRENT, DELINQUENT, or CLOSING.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the FinancialAccount
transitioned to this state.
customFields: [CustomField!]
The CustomFields
associated with the object.
id: ID!
Global ID used to reference the CVV Spend Rule in operations.
name: String
The name assigned to the rule.
allowed: [CVVResponseCode!]
The CVVResponseCode
values that will be allowed during authorizations.
blocked: [CVVResponseCode!]
The CVVResponseCode
values that will result in declined authorizations.
version: String
The current version of the rule. Specific versions can be attached and detached from card products and payment cards.
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the spend rule was created.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the spend rule was last updated.
revisions: SpendRuleConnection
The list of revisions for this spend rule.
recommendation: SpendRuleRecommendation
The recommendation to ALLOW
an event based on the result of the rule.
message: String
A message describing the result.
valuesTested: [CVVResponseCode!]
The CVV response codes of the event.
spendRule: CVVSpendRule
The spend rule attached at the time of the event.
attachedLevel: AttachedLevel
The attached level.
id: ID!
Global ID used to reference the transfer in operations.
amount: Amount
The amount of the transfer.
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the transfer was created.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the transfer was last updated.
ledgers: [Ledger!]
The ledgers affected by the transfer.
ledgerNames: [LedgerName!]
Scope the results to specific ledgers
status: ExternallyInitiatedACHStatusDetails
The status of the externally initiated ACH transfer.
companyName: String
The name of the company that initiated the ACH transfer.
descriptor: ACHDescriptor
Descriptive fields about the transfer which may show up on bank reports.
companyIdentifier: String
The ID of the company that initiated the ACH transfer, ISO 8601 format.
settlementDate: String
The settlement date as specified by the company that initiated the ACH transfer, ISO 8601 format.
fromFinancialAccount: FinancialAccount
The Highnote account receiving the debit.
cardProduct: CardProduct
The Card Product associated to the Financial Account.
returnDate: String
The date this transaction was returned, in ISO 8601 format.
traceNumber: String
A unique 15 digit number assigned by the originator to identify the transfer.
id: ID!
Global ID used to reference the transfer in operations.
amount: Amount
The amount of the transfer.
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the transfer was created.
companyName: String
he name of the company that initiated the ACH transfer.
companyIdentifier: String
The Company Identifier is a 10-position alphameric code used to identify an Originator of the ACH transaction. It may begin with an ANSI one-digit Identification Code Designator (ICD), followed by the Identification Number.
Identification Code Designator (ICD) | ANSI Identification Number | Example |
IRS Employer Identification Number (EIN) | 1 | 1234567890 for an Originator with 234567890 EIN |
Data Universal Numbering Systems (DUNS) | 3 | 30008016958 for an Originator with 0008016958 DUNS |
User Assigned Number | 9 | 9111111111 for an Originator with 111111111 under assigned Identification Number |
companyEntryDescription: String
Company entered value for the type of ACH.
settlementDate: String
The settlement date as specified by the company that initiated the ACH transfer, ISO 8601 format.
status: ExternallyInitiatedACHStatusDetails
The status of the externally initiated ACH transfer.
fromFinancialAccount: FinancialAccount
The account debiting the funds.
transfer: ElectronicFundsTransfer
The ElectronicFundsTransfer
that triggered this event.
returnDate: String
The date this transaction was returned, in ISO 8601 format.
id: ID!
The unique id of the DebitLedgerEntry
financialAccount: FinancialAccount
A FinancialAccount
backed by the Ledger
that this ledger entry belongs to.
journalEntry: JournalEntry
A JournalEntry
showing this DebitLedgerEntry
and its offsetting CreditLedgerEntry
ledger: Ledger
Ledger that DebitLedgerEntry
belongs to.
amount: Amount
The amount of the DebitLedgerEntry
memo: String
The optional memo of the DebitLedgerEntry
financialEvent: FinancialEvent
The event that triggered the ledger entry.
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, this ledger entry was created.
creditBalanceAtLedgerEntry: Amount
The credit balance that is the result of the ledger entry.
debitBalanceAtLedgerEntry: Amount
The debit balance that is the result of the ledger entry.
financialAccount: FinancialAccount
The account that got impacted
amount: Amount
The amount of the manual adjustment.
normalBalance: NormalBalance
The normal balance type of the Ledger
ledgerName: LedgerName
The name of the Ledger
enabled: Boolean
Whether or not the feature is enabled for the Financial Account.
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the feature was created.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the feature was last updated.
effectiveFrom: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the feature was effective from.
effectiveThrough: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the feature was effective through.
id: ID!
The ID of the transaction. This id
can be used to later retrieve details of this Transaction.
transactionEvents: [TransactionEvent!]
The list of TransactionEvents related to this Transaction.
eventTypes: [TransactionEventFilter!]
Scope results to specific types of TransactionEvents.
count: UnsignedInt
The count field attributes of a transaction.
amount: Amount
The amount field attributes of a transaction.
responseCode: DeclinedTransactionResponseCodeBusinessMetric
List of response codes.
sortedDirection: BusinessMetricAttributeSortedDirection
Sort by Ascending or Descending, Descending as default.
responseCodeAttributes: [DeclinedTransactionResponseCodeBusinessMetricAttribute!]
Declined response code attributes.
count: UnsignedInt
The total number of declined transactions.
amount: Amount
The total amount of declined transactions.
responseCode: TransactionEventResponseCode
Declined response code.
newState: FinancialAccountDelinquencyState
The delinquency state this FinancialAccount
is transitioning to, such as CURRENT, DELINQUENT, or CLOSING.
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the FinancialAccount
transitioned to this state.
id: ID!
Global ID used to reference the delivery attempt in operations.
uri: String
The uri used for this attempt.
target: WebhookNotificationTarget
The target used for this attempt.
success: Boolean
Whether or not the attempt was successful.
Use deliveryAttemptStatus instead.
response: DeliveryAttemptResponse
Details about the response from the target on this delivery attempt
deliveryAttemptStatus: DeliveryAttemptStatus
Whether the attempt was successful, failed or skipped
createdAt: String
The time the delivery attempt was created.
event: NotificationEvent
The event that triggered the delivery attempt.
pageInfo: PageInfo!
Information about the current page.
edges: [DeliveryAttemptEdge!]
A list of edges.
cursor: String!
The cursor for this edge for use in pagination.
node: DeliveryAttempt
The DeliveryAttempt
httpStatusCode: Int
The HTTP Status Code returned by the target.
id: ID!
Global ID used to reference the rule in operations.
name: String
The name assigned to the rule.
maximumAmount: Amount
The maximum amount to allow for a single deposit.
version: String
The current version of the rule. Specific versions can be attached and detached from card products and payment cards.
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the spend rule was created.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the spend rule was last updated.
revisions: SpendRuleConnection
The list of revisions for this spend rule.
recommendation: SpendRuleRecommendation
The recommendation to ALLOW
an event based on the result of the rule.
message: String
A message describing the result.
valuesTested: [Amount!]
The tested amount of the event.
spendRule: DepositAmountLimitSpendRule
The spend rule attached at the time of the event.
attachedLevel: AttachedLevel
The attached level.
id: ID!
Global ID used to reference the rule in operations.
name: String
The name assigned to the rule.
maximumCount: UnsignedInt
The maximum count of allowed deposits.
version: String
The current version of the rule. Specific versions can be attached and detached from card products and payment cards.
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the spend rule was created.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the spend rule was last updated.
revisions: SpendRuleConnection
The list of revisions for this spend rule.
id: ID!
Global ID used to reference the spend rule in operations.
name: String
The name assigned to the rule.
allowed: [DepositProcessingNetwork!]
The DepositProcessingNetwork
values that will be allowed during deposits.
blocked: [DepositProcessingNetwork!]
The DepositProcessingNetwork
values that will result in declined deposits.
version: String
The current version of the rule. Specific versions can be attached and detached from card products and payment cards.
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the spend rule was created.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the spend rule was last updated.
revisions: SpendRuleConnection
The list of revisions for this spend rule.
recommendation: SpendRuleRecommendation
The recommendation to ALLOW
an event based on the result of the rule.
message: String
A message describing the result.
valuesTested: [DepositProcessingNetwork!]
The tested DepositProcessingNetwork
of the event.
spendRule: DepositProcessingNetworkSpendRule
The spend rule attached at the time of the event.
attachedLevel: AttachedLevel
The attached level.
panColor: String!
PAN color in hex format: #a9b1c0
panColorRgb: String!
PAN color in RGB format: rgb(169, 177, 192)
backgroundColor: String!
Background color in hex format: #a9b1c0
backgroundColorRgb: String!
Background color in RGB format: rgb(169, 177, 192)
cardDescriptorColor: String!
Card descriptor color in hex format: #a9b1c0
cardDescriptorColorRgb: String!
Card descriptor color in RGB format: rgb(169, 177, 192)
cardArt: CardArtDocument!
The files for digital card art
digitalWalletProviders: [DigitalWalletProvider!]
Digital wallet provider
id: ID!
ID of the digital card profile.
status: CardProfileStatus
Status of the digital card profile.
paymentNetworkStatus: CardProfilePaymentNetworkStatus
Payment Network Status of the digital card profile.
bankStatus: CardProfileBankStatus
Bank Status of the digital card profile.
cardHolderAgreementId: ID
Card Holder Agreement ID of the digital card profile.
cardProduct: CardProduct
Card Product of the digital card profile.
colors: DigitalArtColors
Digital Art colors in hex format.
cardArt: [DigitalCardArtDocument!]
Card art
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, this digital card profile
was created.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, this digital card profile
was last updated.
externalProfileId: String
The external id of the digital card profile used by the network for the card art configuration.
name: String
Name of the DigitalCardProfile
description: String
Description about the DigitalCardProfile
cardProfileSetRelationships: [CardProfileSetRelationship!]
The list of CardProfileSet
related to this DigitalCardProfile
formattedName: String
A formatted name, composing the components of the name into a single field
givenName: String
The part of the name that identifies a person.
middleName: String
Additional part of name that identifies a person.
familyName: String
Part of a personal name that identifies a family, tribe, or community.
suffix: String
Provides additional information about the person (e.g. Jr., Sr.)
title: String
One or more words used before the person's name (e.g. Mx., Dr.).
id: ID!
Global ID used to reference the direct deposit detail in operations.
restrictedDetails: DirectDepositDetailRestrictedDetailsResult
The decrypted account number for this direct deposit detail.
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the direct deposit detail was created.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the direct deposit detail was last updated.
number: String
The primary account number for the financial account.
routingNumber: String
The routing number for the financial account.
bank: BankDetails
The details about the backing bank.
type: BankAccountType
The details about the type of account.
enabled: Boolean
Whether or not the feature is enabled for the Financial Account.
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the feature was created.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the feature was last updated.
effectiveFrom: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the feature was effective from.
effectiveThrough: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the feature was effective through.
enabled: Boolean
Whether or not the feature is enabled for the CardProduct
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the feature was created.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the feature was last updated.
effectiveFrom: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the feature was effective from.
effectiveThrough: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the feature was effective through.
id: ID!
Global ID used to reference the DisbursementTransferEvent
in operations.
amount: Amount
The amount of the DisbursementTransferEvent
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the DisbursementTransferEvent
was created.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the DisbursementTransferEvent
was last updated.
eventType: DisbursementTransferEventType
The type of the DisbursementTransferEvent
status: DisbursementTransferEventStatus
The status of the DisbursementTransferEvent
failureReason: DisbursementTransferEventFailureReason
The reason code on why this DisbursementTransferEvent
toFinancialAccount: FinancialAccount
The receiving financial account of the DisbursementTransferEvent
ledgers: [Ledger!]
The ledgers affected by the DisbursementTransferEvent
ledgerNames: [LedgerName!]
Scope the results to specific ledgers
enabled: Boolean
Whether or not the feature is enabled for the CardProduct
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the feature was created.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the feature was last updated.
chargebackMinimumThreshold: Amount
The minimum Amount
for a Dispute to qualify for a Chargeback with the Network.
chargebackProvisionalCreditEnabled: Boolean
Whether or not a Provisional Credit
will be granted when a Chargeback is filed to the Network.
disputeMaximumDaySinceTransaction: UnsignedInt
The maximum number of days from the original TransactionEvent
date that a Transaction can be disputed.
effectiveFrom: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the feature was effective from.
effectiveThrough: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the feature was effective through.
id: ID!
Global ID used to reference the secure upload link
documentUploadSession: DocumentUploadSession
The session which associates all of the files uploaded using the secure upload link
documentType: DocumentType
The document type that was uploaded
status: DocumentUploadLinkStatusCode
The status of the upload
documentCategoryType: DocumentCategoryType
The categorization of an uploaded document
uploadUrl: String
A url to be used to upload the contents of the document.
** Note: ** The maximum file size is 10 MB
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, this document upload link
was created.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, this document upload link
was last updated.
documentType: DocumentCategoryType
Allowed document type supported for a given upload requirement
numberOfDocuments: Int
The number of documents required for a category type
enabled: Boolean
Whether or not the feature is enabled for the CardProduct
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the feature was created.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the feature was last updated.
effectiveFrom: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the feature was effective from.
effectiveThrough: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the feature was effective through.
id: ID!
Global ID used to reference the Employer Advance Account in operations.
name: String
The name of this account.
owner: FinancialAccountOwner
The owner of this Employer Financial Account
cardProduct: CardProduct
The Card Product associated to the Employer Financial Account.
application: AccountHolderCardProductApplication
The Card Product Application used to issue this Employer Financial Account.
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the Employer Financial Account was created.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the Employer Financial Account was last updated.
features: [FinancialAccountFeature!]
The list of features for a Employer Financial Account.
companyIdentifier: String
The company Identifier.
id: ID!
The ID of the transaction event. This id
can be used to later retrieve details of this EnhancedDataEvent
or correlate it with other events on this Transaction
responseCode: TransactionEventResponseCode
The Highnote response code
transaction: Transaction
The Transaction
for this event.
networkTransactionId: ID
The transaction ID from the card network (e.g. Mastercard).
No longer supported
approvedAmount: Amount
Not used for this EnhancedDataEvent
requestedAmount: Amount
Not used for this EnhancedDataEvent
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, this EnhancedDataEvent
was created.
paymentCard: PaymentCard
Not used for this EnhancedDataEvent
cardProduct: CardProduct
Not used for this EnhancedDataEvent
merchantDetails: MerchantDetails
Not used for this EnhancedDataEvent
additionalTransactionData: [AdditionalTransactionData!]
Level 2 / Level 3 transaction data for this transaction
currentFinancialAccountAvailableToSpendAmount: Amount
Not used for this EnhancedDataEvent
currentFinancialAccountMaximumBalanceAmount: Amount
Not used for this EnhancedDataEvent
transactionProcessingType: CardTransactionProcessingType
Not used for this EnhancedDataEvent
pointOfServiceDetails: PointOfServiceDetails
Not used for this EnhancedDataEvent
additionalNetworkData: AdditionalNetworkData
Not used for this EnhancedDataEvent
id: ID!
Id for the external account.
accountName: String
The name of this account.
accountHolderId: ID
The identifier of an Account holder
provider: BankVerificationProvider
The provider that Highnote used to verify this bank account.
accountStatus: ExternalFinancialAccountStatus
ExternalFinancialBankAccount status.
externalBankAccountDetail: ExternalBankAccountDetail
The external bank account added to this external financial account.
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the external bank account was created.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the external bank account was last updated.
addedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the external bank account was added.
A financial instrument with an associated account and routing number.
The direct deposit detail that can be used to deposit funds.
If ExternalFinancialBankAccount is CLOSED then ExternalBankAccountDetail will not be returned except during close mutation.
id: ID!
Global ID used to reference the external bank account detail in operations.
last4: String
The last four digits of bank account number.
type: BankAccountType
The details about the type of bank account.
routingNumber: String
The routing number for the bank account.
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the external bank account detail was created.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the external bank account detail was last updated.
id: ID!
Id for the external account.
accountName: String
The name of this account.
accountHolderId: ID
The identifier of an Account holder
provider: BankVerificationProvider
The provider that Highnote used to verify this bank account.
accountStatus: ExternalFinancialAccountStatus
ExternalFinancialBankAccount status.
externalBankAccountDetail: ExternalBankAccountDetail
The external bank account removed from this external financial account.
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the external bank account was created.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the external bank account was last updated.
removedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the external bank account was removed.
enabled: Boolean
Whether or not the feature is enabled for the CardProduct
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the feature was created.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the feature was last updated.
effectiveFrom: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the feature was effective from.
effectiveThrough: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the feature was effective through.
pageInfo: PageInfo!
Information about the current page.
edges: [ExternalFinancialAccountEdge!]
A list of edges.
cursor: String!
The cursor for this edge for use in pagination.
node: ExternalFinancialAccount
The External Financial Account.
id: ID!
Global ID used to reference the External Financial Account in operations.
ledgers: [Ledger!]
The ledgers backing this financial account.
owner: FinancialAccountOwner
The owner of this financial account
name: String
The name of this account.
provider: BankVerificationProvider
The provider that Highnote used to verify this bank account.
accountStatus: ExternalFinancialAccountStatus
ExternalFinancialBankAccount status.
features: [FinancialAccountFeature!]
The list of features for this financial account.
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the Financial Account was created.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the Financial Account was last updated.
externalBankAccountDetails: ExternalBankAccountDetail
The external bank account added to this external financial account.
integratorInitiatedAchTransfers: ACHTransactionConnection
A paginated list of Integrator Initiated ACH Transfers.
For information on Highnote's Search API, see our Search guide.
ACHTransactionConnection is deprecated in favor of IntegratorInitiatedACHTransferConnection and/or ExternallyInitiatedACHTransferConnection.
after: String
The cursor to start the page.
filterBy: IntegratorInitiatedACHTransferFilterInput
Filter results to specific Integrator Initiated ACH Transfers.
externallyInitiatedAchTransfers: ACHTransactionConnection
A paginated list of Externally Initiated ACH Transfers.
For information on Highnote's Search API, see our Search guide.
ACHTransactionConnection is deprecated in favor of IntegratorInitiatedACHTransferConnection and/or ExternallyInitiatedACHTransferConnection.
after: String
The cursor to start the page.
filterBy: ExternallyInitiatedACHTransferFilterInput
Filter results to specific Externally Initiated ACH Transfers.
integratorInitiatedACHTransfer: IntegratorInitiatedACHTransferConnection
A paginated list of Integrator Initiated ACH Transfers.
For information on Highnote's Search API, see our Search guide.
Deprecated, in favor of internalACHTransfers
after: String
The cursor to start the page.
filterBy: IntegratorInitiatedACHTransferFilterInput
Filter results to specific Integrator Initiated ACH Transfers.
integratorACHTransfers: IntegratorInitiatedACHTransferConnection
A paginated list of Integrator Initiated ACH Transfers.
For information on Highnote's Search API, see our Search guide.
after: String
The cursor to start the page.
filterBy: IntegratorInitiatedACHTransferFilterInput
Filter results to specific Integrator Initiated ACH Transfers.
externallyInitiatedACHTransfer: ExternallyInitiatedACHTransferConnection
A paginated list of Externally Initiated ACH Transfers.
For information on Highnote's Search API, see our Search guide.
Deprecated, in favor of externalACHTransfers
after: String
The cursor to start the page.
filterBy: ExternallyInitiatedACHTransferFilterInput
Filter results to specific Externally Initiated ACH Transfers.
externalACHTransfers: ExternallyInitiatedACHTransferConnection
A paginated list of Externally Initiated ACH Transfers.
For information on Highnote's Search API, see our Search guide.
after: String
The cursor to start the page.
filterBy: ExternallyInitiatedACHTransferFilterInput
Filter results to specific Externally Initiated ACH Transfers.
originatedAchTransfers: OriginatedAchTransferPayload
A paginated list of originated ACH transfers.
For information on Highnote's Search API, see our Search guide.
after: String
The cursor to start the page.
filterBy: OriginatedAchTransferFilterInput
Filter results to specific originated ACH transfers.
nonOriginatedAchTransfers: NonOriginatedAchTransferPayload
A paginated list of non-originated ACH transfers.
For information on Highnote's Search API, see our Search guide.
after: String
The cursor to start the page.
filterBy: NonOriginatedAchTransferFilterInput
Filter results to specific non-originated ACH transfers.
transactionEvents: TransactionEventConnection
A paginated list of TransactionEvents.
For information on Highnote's Search API, see our Search guide.
after: String
The cursor to start the page.
filterBy: TransactionEventsFilterInput
Filter results to specific TransactionEvents.
id: ID!
Global ID used to reference the transfer in operations.
amount: Amount
The amount released from hold.
status: InterFinancialAccountTransferStatus
The current status of the transfer.
statusReason: InterFinancialAccountTransferStatusReasonCode
The reason for the current status.
memo: String
A description of the transfer for reference.
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the transfer was created.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the transfer was last updated.
ledgers: [Ledger!]
The ledgers affected by the transfer.
ledgerNames: [LedgerName!]
Scope the results to specific ledgers
pageInfo: PageInfo!
Information about the current page.
edges: [ExternallyInitiatedACHTransferEdge!]
A list of edges.
cursor: String!
The cursor for this edge for use in pagination.
node: ExternallyInitiatedACHTransferEdgeNode
The ACH Transfer.
id: ID!
Global ID used to reference the transfer in operations.
amount: Amount
The amount of the transfer.
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the transfer was created.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the transfer was last updated.
ledgers: [Ledger!]
The ledgers affected by the transfer.
ledgerNames: [LedgerName!]
Scope the results to specific ledgers
status: WireTransferStatusDetails
The status of the wire transfer.
toFinancialAccount: FinancialAccount
The destination financial account that will receive the funds.
status: ACHTransferStatus
The status of the failed transfer. This can only be FAILED
statusReasonCode: ACHTransferStatusReasonCode
Additional details about why a transfer failed.
status: ExternallyInitiatedACHStatus
The status of the failed transfer. This can only be FAILED
statusReasonCode: ExternallyInitiatedACHStatusReasonCode
Additional details about why a transfer failed.
status: FeeTransferEventStatus
The fee transfer event status.
reasonDetails: FeeTransferEventFailure
Additional details for failure.
status: IntegratorInitiatedACHStatus
The status of the failed transfer. This can only be FAILED
statusReasonCode: IntegratorInitiatedACHStatusReasonCode
Additional details about why a transfer failed.
status: WireTransferStatus
The status of the failed transfer. This will always be FAILED
statusReasonCode: WireStatusReasonCode
Additional details about why a transfer failed.
pageInfo: PageInfo!
Information about the current page.
edges: [FeaturePermissionEdge!]
A list of edges.
cursor: String!
The cursor for this edge for use in pagination.
node: FeaturePermission
The feature permission.
pageInfo: PageInfo!
Information about the current page.
edges: [FeaturePermissionRevisionEdge!]
A list of edges.
cursor: String!
The cursor for this edge for use in pagination.
node: FeaturePermissionRevision
The feature permission revision.
id: ID!
ID used to reference the fee charge rule.
name: String
Fee charge rule name.
order: Int
Order at which this fee charge rule will be applied against other applicable fee charge rules.
value: FeeChargeValue
The value of fee charged when this charge rule is applied.
conditions: [FeeChargeRuleCondition!]
The list of conditions that determine if this fee charge rule should be applied. All conditions must be true for this charge rule to apply.
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the fee charge rule was created.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the fee charge rule was last updated.
id: ID!
ID used to reference fee charge rule amount condition.
description: String
The description of fee charge rule amount condition.
condition: AmountFeeCondition
The logical condition with regard to amount in account holder activity.
aggregatedAt: FeeConditionAggregation
The amount of account holder activity is aggregated at.
aggregationDuration: FeeChargeConditionDuration
The duration for which amount is aggregated before it resets.
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the fee charge rule amount condition was created.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the fee charge rule amount condition was last updated.
id: ID!
ID used to reference the fee charge rule count condition.
description: String
The description of fee charge rule count condition.
condition: CountFeeCondition
The logical condition with regard to count of account holder activity.
aggregatedAt: FeeConditionAggregation
The count of account holder activity is aggregated at.
aggregationDuration: FeeChargeConditionDuration
The duration for which the count of account holder activity is aggregated before it resets.
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the fee charge rule count condition was created.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the fee charge rule count condition was last updated.
id: ID!
ID used to reference the fee configuration.
feeActivityType: FeeTransferEventFeeActivityType
The account holder activity for which fee is charged.
feeChargeRules: [FeeChargeRule!]
Set of rules that determine amount of fee to be charged.
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the fee configuration was created.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the fee configuration was last updated.
id: ID!
Global ID used to reference the fee schedule.
feeScheduleAssociatedTo: FeeScheduleAssociatedTo
The Fee schedule that is associated to a Card Product.
feeConfigurations: [FeeConfiguration!]
Set of fee configurations for this fee schedule.
activationDate: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the fee schedule was activated.
status: FeeScheduleStatus
Status of fee schedule.
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the fee schedule was created.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the fee schedule was last updated.
pageInfo: PageInfo!
Information about the current page.
edges: [FeeScheduleEdge!]
A list of edges.
cursor: String!
The cursor for this edge for use in pagination.
node: FeeSchedule
The Fee schedule.
id: ID!
Global ID used to reference the Fee Transfer Event in operations.
feeTransfer: FeeTransfer
Details about this fee transfer event.
pageInfo: PageInfo!
Information about the current page.
edges: [FeeTransferEventEdge!]
A list of edges.
cursor: String!
The cursor for this edge for use in pagination.
node: FeeTransferEvent
The Fee Transfer Event.
paymentCardTransactionChargebacks: PaymentCardTransactionChargebackConnection
A paginated list of PaymentCardTransactionChargeback
for this FinancialAccount
For information on Highnote's Search API, see our Search guide.
after: String
The cursor to start the page.
filterBy: FinancialAccountPaymentCardTransactionChargebacksFilterInput
Filter results to specific PaymentCardTransactionChargeback
globalNotes: GlobalNoteConnectionPayload
All global notes pertaining to this FinancialAccount
accountReviewHistory: AccountReviewConnectionPayload
For information on Highnote's Search API, see our Search guide.
id: ID!
Global ID used to reference the Financial Account in operations.
externalId: String
Externally provided ID (255 character limit) that is unique per organization and tenant. If not provided, Highnote will generate an ID (ten digit, Base58, all caps).
ledgers: [Ledger!]
The ledgers backing this financial account.
ledgerNames: [LedgerName!]
Scope the results to specific ledgers
owner: FinancialAccountOwner
The owner of this financial account
name: String
The name of this account.
cardProduct: CardProduct
The Card Product associated to the Financial Account.
application: AccountHolderCardProductApplication
The Card Product Application used to issue this Financial Account.
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the Financial Account was created.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the Financial Account was last updated.
features: [FinancialAccountFeature!]
The list of features for a Financial Account.
directDepositDetails: DirectDepositDetail
The direct deposit details for this financial account.
activeBillingCycleConfiguration: BillingCycleConfiguration
The active billing cycle configuration for this financial account.
statementSnapshot: FinancialAccountStatementSnapshot
Current account balance snapshot
statements: FinancialAccountStatementConnection
A paginated list of FinancialAccountStatements.
For information on Highnote's Search API, see our Search guide.
after: String
The cursor to start the page.
filterBy: FinancialAccountStatementFilterInput
Filter results to specific statements.
financialAccountActivities: FinancialAccountActivityConnection
The Activities that occurred on this Financial Account.
For information on Highnote's Search API, see our Search guide.
after: String
The cursor to start the page.
filterBy: FinancialAccountActivitiesFilterInput
Filter results to specific Financial Account Activities.
integratorInitiatedAchTransfers: ACHTransactionConnection
A paginated list of Integrator Initiated ACH Transfers.
For information on Highnote's Search API, see our Search guide.
ACHTransactionConnection is deprecated in favor of IntegratorInitiatedACHTransferConnection and/or ExternallyInitiatedACHTransferConnection.
after: String
The cursor to start the page.
filterBy: IntegratorInitiatedACHTransferFilterInput
Filter results to specific Integrator Initiated ACH Transfers.
integratorInitiatedACHTransfer: IntegratorInitiatedACHTransferConnection
A paginated list of Integrator Initiated ACH Transfers.
For information on Highnote's Search API, see our Search guide.
Deprecated, in favor of integratorACHTransfers
integratorInitiatedACHTransfer is deprecated in favor of integratorACHTransfers.
after: String
The cursor to start the page.
filterBy: IntegratorInitiatedACHTransferFilterInput
Filter results to specific Integrator Initiated ACH Transfers.
integratorACHTransfers: IntegratorInitiatedACHTransferConnection
A paginated list of Integrator Initiated ACH Transfers.
For information on Highnote's Search API, see our Search guide.
after: String
The cursor to start the page.
filterBy: IntegratorInitiatedACHTransferFilterInput
Filter results to specific Integrator Initiated ACH Transfers.
externallyInitiatedAchTransfers: ACHTransactionConnection
A paginated list of Externally Initiated ACH Transfers.
For information on Highnote's Search API, see our Search guide.
ACHTransactionConnection is deprecated in favor of IntegratorInitiatedACHTransferConnection and/or ExternallyInitiatedACHTransferConnection.
after: String
The cursor to start the page.
filterBy: ExternallyInitiatedACHTransferFilterInput
Filter results to specific Externally Initiated ACH Transfers.
externallyInitiatedACHTransfer: ExternallyInitiatedACHTransferConnection
A paginated list of Externally Initiated ACH Transfers.
For information on Highnote's Search API, see our Search guide.
Deprecated, in favor of externalACHTransfers
externallyInitiatedACHTransfer is deprecated in favor of externalACHTransfers.
after: String
The cursor to start the page.
filterBy: ExternallyInitiatedACHTransferFilterInput
Filter results to specific Externally Initiated ACH Transfers.
externalACHTransfers: ExternallyInitiatedACHTransferConnection
A paginated list of Externally Initiated ACH Transfers.
For information on Highnote's Search API, see our Search guide.
after: String
The cursor to start the page.
filterBy: ExternallyInitiatedACHTransferFilterInput
Filter results to specific Externally Initiated ACH Transfers.
originatedAchTransfers: OriginatedAchTransferPayload
A paginated list of originated ACH transfers.
For information on Highnote's Search API, see our Search guide.
after: String
The cursor to start the page.
filterBy: OriginatedAchTransferFilterInput
Filter results to specific originated ACH transfers.
nonOriginatedAchTransfers: NonOriginatedAchTransferPayload
A paginated list of non-originated ACH transfers.
For information on Highnote's Search API, see our Search guide.
after: String
The cursor to start the page.
filterBy: NonOriginatedAchTransferFilterInput
Filter results to specific non-originated ACH transfers.
incomingScheduledTransfers: ScheduledTransferConnection
Incoming Scheduled Transfers for the financial account
transactionEvents: TransactionEventConnection
A paginated list of TransactionEvents.
For information on Highnote's Search API, see our Search guide.
after: String
The cursor to start the page.
filterBy: TransactionEventsFilterInput
Filter results to specific Transaction Card Events.
interFinancialAccountTransfers: InterFinancialAccountTransferConnection
The InterFinancialAccountTransfers
belonging to this FinancialAccount
For information on Highnote's Search API, see our Search guide.
after: String
The cursor to start the page.
filterBy: InterFinancialAccountTransferFilterInput
Filter results to specific inter financial account transfers.
accountClosureBlockers: [AccountClosureBlocker]
A list of states which could block account closure.
accountStatus: FinancialAccountStatus
The FinancialAccountStatus
accountAttributes: [FinancialAccountAttribute]
A List of FinancialAccountAttribute
associated with this FinancialAccount
For information on Highnote's Search API, see our Search guide.
financialAccountAttributesWithReason: [FinancialAccountAttributeWithReason!]
The attributes and reasons for the FinancialAccount
paymentCards: PaymentCardConnection
The Payment Cards issued to this Financial Account.
after: String
The cursor to start the page.
filterBy: FinancialAccountPaymentCardsFilterInput
Filter results to specific Payment Cards.
velocityRuleBalances: [VelocityRuleBalance]
The balances of the VelocityRules that pertain to this FinancialAccount
Use velocitySpendRuleBalances instead
velocitySpendRuleBalances: [VelocitySpendRuleBalance]
The balances of the VelocityRules that pertain to this FinancialAccount
partnerBankName: PartnerBankName
The name of our bank partner associated to this FinancialAccount
delinquency: FinancialAccountDelinquency
The delinquency details of this FinancialAccount
delinquencyState: CurrentFinancialAccountDelinquencyState
The current delinquency state of this FinancialAccount
billingCycleHistory: BillingCycleConnection
A paginated list of billing cycles for this FinancialAccount
For information on Highnote's Search API, see our Search guide.
after: String
The cursor to start the page.
filterBy: BillingCycleFilterInput
Filter results to specific Billing Cycles.
creditConfiguration: CreditFinancialAccountConfiguration
The credit configuration for this FinancialAccount
feeTransferEvents: FeeTransferEventConnection
A paginated list of FeeTransferEvents.
For information on Highnote's Search API, see our Search guide.
after: String
The cursor to start the page.
filterBy: FeeTransferEventFilterInput
Filter results to specific Transaction Card Events.
paymentCardTransactionDisputes: PaymentCardTransactionDisputeConnectionPayload
A paginated list of PaymentCardTransactionDispute
for this FinancialAccount
For information on Highnote's Search API, see our Search guide.
after: String
The cursor to start the page.
filterBy: FinancialAccountPaymentCardTransactionDisputesFilterInput
Filter results to specific PaymentCardTransactionDispute
customFields: [CustomField!]
The customFields associated with this FinancialAccount
revisionSnapshots: FinancialAccountSnapshotConnection
A paginated list of revisions made to this FinancialAccount
rewardPointsTransfers: RewardPointsTransferConnectionPayload
The reward points transfers associated to this FinancialAccount
Please query the REWARDS_POINTS ledger on your FinancialAccount for ledger entries, which include RewardPointsTransfer financial events.
attachedSpendRules: SpendRuleConnection
The spend rules attached to this Financial Account.
attachedVelocityRules: VelocityRuleConnection
The velocity rules attached to this Financial Account.
velocityInterFinancialAccountTransferRuleBalances: VelocityInterFinancialAccountTransferRuleBalanceConnectionPayload
The balances of VelocityInterFinancialAccountTransferRules that pertain to this FinancialAccount
checkPayments: CheckPaymentsConnection
A paginated list of CheckPayment
sign: FinancialAccountActivitySign
Whether the activity decreases or increases available cash or credit for the Financial Account.
isComplete: Boolean
If true, there are no more expected changes or updates to this activity.
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, this activity was created.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, this activity was updated.
pendingAmount: Amount
The amount pending for this activity. For PaymentCard transactions, this represents the remaining amount authorized.
postedAmount: Amount
The amount posted for this activity. For PaymentCard transactions, this represents the total amount cleared.
source: FinancialAccountActivitySource
The source of this activity.
pageInfo: PageInfo!
Information about the current page.
edges: [FinancialAccountActivityEdge!]
A list of edges.
cursor: String!
The cursor for this edge for use in pagination.
node: FinancialAccountActivity
The Financial Account Activity.
attribute: FinancialAccountAttribute!
The attribute of the FinancialAccount
reason: FinancialAccountAttributeReason
The reason for the attribute.
pageInfo: PageInfo!
Information about the current page.
edges: [FinancialAccountEdge!]
A list of edges.
id: ID!
Global ID used to reference the credit limit update in operations.
amount: Amount
The amount of the credit limit.
status: FinancialAccountCreditLimitUpdateFromProductFundingStatus
The current status of the credit limit.
statusReason: FinancialAccountCreditLimitUpdateFromProductFundingStatusReasonCode
The reason for the current status.
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the credit limit update was created.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the credit limit update was last updated.
memo: String
A description of the credit limit update for later reference.
ledgers: [Ledger!]
The ledgers affected by the credit limit update.
ledgerNames: [LedgerName!]
Scope the results to specific ledgers
cursor: String!
The cursor for this edge for use in pagination.
node: FinancialAccount
The financial account.
id: ID!
ID for the pseudo balance update.
status: FinancialAccountPseudoBalanceUpdateStatus
The status of this pseudo balance update.
statusReason: FinancialAccountPseudoBalanceUpdateStatusReason
In the case of a failed status
, returns the failed reason.
memo: String
The memo set when creating the pseudo balance update.
amount: Amount
The amount set for this pseudo balance.
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, at which this update was created.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, at which this update was modified.
id: ID!
Global ID used to reference the FinancialAccountSnapshot
financialAccount: FinancialAccount
The FinancialAccount
that this is a revision of.
financialAccountAttributes: [FinancialAccountAttribute!]
The attributes of the FinancialAccount
accountStatus: FinancialAccountStatus
The status of the FinancialAccount
cardProduct: CardProduct
The card product associated to the FinancialAccount
externalId: String
Externally provided ID (255 character limit) that can be used to refer to the issued payment card's' financial account. This ID is unique per organization and tenant. If not provided, Highnote will generate an ID (ten digit, Base58, all caps).
name: String
The name of this account.
application: AccountHolderCardProductApplication
The Card Product Application used to issue this Employer Financial Account.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, when this snapshot was updated.
This is also the date that the FinancialAccount
was modified.
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, when this snapshot was created.
This is also the date that the FinancialAccount
was created.
pageInfo: PageInfo!
Information about the current page.
edges: [FinancialAccountSnapshotEdge!]
A list of edges.
cursor: String!
The cursor for this edge for use in pagination.
node: FinancialAccountSnapshot
The details of the revision made to a FinancialAccount
pageInfo: PageInfo!
Information about the current page.
edges: [FinancialAccountStatementEdge!]
A list of edges.
cursor: String!
The cursor for this edge for use in pagination.
node: FinancialAccountStatement
The Financial Account Statement.
pageInfo: PageInfo!
Information about the current page.
edges: [FinancialAccountStatementEntryEdge!]
A list of edges.
cursor: String!
The cursor for this edge for use in pagination.
node: FinancialAccountStatementEntry
The Financial Account Statement Entry.
payOffType: PayOffType
Pay off Type to identity if pay off details are associated with Fixed minimum pay or Fixed three year pay.
paymentDetails: PayOffPaymentDetails
Payment details for the consumer for define category.
paymentCycles: [FinancialAccountStatementPayOffPayment!]
Minimum amount paid by the consumer.
balanceType: BalanceType
Balance Type for the current statement
balanceSubjectToInterestAmount: Amount
Purchase balance for this CreditPlan
, subject to the interest charge for specific credit plan'
interestChargedAmount: Amount
Period's purchase interest charge for this CreditPlan
, subject to the interest charge for specific balance for specific credit plan type'
apr: Float
The interest rate (APR) for this CreditPlan
for this statement, expressed as a Float
with up to 3 digit precision after the decimal point.
If this FinancialAccount
qualifies for a Servicemembers Civil Relief Act (SCRA) interest rate during this statement period, it will be reflected in this value.
amount: Amount
The flat fee amount to be charged.
enabled: Boolean
Whether or not the feature is enabled for the Financial Account.
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the feature was created.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the feature was last updated.
creditLimit: Amount
The credit limit on the FleetCardAccountFeature
effectiveFrom: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the feature was effective from.
effectiveThrough: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the feature was effective through.
percentageOfTransactionZeroToSevenDays: UnsignedInt!
The percentage of transactions that are shipped within 0-7 days of collecting payment
percentageOfTransactionEightToFourteenDays: UnsignedInt!
The percentage of transactions that are shipped within 8-14 days of collecting payment
percentageOfTransactionFIfteenToThirtyDays: UnsignedInt!
The percentage of transactions that are shipped within 15-30 days of collecting payment
percentageOfTransactionMoreThanThirtyDays: UnsignedInt!
The percentage of transactions that are shipped more than 30 days past payment collection
id: ID!
The ID of the transfer event. This id
can be used to later retrieve details of this FundsDepositCanceledEvent
or correlate it with other events on this ElectronicFundsTransfer
transactionId: ID
The ID of the IntegratorInitiatedFundsDepositACHTransfer
that triggered this event.
amount: Amount
The amount of the transfer.
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the transfer was created.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the transfer was last updated.
fromFinancialAccountId: ID
The ID of the account sending the funds. Will always be an ExternalFinancialBankAccount
toFinancialAccountId: ID
The ID of the account receiving the funds. Will always be a FinancialBankAccount
companyName: String
he name of the company that initiated the ACH transfer.
This will always be Highnote.
companyIdentifier: String
The ID for Highnote.
settlementDate: String
The settlement date as specified by the company that initiated the ACH transfer, ISO 8601 format.
fundsAvailableDate: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the transfer will be transitioned to PROCESSED and the funds are available.
paymentRelatedInformation: String
This field contains payment-related information provided by the originator of the transaction. It can include free-form text, structured data, or codes. The field supports alphanumeric characters, including the following symbols: ! " & ' ( ) * + , - . / : ; ? = % ~ @ [ ] { } \ | < > # $.
Example: RMR*IV*0123456789**999.99\.
Please note that this information may or may not be displayed to the recipient, based on the bank's capabilities, and method of access (i.e., online banking, statement, etc.)
id: ID!
The ID of the transfer event. This id
can be used to later retrieve details of this FundsDepositFailedEvent
or correlate it with other events on this ElectronicFundsTransfer
transactionId: ID
The ID of the IntegratorInitiatedFundsDepositACHTransfer
that triggered this event.
amount: Amount
The amount of the transfer.
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the transfer was created.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the transfer was last updated.
fromFinancialAccountId: ID
The ID of the account sending the funds. Will always be an ExternalFinancialBankAccount
toFinancialAccountId: ID
The ID of the account receiving the funds. Will always be a FinancialBankAccount
companyName: String
he name of the company that initiated the ACH transfer.
This will always be Highnote.
companyIdentifier: String
The ID for Highnote.
settlementDate: String
The settlement date as specified by the company that initiated the ACH transfer, ISO 8601 format.
fundsAvailableDate: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the transfer will be transitioned to PROCESSED and the funds are available.
fundsDepositACHReasonCode: IntegratorInitiatedACHStatusReasonCode
Additional details about why an Funds Deposit ACH Transfer failed.
paymentRelatedInformation: String
This field contains payment-related information provided by the originator of the transaction. It can include free-form text, structured data, or codes. The field supports alphanumeric characters, including the following symbols: ! " & ' ( ) * + , - . / : ; ? = % ~ @ [ ] { } \ | < > # $.
Example: RMR*IV*0123456789**999.99\.
Please note that this information may or may not be displayed to the recipient, based on the bank's capabilities, and method of access (i.e., online banking, statement, etc.)
id: ID!
The ID of the transfer event. This id
can be used to later retrieve details of this FundsDepositInitiatedEvent
or correlate it with other events on this ElectronicFundsTransfer
transactionId: ID
The ID of the IntegratorInitiatedFundsDepositACHTransfer
that triggered this event.
amount: Amount
The amount of the transfer.
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the transfer was created.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the transfer was last updated.
fromFinancialAccountId: ID
The ID of the account sending the funds. Will always be an ExternalFinancialBankAccount
toFinancialAccountId: ID
The ID of the account receiving the funds. Will always be a FinancialBankAccount
companyName: String
he name of the company that initiated the ACH transfer.
This will always be Highnote.
companyIdentifier: String
The ID for Highnote.
settlementDate: String
The settlement date as specified by the company that initiated the ACH transfer, ISO 8601 format.
fundsAvailableDate: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the transfer will be transitioned to PROCESSED and the funds are available.
paymentRelatedInformation: String
This field contains payment-related information provided by the originator of the transaction. It can include free-form text, structured data, or codes. The field supports alphanumeric characters, including the following symbols: ! " & ' ( ) * + , - . / : ; ? = % ~ @ [ ] { } \ | < > # $.
Example: RMR*IV*0123456789**999.99\.
Please note that this information may or may not be displayed to the recipient, based on the bank's capabilities, and method of access (i.e., online banking, statement, etc.)
id: ID!
The ID of the transfer event. This id
can be used to later retrieve details of this FundsDepositProcessedEvent
or correlate it with other events on this ElectronicFundsTransfer
transactionId: ID
The ID of the IntegratorInitiatedFundsDepositACHTransfer
that triggered this event.
amount: Amount
The amount of the transfer.
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the transfer was created.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the transfer was last updated.
fromFinancialAccountId: ID
The ID of the account sending the funds. Will always be an ExternalFinancialBankAccount
toFinancialAccountId: ID
The ID of the account receiving the funds. Will always be a FinancialBankAccount
companyName: String
he name of the company that initiated the ACH transfer.
This will always be Highnote.
companyIdentifier: String
The ID for Highnote.
settlementDate: String
The settlement date as specified by the company that initiated the ACH transfer, ISO 8601 format.
fundsAvailableDate: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the transfer will be transitioned to PROCESSED and the funds are available.
paymentRelatedInformation: String
This field contains payment-related information provided by the originator of the transaction. It can include free-form text, structured data, or codes. The field supports alphanumeric characters, including the following symbols: ! " & ' ( ) * + , - . / : ; ? = % ~ @ [ ] { } \ | < > # $.
Example: RMR*IV*0123456789**999.99\.
Please note that this information may or may not be displayed to the recipient, based on the bank's capabilities, and method of access (i.e., online banking, statement, etc.)
id: ID!
The ID of the transfer event. This id
can be used to later retrieve details of this FundsDepositProcessingEvent
or correlate it with other events on this ElectronicFundsTransfer
transactionId: ID
The ID of the IntegratorInitiatedFundsDepositACHTransfer
that triggered this event.
amount: Amount
The amount of the transfer.
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the transfer was created.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the transfer was last updated.
fromFinancialAccountId: ID
The ID of the account sending the funds. Will always be an ExternalFinancialBankAccount
toFinancialAccountId: ID
The ID of the account receiving the funds. Will always be a FinancialBankAccount
companyName: String
he name of the company that initiated the ACH transfer.
This will always be Highnote.
companyIdentifier: String
The ID for Highnote.
settlementDate: String
The settlement date as specified by the company that initiated the ACH transfer, ISO 8601 format.
fundsAvailableDate: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the transfer will be transitioned to PROCESSED and the funds are available.
paymentRelatedInformation: String
This field contains payment-related information provided by the originator of the transaction. It can include free-form text, structured data, or codes. The field supports alphanumeric characters, including the following symbols: ! " & ' ( ) * + , - . / : ; ? = % ~ @ [ ] { } \ | < > # $.
Example: RMR*IV*0123456789**999.99\.
Please note that this information may or may not be displayed to the recipient, based on the bank's capabilities, and method of access (i.e., online banking, statement, etc.)
id: ID!
The ID of the transfer event. This id
can be used to later retrieve details of this FundsDepositReturnedEvent
or correlate it with other events on this ElectronicFundsTransfer
transactionId: ID
The ID of the IntegratorInitiatedFundsDepositACHTransfer
that triggered this event.
amount: Amount
The amount of the transfer.
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the transfer was created.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the transfer was last updated.
fromFinancialAccountId: ID
The ID of the account sending the funds. Will always be an ExternalFinancialBankAccount
toFinancialAccountId: ID
The ID of the account receiving the funds. Will always be a FinancialBankAccount
companyName: String
he name of the company that initiated the ACH transfer.
This will always be Highnote.
companyIdentifier: String
The ID for Highnote.
settlementDate: String
The settlement date as specified by the company that initiated the ACH transfer, ISO 8601 format.
fundsAvailableDate: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the transfer will be transitioned to PROCESSED and the funds are available.
fundsDepositACHReasonCode: IntegratorInitiatedACHStatusReasonCode
Additional details about why an Funds Deposit ACH Transfer failed.
paymentRelatedInformation: String
This field contains payment-related information provided by the originator of the transaction. It can include free-form text, structured data, or codes. The field supports alphanumeric characters, including the following symbols: ! " & ' ( ) * + , - . / : ; ? = % ~ @ [ ] { } \ | < > # $.
Example: RMR*IV*0123456789**999.99\.
Please note that this information may or may not be displayed to the recipient, based on the bank's capabilities, and method of access (i.e., online banking, statement, etc.)
returnDate: String
The date this transaction was returned, in ISO 8601 format.
id: ID!
The ID of the transfer event. This id
can be used to later retrieve details of this FundsWithdrawalCanceledEvent
or correlate it with other events on this ElectronicFundsTransfer
transactionId: ID
The ID of the IntegratorInitiatedFundsWithdrawalACHTransfer
that triggered this event.
amount: Amount
The amount of the transfer.
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the transfer was created.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the transfer was last updated.
fromFinancialAccountId: ID
The ID of the account sending the funds. Will always be a FinancialAccount
toFinancialAccountId: ID
The ID of the account receiving the funds. Will always be an ExternalFinancialBankAccount
companyName: String
he name of the company that initiated the ACH transfer.
This will always be Highnote.
companyIdentifier: String
The ID for Highnote.
settlementDate: String
The settlement date as specified by the company that initiated the ACH transfer, ISO 8601 format.
fundsAvailableDate: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the transfer will be transitioned to PROCESSED and the funds are available.
transferStatus: ACHTransferStatusDetails
The status of the ACH transfer.
transfer status only needed for failed or returned events
paymentRelatedInformation: String
This field contains payment-related information provided by the originator of the transaction. It can include free-form text, structured data, or codes. The field supports alphanumeric characters, including the following symbols: ! " & ' ( ) * + , - . / : ; ? = % ~ @ [ ] { } \ | < > # $.
Example: RMR*IV*0123456789**999.99\.
Please note that this information may or may not be displayed to the recipient, based on the bank's capabilities, and method of access (i.e., online banking, statement, etc.)
id: ID!
The ID of the transfer event. This id
can be used to later retrieve details of this FundsWithdrawalFailedEvent
or correlate it with other events on this ElectronicFundsTransfer
transactionId: ID
The ID of the IntegratorInitiatedFundsWithdrawalACHTransfer
that triggered this event.
amount: Amount
The amount of the transfer.
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the transfer was created.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the transfer was last updated.
fromFinancialAccountId: ID
The ID of the account sending the funds. Will always be a FinancialAccount
toFinancialAccountId: ID
The ID of the account receiving the funds. Will always be an ExternalFinancialBankAccount
companyName: String
he name of the company that initiated the ACH transfer.
This will always be Highnote.
companyIdentifier: String
The ID for Highnote.
settlementDate: String
The settlement date as specified by the company that initiated the ACH transfer, ISO 8601 format.
fundsAvailableDate: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the transfer will be transitioned to PROCESSED and the funds are available.
fundsWithdrawalACHReasonCode: IntegratorInitiatedACHStatusReasonCode
Additional details about why an Funds Withdrawal ACH Transfer failed.
transferStatus: ACHTransferStatusDetails
The status of the ACH transfer.
use fundsWithdrawalACHReasonCode instead
paymentRelatedInformation: String
This field contains payment-related information provided by the originator of the transaction. It can include free-form text, structured data, or codes. The field supports alphanumeric characters, including the following symbols: ! " & ' ( ) * + , - . / : ; ? = % ~ @ [ ] { } \ | < > # $.
Example: RMR*IV*0123456789**999.99\.
Please note that this information may or may not be displayed to the recipient, based on the bank's capabilities, and method of access (i.e., online banking, statement, etc.)
id: ID!
The ID of the transfer event. This id
can be used to later retrieve details of this FundsWithdrawalInitiatedEvent
or correlate it with other events on this ElectronicFundsTransfer
transactionId: ID
The ID of the IntegratorInitiatedFundsWithdrawalACHTransfer
that triggered this event.
amount: Amount
The amount of the transfer.
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the transfer was created.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the transfer was last updated.
fromFinancialAccountId: ID
The ID of the account sending the funds. Will always be a FinancialAccount
toFinancialAccountId: ID
The ID of the account receiving the funds. Will always be an ExternalFinancialBankAccount
companyName: String
he name of the company that initiated the ACH transfer.
This will always be Highnote.
companyIdentifier: String
The ID for Highnote.
settlementDate: String
The settlement date as specified by the company that initiated the ACH transfer, ISO 8601 format.
fundsAvailableDate: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the transfer will be transitioned to PROCESSED and the funds are available.
transferStatus: ACHTransferStatusDetails
The status of the ACH transfer.
transfer status only needed for failed or returned events
paymentRelatedInformation: String
This field contains payment-related information provided by the originator of the transaction. It can include free-form text, structured data, or codes. The field supports alphanumeric characters, including the following symbols: ! " & ' ( ) * + , - . / : ; ? = % ~ @ [ ] { } \ | < > # $.
Example: RMR*IV*0123456789**999.99\.
Please note that this information may or may not be displayed to the recipient, based on the bank's capabilities, and method of access (i.e., online banking, statement, etc.)
id: ID!
The ID of the transfer event. This id
can be used to later retrieve details of this FundsWithdrawalProcessedEvent
or correlate it with other events on this ElectronicFundsTransfer
transactionId: ID
The ID of the IntegratorInitiatedFundsWithdrawalACHTransfer
that triggered this event.
amount: Amount
The amount of the transfer.
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the transfer was created.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the transfer was last updated.
fromFinancialAccountId: ID
The ID of the account sending the funds. Will always be a FinancialAccount
toFinancialAccountId: ID
The ID of the account receiving the funds. Will always be an ExternalFinancialBankAccount
companyName: String
he name of the company that initiated the ACH transfer.
This will always be Highnote.
companyIdentifier: String
The ID for Highnote.
settlementDate: String
The settlement date as specified by the company that initiated the ACH transfer, ISO 8601 format.
fundsAvailableDate: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the transfer will be transitioned to PROCESSED and the funds are available.
transferStatus: ACHTransferStatusDetails
The status of the ACH transfer.
transfer status only needed for failed or returned events
paymentRelatedInformation: String
This field contains payment-related information provided by the originator of the transaction. It can include free-form text, structured data, or codes. The field supports alphanumeric characters, including the following symbols: ! " & ' ( ) * + , - . / : ; ? = % ~ @ [ ] { } \ | < > # $.
Example: RMR*IV*0123456789**999.99\.
Please note that this information may or may not be displayed to the recipient, based on the bank's capabilities, and method of access (i.e., online banking, statement, etc.)
id: ID!
The ID of the transfer event. This id
can be used to later retrieve details of this FundsWithdrawalProcessingEvent
or correlate it with other events on this ElectronicFundsTransfer
transactionId: ID
The ID of the IntegratorInitiatedFundsWithdrawalACHTransfer
that triggered this event.
amount: Amount
The amount of the transfer.
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the transfer was created.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the transfer was last updated.
fromFinancialAccountId: ID
The ID of the account sending the funds. Will always be a FinancialAccount
toFinancialAccountId: ID
The ID of the account receiving the funds. Will always be an ExternalFinancialBankAccount
companyName: String
he name of the company that initiated the ACH transfer.
This will always be Highnote.
companyIdentifier: String
The ID for Highnote.
settlementDate: String
The settlement date as specified by the company that initiated the ACH transfer, ISO 8601 format.
fundsAvailableDate: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the transfer will be transitioned to PROCESSED and the funds are available.
transferStatus: ACHTransferStatusDetails
The status of the ACH transfer.
transfer status only needed for failed or returned events
paymentRelatedInformation: String
This field contains payment-related information provided by the originator of the transaction. It can include free-form text, structured data, or codes. The field supports alphanumeric characters, including the following symbols: ! " & ' ( ) * + , - . / : ; ? = % ~ @ [ ] { } \ | < > # $.
Example: RMR*IV*0123456789**999.99\.
Please note that this information may or may not be displayed to the recipient, based on the bank's capabilities, and method of access (i.e., online banking, statement, etc.)
id: ID!
The ID of the transfer event. This id
can be used to later retrieve details of this FundsWithdrawalReturnedEvent
or correlate it with other events on this ElectronicFundsTransfer
transactionId: ID
The ID of the IntegratorInitiatedFundsWithdrawalACHTransfer
that triggered this event.
amount: Amount
The amount of the transfer.
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the transfer was created.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the transfer was last updated.
fromFinancialAccountId: ID
The ID of the account sending the funds. Will always be a FinancialAccount
toFinancialAccountId: ID
The ID of the account receiving the funds. Will always be an ExternalFinancialBankAccount
companyName: String
he name of the company that initiated the ACH transfer.
This will always be Highnote.
companyIdentifier: String
The ID for Highnote.
settlementDate: String
The settlement date as specified by the company that initiated the ACH transfer, ISO 8601 format.
fundsAvailableDate: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the transfer will be transitioned to PROCESSED and the funds are available.
fundsWithdrawalACHReasonCode: IntegratorInitiatedACHStatusReasonCode
Additional details about why an Funds Withdrawal ACH Transfer failed.
transferStatus: ACHTransferStatusDetails
The status of the ACH transfer.
use fundsWithdrawalACHReasonCode instead
paymentRelatedInformation: String
This field contains payment-related information provided by the originator of the transaction. It can include free-form text, structured data, or codes. The field supports alphanumeric characters, including the following symbols: ! " & ' ( ) * + , - . / : ; ? = % ~ @ [ ] { } \ | < > # $.
Example: RMR*IV*0123456789**999.99\.
Please note that this information may or may not be displayed to the recipient, based on the bank's capabilities, and method of access (i.e., online banking, statement, etc.)
returnDate: String
The date this transaction was returned, in ISO 8601 format.
externalLinkToken: String
The link token generated by third party provider.
expirationDate: String
The expiration date for the token in ISO 8601 format.
accountHolder: AccountHolder
The account holder for whom bank account is linked.
id: ID!
The ID used to reference the GlobalNote
in operations.
createdBy: User
The user who added this GlobalNote
message: String!
The message of the GlobalNote
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the GlobalNote
was created.
primaryEntity: GlobalNotePrimaryEntity
The primary entity for the GlobalNote
aggregateEntity: GlobalNoteAggregateEntity
The aggregate entity for the GlobalNote
pageInfo: PageInfo!
Information about the current page.
edges: [GlobalNoteEdge!]
A list of edges.
cursor: String!
The cursor for this edge for use in pagination.
node: GlobalNote
The global note.
id: ID!
Global ID used to reference the document upload session
status: DocumentUploadSessionStatusCode
The current state of the document upload session
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, this IdentityVerificationDocumentUploadSession
was created.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, this IdentityVerificationDocumentUploadSession
was last updated.
expiresAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, this IdentityVerificationDocumentUploadSession
will expire.
requestedDocuments: [DocumentType!]
A list of DocumentType
requested in order to verify the identity of the entity.
documents: [UploadLink]
A list of documents uploaded via a secure document upload link
enabled: Boolean
Whether or not the feature is enabled for the Financial Account.
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the feature was created.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the feature was last updated.
effectiveFrom: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the feature was effective from.
effectiveThrough: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the feature was effective through.
id: ID!
The unique identifier for this InstallmentAgreement
status: InstallmentAgreementStatus
The status of this InstallmentAgreement
statusHistory: [InstallmentAgreementStatusHistory!]
The status history of this InstallmentAgreement
agreement: InstallmentOffer
The original offer information such as the relevant CreditPlan
, and the total and per-installment amounts due.
transactionEvent: TransactionEvent
The TransactionEvent
associated with this InstallmentAgreement
snapshot: InstallmentAgreementSnapshot
The progress to date and remaining obligations for this InstallmentAgreement
installmentAgreementPeriodStart: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the first statement where an installment is due starts.
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, this was created.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, this was most recently updated.
balance: Amount
The balance paid to date for this InstallmentAgreement
principal: Amount
The principal paid to date for this InstallmentAgreement
fees: Amount
The fees paid to date for this InstallmentAgreement
numberOfInstallmentsCompleted: UnsignedInt
The number of installments completed to date for this InstallmentAgreement
balance: Amount
The remaining balance due for this InstallmentAgreement
. Note that this includes projected per period fees. If the balance is paid in fewer periods than initially agreed, this amount will decrease.
principal: Amount
The remaining principal due for this InstallmentAgreement
fees: Amount
The remaining fees due for this InstallmentAgreement
. This is a sum of per period fees for the remaining periods.
numberOfInstallmentsRemaining: UnsignedInt
The number of installments remaining for this InstallmentAgreement
asOf: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, this was updated.
progressToDate: InstallmentAgreementCompletedRollup
Details about past completed installments.
remainingInstallmentActivity: InstallmentAgreementRemainingRollup
Details about remaining installments.
previousStatus: InstallmentAgreementStatus
The previous status.
newStatus: InstallmentAgreementStatus
The new status.
createdAt: String
The date and time when the status changed, in ISO 8601 format.
creditPlan: CreditPlan
The CreditPlan
associated with this InstallmentOffer
details: InstallmentOfferDetails
Details including principal and fees for this InstallmentOffer
totalCost: Amount
The total cost of converting this into installments, including principal and fees.
totalPrincipal: Amount
The total principal that is being converted into installments.
totalFees: Amount
The total fees charged for this installment offer.
amountDuePerPeriod: Amount
The Amount
due per period for this offer, including fees.
feesChargedPerPeriod: Amount
The Amount
of fees charged per period for this offer.
pageInfo: PageInfo!
Information about the current page.
edges: [IntegratorInitiatedACHTransferEdge!]
A list of edges.
cursor: String!
The cursor for this edge for use in pagination.
node: IntegratorInitiatedACHTransferEdgeNode
The ACH Transfer.
id: ID!
Global ID used to reference the transfer in operations.
amount: Amount
The amount of the transfer.
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the transfer was created.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the transfer was last updated.
ledgers: [Ledger!]
The ledgers affected by the transfer.
ledgerNames: [LedgerName!]
Scope the results to specific ledgers
status: IntegratorInitiatedACHStatusDetails
The status of the integrator initiated ACH transfer.
fromFinancialAccount: AllFinancialAccount
The account sending the funds.
This will always be a FinancialAccount
toFinancialAccount: AllFinancialAccount
The account receiving the funds.
This will always be a type of ExternalFinancialAccount
companyName: String
he name of the company that initiated the ACH transfer.
This will always be Highnote.
descriptor: ACHDescriptor
Descriptive fields about the transfer which may show up on bank reports.
companyIdentifier: String
The ID for Highnote.
settlementDate: String
The settlement date as specified by the company that initiated the ACH transfer, ISO 8601 format.
fundsAvailableDate: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the transfer will be transitioned to PROCESSED and the funds are available.
sameDay: Boolean
A flag that indicates that this transaction was Same-Day ACH.
cardProduct: CardProduct
The Card Product associated to the Financial Account.
paymentRelatedInformation: String
This field contains payment-related information provided by the originator of the transaction. It can include free-form text, structured data, or codes. The field supports alphanumeric characters, including the following symbols: ! " & ' ( ) * + , - . / : ; ? = % ~ @ [ ] { } \ | < > # $.
Example: RMR*IV*0123456789**999.99\.
Please note that this information may or may not be displayed to the recipient, based on the bank's capabilities, and method of access (i.e., online banking, statement, etc.)
returnDate: String
The date this transaction was returned, in ISO 8601 format.
traceNumber: String
A unique 15 digit number assigned by the originator to identify the transfer.
id: ID!
Global ID used to reference the transfer in operations.
amount: Amount
The amount of the transfer.
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the transfer event was created.
status: IntegratorInitiatedACHStatusDetails
The status of the integrator initiated ACH transfer.
fromFinancialAccount: ExternalFinancialAccount
The account sending the funds.
toFinancialAccount: FinancialAccount
The account receiving the funds.
companyName: String
he name of the company that initiated the ACH transfer.
companyIdentifier: String
The Company Identifier is a 10-position alphameric code used to identify an Originator of the ACH transaction. It may begin with an ANSI one-digit Identification Code Designator (ICD), followed by the Identification Number.
Identification Code Designator (ICD) | ANSI Identification Number | Example |
IRS Employer Identification Number (EIN) | 1 | 1234567890 for an Originator with 234567890 EIN |
Data Universal Numbering Systems (DUNS) | 3 | 30008016958 for an Originator with 0008016958 DUNS |
User Assigned Number | 9 | 9111111111 for an Originator with 111111111 under assigned Identification Number |
companyEntryDescription: String
Company entered value for the type of ACH.
settlementDate: String
The settlement date as specified by the company that initiated the ACH transfer, ISO 8601 format.
transfer: ElectronicFundsTransfer
The ElectronicFundsTransfer
that triggered this event.
returnDate: String
The date this transaction was returned, in ISO 8601 format.
id: ID!
Global ID used to reference the transfer in operations.
amount: Amount
The amount of the transfer.
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the transfer was created.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the transfer was last updated.
ledgers: [Ledger!]
The ledgers affected by the transfer.
ledgerNames: [LedgerName!]
Scope the results to specific ledgers
status: IntegratorInitiatedACHStatusDetails
The status of the integrator initiated ACH transfer.
fromFinancialAccount: AllFinancialAccount
The account sending the funds.
This will always be a FinancialAccount
toFinancialAccount: AllFinancialAccount
The account receiving the funds.
This will always be a type of ExternalFinancialAccount
companyName: String
he name of the company that initiated the ACH transfer.
This will always be Highnote.
descriptor: ACHDescriptor
Descriptive fields about the transfer which may show up on bank reports.
companyIdentifier: String
The ID for Highnote.
settlementDate: String
The settlement date as specified by the company that initiated the ACH transfer, ISO 8601 format.
fundsAvailableDate: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the transfer will be transitioned to PROCESSED and the funds are available.
sameDay: Boolean
A flag that indicates that this transaction was Same-Day ACH.
cardProduct: CardProduct
The Card Product associated to the Financial Account.
paymentRelatedInformation: String
This field contains payment-related information provided by the originator of the transaction. It can include free-form text, structured data, or codes. The field supports alphanumeric characters, including the following symbols: ! " & ' ( ) * + , - . / : ; ? = % ~ @ [ ] { } \ | < > # $.
Example: RMR*IV*0123456789**999.99\.
Please note that this information may or may not be displayed to the recipient, based on the bank's capabilities, and method of access (i.e., online banking, statement, etc.)
returnDate: String
The date this transaction was returned, in ISO 8601 format.
traceNumber: String
A unique 15 digit number assigned by the originator to identify the transfer.
id: ID!
Global ID used to reference the transfer in operations.
amount: Amount
The amount of the transfer.
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the transfer event was created.
status: IntegratorInitiatedACHStatusDetails
The status of the integrator initiated ACH transfer.
fromFinancialAccount: FinancialAccount
The account sending the funds.
toFinancialAccount: ExternalFinancialAccount
The account receiving the funds.
companyName: String
he name of the company that initiated the ACH transfer.
companyIdentifier: String
The Company Identifier is a 10-position alphameric code used to identify an Originator of the ACH transaction. It may begin with an ANSI one-digit Identification Code Designator (ICD), followed by the Identification Number.
Identification Code Designator (ICD) | ANSI Identification Number | Example |
IRS Employer Identification Number (EIN) | 1 | 1234567890 for an Originator with 234567890 EIN |
Data Universal Numbering Systems (DUNS) | 3 | 30008016958 for an Originator with 0008016958 DUNS |
User Assigned Number | 9 | 9111111111 for an Originator with 111111111 under assigned Identification Number |
companyEntryDescription: String
Company entered value for the type of ACH.
settlementDate: String
The settlement date as specified by the company that initiated the ACH transfer, ISO 8601 format.
transfer: ElectronicFundsTransfer
The ElectronicFundsTransfer
that triggered this event.
returnDate: String
The date this transaction was returned, in ISO 8601 format.
feeAmount: Amount
The amount of the fee.
accountingDirection: AccountingDirection
The direction the fees are moving in the perspective of the subscriber.
apr: Float
The annual percentage rate (APR).
type: InterestRateIndex
The index used; for example, PRIME
value: Float
The value of this interest rate index.
effectiveDate: Date
The date this interest rate index value goes into effect, in YYYY-MM-DD (ISO 8601 RFC 3339) date format.
id: ID!
Global ID used to reference the transfer in operations.
amount: Amount
The amount of the transfer.
status: InterFinancialAccountTransferStatus
The current status of the transfer.
statusReason: InterFinancialAccountTransferStatusReasonCode
The reason for the current status.
memo: String
A description of the transfer for reference.
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the transfer was created.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the transfer was last updated.
ledgers: [Ledger!]
The ledgers affected by the transfer.
ledgerNames: [LedgerName!]
Scope the results to specific ledgers
purpose: TransferPurpose
The purpose for the transfer.
interFinancialAccountTransferRuleResults: [InterFinancialAccountTransferRuleResult!]
The outcomes of running rules on the transfer.
fromFinancialAccount: FinancialAccount
The source financial account of the transfer.
toFinancialAccount: FinancialAccount
The receiving financial account of the transfer.
transferActivityType: InterFinancialAccountTransferActivityType
The type of activity associated with this transfer.
pageInfo: PageInfo!
Information about the current page.
edges: [InterFinancialAccountTransferEdge!]
A list of edges.
cursor: String!
The cursor for this edge for use in pagination.
node: InterFinancialAccountTransfer
The Inter Financial Account Transfer.
pageInfo: PageInfo!
Information about the current page.
edges: [InterFinancialAccountTransferRuleEdge!]
A list of edges.
cursor: String!
The cursor for this edge for use in pagination.
node: InterFinancialAccountTransferRule
The InterFinancialAccountTransferRule
The InternalTransferFromFundingFinancialAccountToPaymentCardFinancialAccountPendingEvent is triggered when money movement from a Funding Financial Account to a Payment Financial Account has completed.
id: ID!
Global ID used to reference the transfer in operations.
amount: Amount
The amount of the transfer.
internalTransferStatus: InterFinancialAccountTransferStatus
The current status of the internal transfer.
memo: String
A description of the transfer for reference.
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the transfer was created.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the transfer was last updated.
The InternalTransferFromFundingFinancialAccountToPaymentCardFinancialAccountPendingEvent is triggered when money movement from a Funding Financial Account to a Payment Financial Account has failed.
id: ID!
Global ID used to reference the transfer in operations.
amount: Amount
The amount of the transfer.
internalTransferStatus: InterFinancialAccountTransferStatus
The current status of the internal transfer.
internalTransferStatusReason: InterFinancialAccountTransferStatusReasonCode
The reason for the current internal transfer status.
memo: String
A description of the transfer for reference.
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the transfer was created.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the transfer was last updated.
The InternalTransferFromFundingFinancialAccountToPaymentCardFinancialAccountPendingEvent is triggered when money movement from a Funding Financial Account to a Payment Financial Account is pending.
id: ID!
Global ID used to reference the transfer in operations.
amount: Amount
The amount of the transfer.
internalTransferStatus: InterFinancialAccountTransferStatus
The current status of the internal transfer.
memo: String
A description of the transfer for reference.
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the transfer was created.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the transfer was last updated.
The InternalTransferFromPaymentCardFinancialAccountToFundingFinancialAccountCompletedEvent is triggered when money movement from a Payment Financial Account to a Funding Financial Account has completed.
id: ID!
Global ID used to reference the transfer in operations.
amount: Amount
The amount of the transfer.
internalTransferStatus: InterFinancialAccountTransferStatus
The current status of the internal transfer.
memo: String
A description of the transfer for reference.
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the transfer was created.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the transfer was last updated.
The InternalTransferFromPaymentCardFinancialAccountToFundingFinancialAccountFailedEvent is triggered when money movement from a Payment Financial Account to a Funding Financial Account has failed.
id: ID!
Global ID used to reference the transfer in operations.
amount: Amount
The amount of the transfer.
internalTransferStatus: InterFinancialAccountTransferStatus
The current status of the internal transfer.
internalTransferStatusReason: InterFinancialAccountTransferStatusReasonCode
The reason for the current internal transfer status.
memo: String
A description of the transfer for reference.
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the transfer was created.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the transfer was last updated.
The InternalTransferFromPaymentCardFinancialAccountToFundingFinancialAccountPendingEvent is triggered when money movement from a Payment Financial Account to a Funding Financial Account is pending.
id: ID!
Global ID used to reference the transfer in operations.
amount: Amount
The amount of the transfer.
internalTransferStatus: InterFinancialAccountTransferStatus
The current status of the internal transfer.
memo: String
A description of the transfer for reference.
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the transfer was created.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the transfer was last updated.
expirationDate: String
The exact date and time the payment card will expire. e.g. 2026-01-01T23:59:59Z
activateOnCreate: Boolean
Whether or not to activate the card when created. If not activated on creation, the card must be activated separately before use.
cardProfileSet: CardProfileSet
The card profile set
id: ID!
The ID of the transaction event. This id
can be used to later retrieve details of this IssuerPreliminaryAuthorizationEvent
or correlate it with other events on this Transaction
transaction: Transaction
The Transaction for this event.
responseCode: TransactionEventResponseCode
The Highnote response code
avsResponseCode: AVSResponseCode
Code representing the result of an address verification check
postalCodeResponseCode: PostalCodeResponseCode
Code representing the result of postal code verification check
cvvResponseCode: CVVResponseCode
Code representing the result of CVV (security code) verification check
networkResponseCode: String
The response code from the card network (e.g. Mastercard).
Use responseCode instead
networkTransactionId: ID
The transaction ID from the card network (e.g. Mastercard).
approvedAmount: Amount
The amount approved for this IssuerPreliminaryAuthorizationEvent
requestedAmount: Amount
The amount requested to be approved for this IssuerPreliminaryAuthorizationEvent
originalAmount: Amount
The original amount of this IssuerPreliminaryAuthorizationEvent
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, this IssuerPreliminaryAuthorizationEvent
was created.
paymentCard: PaymentCard
The PaymentCard
associated to this IssuerPreliminaryAuthorizationEvent
cardProduct: CardProduct
The CardProduct
associated to this IssuerPreliminaryAuthorizationEvent
merchantDetails: MerchantDetails
The details about the merchant who requested the authorization.
authorizationExpiration: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the authorization will expire.
spendRuleResults: SpendRuleResultConnection
The triggered spend rules and the results for the authorization.
currentFinancialAccountAvailableToSpendAmount: Amount
Amount available to spend after this transaction event
currentFinancialAccountMaximumBalanceAmount: Amount
Maximum balance allowed for the card account at the time of this transaction event
transactionProcessingType: CardTransactionProcessingType
Represents the customer transaction type being processed.
pointOfServiceDetails: PointOfServiceDetails
The Point Of Service Service Input.
additionalNetworkData: AdditionalNetworkData
Network specific transaction data.
paymentCardSnapshot: PaymentCardSnapshot
A snapshot of the PaymentCard
at the time of the IssuerPreliminaryAuthorizationEvent
id: ID!
The id of JournalEntry
credits: [CreditLedgerEntry!]
Credit entries for this JournalEntry
debits: [DebitLedgerEntry!]
Debit entries for this JournalEntry
enabled: Boolean
Whether or not the feature is enabled for the Financial Account.
Access OnDemandFundingFinancialAccountFeature.enabled instead
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the feature was created.
Access OnDemandFundingFinancialAccountFeature.createdAt instead
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the feature was last updated.
Access OnDemandFundingFinancialAccountFeature.updatedAt instead
effectiveFrom: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the feature was effective from.
Access OnDemandFundingFinancialAccountFeature.enabled instead
effectiveThrough: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the feature was effective through.
Access OnDemandFundingFinancialAccountFeature.enabled instead
id: ID!
Global ID used to reference the Ledger
in operations.
name: LedgerName
The name of the Ledger
description: String
A description of what activity the ledger is tracking.
normalBalance: NormalBalance
The expected normal balance of the Ledger
In most cases the corresponding creditBalance
and debitBalance
field will have a non-zero value. If the corresponding creditBalance
or debitBalance
field has a zero value and the other creditBalance
or debitBalance
field has a value greater than zero, that greater than zero value represents a negative balance on the ledger.
creditBalance: Amount
The credit balance of the Ledger
When the Ledger
's normalBalance
this field should change based on activity. Otherwise, the value
will stay zero. If the balance is negative, this amount will be zero, and the DEBIT
amount will be positive. Refer to normalBalance
definition to see information about possible negative balances.
debitBalance: Amount
The debit balance of the Ledger
When the Ledger
's normalBalance
this field should change based on activity. Otherwise, the value
will stay zero. If the balance is negative, this amount will be zero, and the CREDIT
amount will be positive. Refer to normalBalance
definition to see information about possible negative balances.
asOf: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the debitBalance
and creditBalance
were last calculated.
financialAccount: FinancialAccount
The financial account the ledger is backing.
ledgerEntries: LedgerEntryConnection
The ledger entries that belong to this ledger
For information on Highnote's Search API, see our Search guide.
after: String
The cursor to start the page.
filterBy: LedgerEntriesFilterInput
Filter results to specific Ledger Entries.
pageInfo: PageInfo!
Information about the current page.
edges: [LedgerEntryEdge!]
A list of edges.
cursor: String!
The cursor for this edge for use in pagination.
node: LedgerEntry
The LedgerEntry
id: ID!
Id for the workflow.
accountHolderId: ID
The identifier of an Account holder
provider: BankVerificationProvider
The provider that Highnote used to verify this bank account.
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the external bank account was created.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the external bank account was last updated.
id: ID!
The ID of the manual adjustment event. This id
can be used to later retrieve details of this ManualAdjustmentEvent
adjustmentActivityType: ManualAdjustmentActivityType
The type of manual adjustment event.
manualAdjustmentDetails: [ManualAdjustmentDetail!]
The event encapsulate impacted account and amount for a ManualAdjustment
originalFinancialEvent: FinancialEvent
Related original finanical event
Use originalFinancialEventId instead
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, this ManualAdjustment
was created.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, this ManualAdjustment
was updated.
originalFinancialEventId: ID
The ID of a financial event. This id
can be used to later retrieve details of this FinancialEvent
or correlate it with other events on this ManualAdjustment
amount: Amount
The requested amount to be transferred
openTwentyFourHours: Boolean
This fuel location is open 24 hours.
eighteenWheelerAccess: Boolean
This fuel location has access for 18 wheelers.
dieselSites: Boolean
This fuel location has diesel sites.
interstateAccess: Boolean
This fuel location has interstate highway access.
convenienceStore: Boolean
This fuel location has a convenience store.
restaurant: Boolean
This fuel location has a restaurant.
hotel: Boolean
This fuel location has a hotel.
showers: Boolean
This fuel location has showers.
repairBays: Boolean
This fuel location has repair bays.
vehicleWash: Boolean
This fuel location has a vehicle washing station.
aviationLocation: Boolean
This fuel location has an aviation location.
marinaLocation: Boolean
This fuel location has a marina location.
alternativeFuel: Boolean
This fuel location has alternative fuel pumps.
payAtPump: Boolean
This fuel location has pay-at-pump support.
banknetReferenceNumber: String
Mastercard’s alphanumeric Banknet reference number used to identify the transaction.
authorizationCode: String
An alphanumeric value generated by Highnote and shared with Mastercard when an authorization is approved.
acquiringInstitutionIdentificationCode: String
A number used by Mastercard to identify the acquiring institution.
systemTraceAuditNumber: String
A number assigned by the message initiator that uniquely identifies a transaction.
retrievalReferenceNumber: String
An value used to identify and track a transaction’s separate messages.
networkTransmissionDateAndTime: String
The date and time that the network transmitted the transaction. This value is expressed in Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) with format (MMDDhhmmss)
id: ID!
Globally unique id of a MastercardFleetEnhancedData
driverIdentifier: String
An alphanumeric value representing a Driver ID provided by the cardholder
vehicleIdentifier: String
An alphanumeric value representing a Vehicle ID provided by the cardholder
spendControlOverrideFlag: Boolean
Indicates whether the POS supports overriding the fleet spend controls on the card
prompts: [MastercardFleetPrompt!]
A list of prompt codes and cardholder-entered values
fuelProducts: [MastercardFleetAuthorizationDataFuelProduct!]
A list of fuel products purchased
nonFuelProducts: [MastercardFleetAuthorizationDataNonFuelProduct!]
A list of non-fuel products purchased
code: MastercardFleetFuelProductCode
Indicates the type of fuel product purchased
unitPrice: UnsignedInt
The unit price of the fuel product as a whole number
unitPricePrecision: UnsignedInt
The precision of the UnitPrice
unitOfMeasure: MastercardFleetUnitOfMeasure
The unit of measure for the product purchased
quantity: UnsignedInt
The quantity for the product purchased as a whole number
quantityPrecision: UnsignedInt
The precision of the Quantity
saleAmount: Amount
Contains the sale amount of the product purchased
code: MastercardFleetNonFuelProductCode
Indicates the type of fuel product purchased
unitOfMeasure: String
The unit of measure for the product purchased
quantity: UnsignedInt
The quantity for the product purchased as a whole number
quantityPrecision: UnsignedInt
The precision of the Quantity
extendedItemAmount: Amount
Contains the individual item amount that is normally calculated as price multiplied by quantity
id: ID!
Globally unique id of a MastercardFleetEnhancedData
fuelBrand: MastercardFleetFuelBrand
Oil Company Brand Name
purchaseTime: String
The local time the purchase was made. Should be in the format hhmm, with hours in the range 00–23 and minutes in the range 00–59
fuelServiceType: MastercardFleetFuelServiceType
Motor Fuel Service Type
fuelType: MastercardFleetProductCode
Motor Fuel Product Code
fuelUnitPrice: Amount
Motor Fuel Unit Price
fuelUnitPriceValue: UnsignedInt
The raw value received from the network for the motor fuel unit price
fuelUnitPriceValuePrecision: UnsignedInt
The decimal precision for the fuelUnitPriceValue
fuelUnitOfMeasure: MastercardFleetUnitOfMeasure
Motor Fuel Unit of Measure
fuelQuantity: Float
Motor Fuel Quantity
fuelSaleAmount: Amount
Motor Fuel Sale Amount
odometerReading: String
Odometer Reading. Only included if POS prompts for this value
vehicleNumber: String
Vehicle Identification Number. Only included if POS prompts for this value
driverIdentification: String
Driver Identification Number. Only included if POS prompts for this value
productType: MastercardFleetProductType
Product Type Code
fuelDiscountAmount: Amount
Fuel Discount Amount
taxAmount1: Amount
Tax Amount 1
taxAmount2: Amount
Tax Amount 2
fuelLocationDetails: MastercardAdditionalFuelLocationDetails
Details about the fuel location
lineItems: [MastercardFleetEnhancedDataLineItem!]
Line items on the invoice
productCode: MastercardFleetProductCode
The product code of the individual item purchased
quantity: Float
Quantity of the item purchased
unitOfMeasure: String
The unit of measurement for the item purchased
unitPrice: Amount
The unit price of the item purchased
unitPriceValue: UnsignedInt
The raw value received from the network for the line item unit price
unitPriceValuePrecision: UnsignedInt
The decimal precision for the unitPriceValuePrecision
itemAmount: Amount
the individual item amount that is normally calculated as price multiplied by quantity
itemAmountValue: UnsignedInt
The raw value received from the network for the individual item amount
itemAmountValuePrecision: UnsignedInt
The decimal precision for the itemAmountValue
creditOrDebit: MastercardFleetCreditOrDebitIndicator
Indicates whether the item amount, net of discount, taxes, and price, is a debit or credit
code: MastercardFleetPromptType
Indicates the type of prompted information
value: String
An alphanumeric value indicating the value entered by the cardholder
merchantCategory: MerchantCategory
The merchant category enum.
merchantCategoryCode: String
The merchant category enum number representation.
displayName: String
The display name of the merchant category.
merchantCategoryDetails: [MerchantCategoryDetails!]
A list of merchant category details.
id: ID!
Global ID used to reference the Merchant Category Spend Rule in operations.
name: String
The name assigned to the rule.
allowed: [MerchantCategory!]
The merchant categories that will be allowed during authorizations.
blocked: [MerchantCategory!]
The merchant categories that will result in declined authorizations.
allowedMcc: [String!]
The merchant category codes that will be allowed during authorizations.
blockedMcc: [String!]
The merchant category codes that will result in declined authorizations.
version: String
The current version of the rule. Specific versions can be attached and detached from card products and payment cards.
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the spend rule was created.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the spend rule was last updated.
revisions: SpendRuleConnection
The list of revisions for this spend rule.
recommendation: SpendRuleRecommendation
The recommendation to ALLOW
an event based on the result of the rule.
message: String
A message describing the result.
valuesTested: [MerchantCategory!]
The merchant category of the event.
spendRule: MerchantCategorySpendRule
The spend rule attached at the time of the event.
attachedLevel: AttachedLevel
The attached level.
id: ID!
Global ID used to reference the Merchant Category Spend Rule in operations.
name: String
The name assigned to the rule.
allowed: [ISO3166Alpha3Country!]
The merchant countries that will be allowed during authorizations.
blocked: [ISO3166Alpha3Country!]
The merchant countries that will result in declined authorizations.
version: String
The current version of the rule. Specific versions can be attached and detached from card products and payment cards.
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the spend rule was created.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the spend rule was last updated.
revisions: SpendRuleConnection
The list of revisions for this spend rule.
recommendation: SpendRuleRecommendation
The recommendation to ALLOW
an event based on the result of the rule.
message: String
A message describing the result.
valuesTested: [ISO3166Alpha3Country!]
The merchant country of the event.
spendRule: MerchantCountrySpendRule
The spend rule attached at the time of the event.
attachedLevel: AttachedLevel
The attached level.
merchantId: String
The merchant identifier.
category: MerchantCategory
The merchant category for the authorization.
categoryCode: String
The merchant category code for the authorization.
countryCodeAlpha3: ISO3166Alpha3Country
The merchant country code for the authorization.
description: String
The description. a.k.a. "Descriptor".
name: String
The merchant or institution name.
address: Address
The address of the merchant.
feeAmount: Amount
The amount of the fee.
accountingDirection: AccountingDirection
The direction the fees are moving in the perspective of the subscriber.
id: ID!
Global ID used to reference the spend rule in operations.
name: String
The name assigned to the rule.
allowed: [String!]
The merchant identifiers that will be allowed during authorizations.
blocked: [String!]
The merchant identifiers you want to block during authorizations.
Matching values will result in a declined authorization.
version: String
The current version of the rule. Specific versions can be attached and detached from card products and payment cards.
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the spend rule was created.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the spend rule was last updated.
revisions: SpendRuleConnection
The list of revisions for this spend rule.
recommendation: SpendRuleRecommendation
The recommendation to ALLOW
an event based on the result of the rule.
message: String
A message describing the result.
valuesTested: [String!]
The merchant identifiers of the event.
spendRule: MerchantIdentifierSpendRule
The spend rule attached at the time of the event.
attachedLevel: AttachedLevel
The attached level.
enabled: Boolean
Whether or not the feature is enabled for the Financial Account.
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the feature was created.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the feature was last updated.
effectiveFrom: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the feature was effective from.
effectiveThrough: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the feature was effective through.
effectiveFrom: Date
The date this MilitaryLendingActConfiguration
starts to be in effect, in YYYY-MM-DD (ISO 8601 RFC 3339) date format. For example, 2023-01-15
effectiveThrough: Date
The date this MilitaryLendingActConfiguration
stops being in effect, in YYYY-MM-DD (ISO 8601 RFC 3339) date format. For example, 2023-01-15
. Optional; if not present, this configuration is treated as indefinite, with no set end date.
updatedAt: String
The date and time when this was updated, in ISO 8601 format.
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, this was created.
givenName: String
The part of the name that identifies a person.
middleName: String
Additional part of name that identifies a person.
familyName: String
Part of a personal name that identifies a family, tribe, or community.
suffix: String
Provides additional information about the person (e.g. Jr., Sr.)
title: String
One or more words used before the person's name (e.g. Mx., Dr.).
The Negative Reserve is held to cover deficits in the product such as potential over limits, fraud, uncollectible negative balances, and losses due to disputes or network charges. Funds may not be transferred out of the Negative Reserve.
enabled: Boolean
Whether or not the feature is enabled for the Financial Account.
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the feature was created.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the feature was last updated.
effectiveFrom: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the feature was effective from.
effectiveThrough: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the feature was effective through.
feeAmount: Amount
The amount of the fee.
accountingDirection: AccountingDirection
The direction the fees are moving in the perspective of the subscriber.
status: ACHTransferStatus
The status of the integrator initiated ACH transfer.
status: ExternallyInitiatedACHStatus
The status of the externally initiated ACH transfer.
status: FeeTransferEventStatus
The fee transfer event status.
status: IntegratorInitiatedACHStatus
The status of the integrator initiated ACH transfer.
status: WireTransferStatus
The status of the wire transfer.
The details of an AchTransfer
initiated by an external financial institution.
It can PULL
funds from a Highnote FinancialAccount
to an external financial institution
funds from an external financial institution to a Highnote FinancialAccount
id: ID!
Global ID used to reference the NonOriginatedAchTransfer
amount: Amount
The monetary amount to transfer.
createdAt: String
The date and time the transfer was received, in ISO 8601 format, e.g. 2024-01-01T00:00:00.000Z.
updatedAt: String
The date and time the transfer details were last updated, in ISO 8601 format, e.g. 2024-01-01T00:00:00.000Z.
ledgers: [Ledger!]
The ledgers affected by the transfer.
ledgerNames: [LedgerName!]
Scope the results to specific ledgers
type: AchTransferType
The direction of the transfer, PUSH
, from the perspective of the originating financial institution.
means pushing funds from an external financial account to a Highnote FinancialAccount
means pulling funds from a Highnote FinancialAccount
to an external financial account.
purpose: AchTransferPurpose
The purpose of the transfer, e.g. repayment.
sign: AchTransferSign
The impact of the transfer on the Highnote FinancialAccount
Negative means a reduction of funds on the Highnote FinancialAccount
Positive means an increase of funds on the Highnote FinancialAccount
financialAccount: FinancialAccount
The Highnote FinancialAccount
funds being pulled from or pushed to.
cardProduct: CardProduct
The CardProduct
associated with the Highnote FinancialAccount
companyName: String
The name of the company that initiated the transfer.
companyIdentifier: String
The ID of the company that initiated the transfer.
companyEntryDescription: String
Provides the receiving financial institution with information about the nature or purpose of the transaction. Examples include "ACCTVERIFY". "PAYROLL", "PAYMENT", etc.
Maximum length: 10 characters.
individualName: String
Receiver’s individual name. This could be a person or a business.
Maximum length: 22 characters.
individualIdentificationNumber: String
Receiver’s identification number. This could be a person or a business.
Maximum length: 15 characters.
paymentRelatedInformation: String
Contains payment-related information provided by the originator of the transaction. It can include free-form text, structured data, or codes. The field supports alphanumeric characters, including the following symbols: ! " & ' ( ) * + , - . / : ; ? = % ~ @ [ ] { } \ | < > # $.
Example: RMR*IV*0123456789**999.99\.
Please note that this information may or may not be displayed to the recipient, based on the bank's capabilities, and method of access (i.e., online banking, statement, etc.)
Maximum length: 80 characters.
traceNumber: String
A unique 15 digit number assigned by the originator. It is used is used to identify the transfer in the ACH network.
status: NonOriginatedAchTransferStatus
The status of the transfer.
statusFailureReason: AchTransferStatusFailureReason
Additional details about why the transfer failed. This is only applicable when the transfer status is FAILED
settlementDate: String
The date in which the originating financial institution expects ACH settlement to occur, in ISO 8601 format, e.g. 2024-01-01.
processedAt: String
The date and time the transfer was processed (e.g. transitioned to PROCESSED
) and reflected on the financial account,
in ISO 8601 date and time format, e.g. 2024-01-01T00:00:00.000Z.
failedAt: String
The date and time the transfer was failed by Highnote before it was returned to the external financial institution, in ISO 8601 date and time format, e.g. 2024-01-01T00:00:00.000Z.
returnSentToBankAt: String
The date the transfer was returned by Highnote to the external financial institution, in ISO 8601 format, e.g. 2024-01-01T00:00:00.000Z.
pageInfo: PageInfo!
Information about the current page.
edges: [NonOriginatedAchTransferEdge!]
A list of edges.
cursor: String!
The cursor for this edge for use in pagination.
node: NonOriginatedAchTransfer
The NonOriginatedAchTransfer
id: ID!
Uniquely identifies the NonOriginatedAchTransferFailedEvent
statusFailureReason: AchTransferStatusFailureReason
Additional details about why the ACH transfer failed.
failedAt: String
The date the transfer was failed by Highnote, in ISO 8601 format, e.g. 2024-01-01T00:00:00.000Z.
transfer: NonOriginatedAchTransfer!
Details about the NonOriginatedAchTransfer
that was failed by Highnote.
id: ID!
Uniquely identifies the NonOriginatedAchTransferProcessedEvent
processedAt: String
The date and time the transfer was processed (e.g. transitioned to PROCESSED
) and reflected on the financial account,
in ISO 8601 date and time format, e.g. 2024-01-01T00:00:00.000Z.
transfer: NonOriginatedAchTransfer!
Details about the NonOriginatedAchTransfer
that was processed.
id: ID!
Uniquely identifies the NonOriginatedAchTransferReceivedEvent
createdAt: String
The date the transfer was received by Highnote, in ISO 8601 format, e.g. 2024-01-01T00:00:00.000Z.
transfer: NonOriginatedAchTransfer!
Details about the NonOriginatedAchTransfer
that was received.
id: ID!
Uniquely identifies the NonOriginatedAchTransferReturnedEvent
statusFailureReason: AchTransferStatusFailureReason
Additional details about why the ACH transfer failed.
returnSentToBankAt: String
The date the transfer was returned by Highnote to the external financial institution, in ISO 8601 format, e.g. 2024-01-01T00:00:00.000Z.
transfer: NonOriginatedAchTransfer!
Details about the NonOriginatedAchTransfer
that was returned by Highnote.
id: ID!
Global ID used to reference the External Financial Account in operations.
name: String
The name of this account
accountStatus: ExternalFinancialAccountStatus
ExternalFinancialBankAccount status.
externalBankAccountDetails: NonVerifiedExternalUSFinancialBankAccountDetail
The external bank account added to this external financial account.
owner: FinancialAccountOwner
The owner of this financial account.
features: [FinancialAccountFeature!]
Features on the NonVerifiedExternalUSFinancialBankAccount
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the account was created.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the account was last updated.
id: ID!
Global ID used to reference the external bank account detail in operations.
last4: String
The last four digits of bank account number.
type: BankAccountType
The details about the type of bank account.
routingNumber: String
The routing number for the bank account.
restrictedDetails: NonVerifiedExternalUSFinancialBankAccountDetailRestrictedDetailsResult
The decrypted account number for this external bank account detail.
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the external bank account detail was created.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the external bank account detail was last updated.
enabled: Boolean
Whether or not the feature is enabled for the Financial Account.
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the feature was created.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the feature was last updated.
effectiveFrom: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the feature was effective from.
effectiveThrough: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the feature was effective through.
id: ID!
Global ID used to reference the Event in operations.
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the Notification Event was created.
expiresAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the Notification Event will expire.
name: NotificationEventName
The name of the Notification Event that was triggered.
node: NotificationEventNode
The Notification Event.
deliveryAttempts: DeliveryAttemptConnection
The history of delivery attempts for this Notification Event.
cursor: String!
The cursor for this edge for use in pagination.
node: NotificationEvent
The Notification Event.
pageInfo: PageInfo!
Information about the current page.
edges: [NotificationEventEdge!]
A list of edges.
fixtureVersion: String
fixture version
nonZeroAmount: Amount
zeroAmount: Amount
nonEmptyListOfStrings: [String!]
emptyListOfStrings: [String!]
nullableListOfStringsWithNull: [String]
nullMerchantDetails: MerchantDetails
merchantDetails: MerchantDetails
nonEmptyListOfAccountAttributes: [FinancialAccountAttribute]
emptyListOfAccountAttributes: [FinancialAccountAttribute]
listOfAccountAttributesWithNull: [FinancialAccountAttribute]
ping: String!
A simple field to return a static value of "pong"
ping: String
A field that returns a static value of pong
id: ID!
Global ID used to reference the status event in operations.
target: NotificationTarget
The notification target for this status entry.
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format the status changed.
newStatus: NotificationTargetStatus
New order status.
previousStatus: NotificationTargetStatus
Previous status status.
pageInfo: PageInfo!
Information about the current page.
edges: [NotificationTargetStatusHistoryEdge!]
A list of edges.
cursor: String!
The cursor for this edge for use in pagination.
node: NotificationTargetStatusHistory
The DeliveryAttempt
name: Name!
Name of person to contact
phoneNumber: Phone!
The phone number for the person to contact
emailAddress: String
The email address for the person to contact
title: String
The business title of the person to contact
stepStatus: OnboardingApplicationStepStatus
The status of applicant contact information being collected
id: ID
The ID of the authorized person.
name: Name
The authorized person's name.
percentageOwnership: UnsignedInt
Percentage ownership of authorized person.
businessTitle: OnboardingBusinessTitle
Authorized person's business title.
email: String
The email address of the authorized person.
phoneNumbers: [Phone!]
List of phone numbers associated to the authorized person.
homeAddress: Address
The default physical address of the authorized person.
dateOfBirth: String
The date of birth of the authorized person represented in YYYY-MM-DD format.
identificationDocument: OnboardingIdentificationDocument
Identification Document associated with the authorized person.
yearsAtCurrentAddress: UnsignedInt
Identification Document associated with the authorized person.
isPrimaryApplicant: Boolean
Indicates who is the primary applicant of the application
isUsPerson: Boolean
Is this person a US citizen or resident?
legalBusinessName: String!
Business name
legalBusinessAddress: Address
The legal address of the business
mailingBusinessAddress: Address
The mailing address of the business (if different from legal address)
businessNameOnTaxReturns: String!
The name of the business as it appears on tax returns
businessAddressOnTaxReturns: Address!
Business address on tax returns
taxIdentifier: TaxIdentificationDocument
Business identifier used for business tax returns
acceptsTips: Boolean!
Does the business accept tips?
doingBusinessAsName: String!
Doing Business As name
emailAddressForTaxReturns: String!
Email address for tax returns
supportAddress: Address!
The physical address for customer support
supportPhone: Phone!
The phone nunmber for customer support
supportEmail: String!
Email address for customer support
customerSupportWebsite: String!
Customer support website URL.
The validation for the website
URL uses the following regex pattern ^((((https?|ftps?|gopher|telnet|nntp)://)|(mailto:|news:))(%[0-9A-Fa-f]{2}|[-()_.!~*';/?:@&=+$,A-Za-z0-9])+)([).!';/?:,][[:blank:|:blank:]])?$
dbaAddress: Address
The address that customer's are familiar with'
isMailingAddressTheSameAsLegal: Boolean
Is the mailing address the same as the legal address
isDbaAddressTheSameAsLegal: Boolean
Is the DBA address the same as the legal address
isTaxAddressTheSameAsLegal: Boolean
Is the address for tax purposes the same as the legal address
stepStatus: OnboardingApplicationStepStatus
The status of business details information being collected
businessStructure: BusinessStructure!
The type of business
regionOfFormation: String!
A region for the address based on the codes for identifying the principle subdivisions, e.g. provinces and states, of countries IS0 3166 standard, including districts and outlying areas.
stockExchange: StockExchange
(If applicable) The stock exchange where the business is listed
previousBankruptcy: Boolean!
Whether the business has filed for bankruptcy in the past
yearsOfOperation: UnsignedInt
The number of years this business has been in operation
yearsOfOwnership: UnsignedInt
The number of years this business has been owned by its current owners
numberOfBusinessLocations: UnsignedInt
The number of physical locations for this business
usingFulfillmentPartners: Boolean!
Whether the business is using one or more fulfillment partners
fulfillmentPartnersNames: [String!]
(If applicable) The names of the fulfillment partners used by the business
forwardCommittment: Boolean!
Whether the business bills its customers prior to shipping goods
forwardCommittmentBreakdown: ForwardCommittmentBreakdown
Details regarding how long the business holds onto funds before shipping goods
businessPhoneNumber: Phone!
The phone number in a country specific format.
businessFaxNumber: Phone
The fax number in a country specific format.
cardAcceptanceBreakdown: CardAcceptanceMethodBreakdown
The percentage of transactions broken down by acceptance methods
advertisingMethods: [AdvertisingMethod!]
The advertising methods used by the business
businessDescription: String!
3-4 sentences about overall company answeering "Who is your target market?", "What type of products/services do you specialize in?", "What differentitates you from your competitors?"
creditCardsPreviouslyAccepted: Boolean!
Whether the business has previously accepted credit cards
previousCardProcessorName: String
The name of the previous card processor used by the business (if applicable)
employeeCount: UnsignedInt
The number of people employed by the business
physicalGoodsSold: Boolean!
Whether the business sells physical goods
businessEntity: BusinessEntityType
The type of business entity
terminatedByPreviousPaymentProcessor: Boolean
Whether the business was terminated by a previous payment processor
paymentProcessorTerminationReason: String
(If applicable) details about the termination by a previous payment processor, including reasoning
stepStatus: OnboardingApplicationStepStatus
The status of business history information being collected
id: ID!
The Global ID of the business organization info.
applicantContact: OnboardingApplicantContact
The person to contact about questions regarding this application
businessDetails: OnboardingBusinessDetails
The details of the business
businessType: OnboardingBusinessType
The type of business
businessHistory: OnboardingBusinessHistory
The history of the business
operatingDetails: OnboardingBusinessProcessingAttributes
The operating details of the business
ownershipInformation: BusinessOwnershipInformation
Ownership information for the business
controlProng: OnboardingControlProng
The beneficial owner who has significant responsibility to control, manage, or direct the business.
eSignature: OnboardingESignature
The details recorded at time of submission for business organization information
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, when this object was created.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, when this object was last updated.
status: OnboardingBusinessOrganizationInformationStatus
Status of collection and processing of OnboardingBusinessOrganizationInformation
annualVolume: [Amount!]
Gross annual revenues for each currency the business transacts with, per the most recent fiscal year
largestTicket: [Amount!]
Largest single order amount for each currency the business transacts with, per the most recent fiscal year
averageTicket: [Amount!]
Average single order amount for each currency the business transacts with, per the most recent fiscal year
largestMonthlyVolume: [Amount!]
Largest monthly volumes for each currency the business transacts with, per the most recent fiscal year
isSeasonalBusiness: Boolean!
Whether a business experiences seasonality in its operations.
seasonalVolumeBreakdown: SeasonalVolumeBreakdown
Breakdown of volumme by month
cardAcceptance: [OnboardingPaymentCardBrand!]
Card brands that are currently being accepted or would like to accept with their new program
nameOnBankAccount: String!
Name as it appears on bank account
accountNumberStored: Boolean
Whether an account number was previously stored for this object
routingNumber: String
Routing number of bank account 6-9 digits
fiscalYearEndDate: Date
The fiscal year end date for the financial numbers reported numbers reported here
Format: YYYY-MM-DD
stepStatus: OnboardingApplicationStepStatus
The status of processing attributes information being collected
businessWebsite: String!
Business website URL.
The validation for the website
URL uses the following regex pattern ^((((https?|ftps?|gopher|telnet|nntp)://)|(mailto:|news:))(%[0-9A-Fa-f]{2}|[-()_.!~*';/?:@&=+$,A-Za-z0-9])+)([).!';/?:,][[:blank:|:blank:]])?$
industry: BusinessPlanOperatingGoodsAndServiceCategory!
The high-level categorization of the business
goodsAndServicesProvided: String!
Description of goods and services provided
productDescription: String!
Additional information about your specific use-case
billingDescriptor: String
The description that will appear on a consumer's bank statement and will help them identify the transaction.
stepStatus: OnboardingApplicationStepStatus
The status of type of business information being collected
isControlProngAnUltimateBeneficialOwner: Boolean!
Whether the Control Prong is one of the ultimate beneficial owners of the company
ultimateBeneficialOwnerID: ID
(if applicable) The ID of the ultimate beneficial owner who is the Control Prong
authorizedPerson: OnboardingBusinessAuthorizedPerson
If not an ultimate beneficial owner, the person who is the Control Prong
stepStatus: OnboardingApplicationStepStatus
The status of the controlling individual information being collected
eSignature: String
confirmationOfESignature: Boolean
Confirmation of eSignature
submissionDate: Date
Submission date
acceptanceOfPrivacyPolicy: Boolean
Acceptance of Privacy Policy
acceptanceOfTermsAndConditions: Boolean
Acceptance of Terms & Conditions
acceptanceOfAcquirerTerms: Boolean
Acceptance of Acquirer Terms
acceptanceDateOfPrivacyPolicy: Date
Acceptance date of Privacy Policy
acceptanceDateOfTermsAndConditions: Date
Acceptance date of Terms and Conditions
acceptanceDateOfAcquirerTerms: Date
Acceptance date of Acquirer Terms
stepStatus: OnboardingApplicationStepStatus
The status of eSignature information being collected
socialSecurityNumber: TaxIdentificationDocument
A person's social security number (USA only).
Must have 9 digits divided into 3 parts by hyphen. For example, 123-45-6789
The first part should have 3 digits and should not be 000, 666, or between 900 and 999.
The second part should have 2 digits and it should be from 01 to 99.
The third part should have 4 digits and it should be from 0001 to 9999.
The validation for the input uses the following regex pattern ^(?!666|000|9\d{2})\d{3}-(?!00)\d{2}-(?!0{4})\d{4}$
passport: PassportIdentificationDocument
A person's passport information
id: ID!
The Global ID of the preliminary business info.
businessName: String!
The legal name of the business
regionOfFormation: String
A region for the address based on the codes for identifying the principle subdivisions, e.g. provinces and states, of countries IS0 3166 standard, including districts and outlying areas.
businessWebsite: String!
Business website URL.
The validation for the website
URL uses the following regex pattern ^((((https?|ftps?|gopher|telnet|nntp)://)|(mailto:|news:))(%[0-9A-Fa-f]{2}|[-()_.!~*';/?:@&=+$,A-Za-z0-9])+)([).!';/?:,][[:blank:|:blank:]])?$
goodsAndServicesProvided: BusinessPlanOperatingGoodsAndServiceCategory!
The permitted types of transactions, e.g goods and services. If empty, this will be populated from the contract's capabilities which match attributes of this MID.
productDescription: String
A brief description of of the products or services it provides.
primaryContactEmail: String!
The primary contact email to use during the onboarding process
preApproved: Boolean
Whether subscriber has been pre-approved for acquiring
status: OnboardingPreApprovalStatus
Current status of the preliminary decision on the business onboarding application
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, when this object was created.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, when this object was last updated.
averageMonthlyVolume: OnboardingAverageMonthlyVolumeRange
The average processing volume for the business
Use averageMonthlyPaymentVolume instead.
globalRegion: OnBoardingBusinessGlobalRegion
The global region the business operates in
customerLocation: OnboardingCustomerLocation
The location of the business' customers
No longer supported.
solution: OnboardingBusinessPaymentSolution
The desired solution for the business
Use desiredSolutions instead.
consent: ConsentAgreement
Consent to store the preliminary business information
primaryContactName: String
The primary contact name to use during the onboarding process
averageMonthlyPaymentVolume: OnboardingAverageMonthlyPaymentVolumeRange
The average processing volume for the business
desiredSolutions: [OnboardingDesiredPaymentSolution!]
All applicable desired solutions for the business
enabled: Boolean
Whether or not the feature is enabled for the CardProduct
pseudoBalanceEnabled: Boolean
Whether or not pseudo balance is enabled for the CardProduct
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the feature was created.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the feature was last updated.
effectiveFrom: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the feature was effective from.
effectiveThrough: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the feature was effective through.
sourceFinancialAccountId: ID
The source financial account that will act as the on-demand funding source for this financial account.
pseudoBalanceEnabled: Boolean
Whether or not pseudo balance should be enabled for this financial account.
enabled: Boolean
Whether or not the feature is enabled for the Financial Account.
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the feature was created.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the feature was last updated.
effectiveFrom: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the feature was effective from.
effectiveThrough: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the feature was effective through.
id: ID!
Global ID used to reference the one time ACH transfer
fromFinancialAccount: AllFinancialAccount
The financial account sending the funds.
Exactly one of fromFinancialAccount
and toFinancialAccount
will be an ExternalFinancialAccount
and the other will be a FinancialAccount
toFinancialAccount: AllFinancialAccount
The financial account receiving the funds.
Exactly one of fromFinancialAccount
and toFinancialAccount
will be an ExternalFinancialAccount
and the other will be a FinancialAccount
descriptor: ACHDescriptor
Descriptive fields about the transfer which may show up on bank reports.
transferAmount: TransferAmountStrategy
The amount to be transferred.
status: ScheduledTransferStatusCode
The status of the scheduled transfer
scheduledTransferDate: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the scheduled transfer is to be executed.
transferEvents: ScheduledTransferEventConnection
The transfers executed as a result of the recurring transfer
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, this OneTimeACHTransfer
was created.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, this OneTimeACHTransfer
was last updated.
paymentCardTransactionDisputes: PaymentCardTransactionDisputeConnection
A paginated list of PaymentCardTransactionDispute
for this Organization
For information on Highnote's Search API, see our Search guide.
after: String
The cursor to start the page.
filterBy: PaymentCardTransactionDisputesFilterInput
Filter results to specific PaymentCardTransactionDispute
paymentCardTransactionChargebacks: PaymentCardTransactionChargebackConnection
A paginated list of PaymentCardTransactionChargeback
for this Organization
For information on Highnote's Search API, see our Search guide.
after: String
The cursor to start the page.
filterBy: PaymentCardTransactionChargebacksFilterInput
Filter results to specific PaymentCardTransactionChargeback
id: ID!
ID of the Organization
profile: OrganizationProfile!
Details of the Organization
apiKeys: APIKeyConnection
All API Keys associated to this Organization.
financialAccounts: [FinancialAccount!]
The financial accounts backing this Organization.
Use accounts instead.
users: UserConnection
All Users with access to the Organization.
accounts: FinancialAccountConnection
All financial accounts associated with this organization.
businessDetail: BusinessDetail
Detailed information about the organization
onboardingPreliminaryBusinessInformation: OnboardingPreliminaryBusinessInformation
Onboarding information associated with this organization
cardProducts: CardProductConnection
A paginated list of Card Products for this Organization.
spendRules: SpendRuleConnection
A paginated list of spend rules.
velocityRules: VelocityRuleConnection
A paginated list of VelocityRules.
rewardEarnRules: RewardEarnRuleConnection
A paginated list of RewardEarnRule
rewardRedemptionConfigurations: RewardRedemptionConfigurationConnection
A paginated list of RewardRedemptionConfiguration
interFinancialAccountTransferRules: InterFinancialAccountTransferRuleConnectionPayload
The inter financial account transfer rules belonging to this Organization
velocityInterFinancialAccountTransferRules: VelocityInterFinancialAccountTransferRuleConnectionPayload
The internal velocity transfer rules belonging to this Organization
physicalPaymentCardOrders: PhysicalPaymentCardOrderConnection
A paginated list of Physical Payment Card Orders
For information on Highnote's Search API, see our Search guide.
first: Int
Default Value: 20
after: String
filterBy: PhysicalPaymentCardOrderFilterInput
Filter results to specific Physical Payment Card Order.
physicalCardGroupOrders: PhysicalCardGroupOrderConnection
A paginated list of Physical Card Group Orders
For information on Highnote's Search API, see our Search guide.
Use physicalPaymentCardGroupOrders instead.
first: Int
Default Value: 20
after: String
filterBy: PhysicalCardGroupOrderFilterInput
Filter results to specific physical payment card group order.
physicalPaymentCardGroupOrders: PhysicalCardGroupOrderConnection
A paginated list of Physical Card Group Orders
For information on Highnote's Search API, see our Search guide.
first: Int
Default Value: 20
after: String
filterBy: PhysicalPaymentCardGroupOrderFilterInput
Filter results to specific physical payment card group order.
webhookNotificationTargets: WebhookNotificationTargetConnection
A paginated list of Webhook Notification Target.
collaborativeAuthorizationEndpoints: CollaborativeAuthorizationEndpointConnection
A paginated list of CollaborativeAuthorizationEndpoints
displayName: String
Display name of the Organization.
environment: IntegrationEnvironment
The environment for the organization.
region: ComputeRegion
Geographic region where organization data is persisted.
tenantId: ID
ID of the Tenant
featurePermissions: FeaturePermissionConnection
The feature permissions for this Organization
id: ID!
Global ID used to reference the OriginatedAchTransfer
amount: Amount
The monetary amount to transfer.
createdAt: String
The date and time the transfer was initiated, in ISO 8601 format, e.g. 2024-01-01T00:00:00.000Z.
updatedAt: String
The date and time the transfer details were last updated, in ISO 8601 format, e.g. 2024-01-01T00:00:00.000Z.
ledgers: [Ledger!]
The ledgers affected by the transfer.
ledgerNames: [LedgerName!]
Scope the results to specific ledgers
type: AchTransferType
The direction of the transfer, PUSH
, from the perspective of the originating financial institution.
means pushing funds from a Highnote FinancialAccount
to an external financial account and
means pulling funds from an external financial account to a Highnote FinancialAccount
purpose: AchTransferPurpose
The purpose of the transfer, e.g. deposit.
sign: AchTransferSign
The impact of the transfer on the Highnote FinancialAccount
Negative means a reduction of funds on the Highnote FinancialAccount
Positive means an increase of funds on the Highnote FinancialAccount
fromFinancialAccount: AchFromFinancialAccount
The financial account sending funds. This can be a Highnote FinancialAccount
or a verified external financial account (ExternalFinancialBankAccount
toFinancialAccount: AchToFinancialAccount
The financial account receiving funds. This can be a Highnote FinancialAccount
or a verified or non-verified external financial account (ExternalFinancialBankAccount
or NonVerifiedExternalUSFinancialBankAccount
cardProduct: CardProduct
The CardProduct
associated with the Highnote FinancialAccount
companyName: String
The name of the company that initiated the transfer.
companyIdentifier: String
The ID of the company that initiated the transfer.
companyEntryDescription: String
Provides the receiving financial institution with information about the nature or purpose of the transaction. Examples include "ACCTVERIFY". "PAYROLL", "PAYMENT", etc.
Maximum length: 10 characters.
individualName: String
Receiver’s individual name. This could be a person or a business.
Maximum length: 22 characters.
individualIdentificationNumber: String
Receiver’s identification number. This could be a person or a business.
Maximum length: 15 characters.
paymentRelatedInformation: String
Contains payment-related information provided by the originator of the transaction. It can include free-form text, structured data, or codes. The field supports alphanumeric characters, including the following symbols: ! " & ' ( ) * + , - . / : ; ? = % ~ @ [ ] { } \ | < > # $.
Example: RMR*IV*0123456789**999.99\.
Please note that this information may or may not be displayed to the recipient, based on the bank's capabilities, and method of access (i.e., online banking, statement, etc.)
Maximum length: 80 characters.
sameDay: Boolean
A flag that indicates the desire to process this transaction using same-day ACH.
traceNumber: String
A unique 15 digit number assigned by the originator when the transfer is in the PROCESSING
It is used is used to identify the transfer in the ACH network.
status: OriginatedAchTransferStatus
The status of the transfer.
statusFailureReason: AchTransferStatusFailureReason
Additional details about why the transfer failed. This is only applicable when the transfer status is FAILED
effectiveEntryDate: String
The date specified by Highnote in which ACH settlement is expected to occur at the external financial institution, in ISO 8601 date format, e.g. 2024-01-01.
When sameDay
is true
and the transfer is initiated within the Federal Reserve ACH processing schedule, the
effective entry date is the same date as the date of createdAt
on Eastern Time Zone, otherwise, it is equal to
the next business day.
When sameDay
is false
, the effective entry date is equal to one business day from createdAt
if the transfer
is initiated within the Federal Reserve ACH processing schedule, otherwise, it is equal to two business days from
sentToBankAt: String
The date and time the transfer was sent to the external financial institution for processing, in ISO 8601 date and time format, e.g. 2024-01-01T00:00:00.000Z.
expectedProcessedAt: String
The date and time the transfer is expected to process, e.g. transition to PROCESSED
, and reflected on the financial account',
in ISO 8601 date and time format, e.g. 2024-01-01T00:00:00.000Z.
processedAt: String
The date and time the transfer was processed (e.g. transitioned to PROCESSED
) and reflected on the financial account,
in ISO 8601 date and time format, e.g. 2024-01-01T00:00:00.000Z.
returnProcessedAt: String
The date a return received from the external financial institution for this transfer was processed by Highnote, in ISO 8601 date and time format, e.g. 2024-01-01T00:00:00.000Z.
canceledAt: String
The date and time the transfer was canceled, in ISO 8601 date and time format, e.g. 2024-01-01T00:00:00.000Z.
failedAt: String
The date and time the transfer failed by Highnote, in ISO 8601 date and time format, e.g. 2024-01-01T00:00:00.000Z.
A failed transfer is not sent to the external financial institution.
id: ID!
Uniquely identifies the OriginatedAchTransferCanceledEvent
canceledAt: String
The date the transfer was canceled by Highnote, in ISO 8601 format, e.g. 2024-01-01T00:00:00.000Z.
transfer: OriginatedAchTransfer!
Details about the OriginatedAchTransfer
that was canceled by Highnote.
pageInfo: PageInfo!
Information about the current page.
edges: [OriginatedAchTransferEdge!]
A list of edges.
cursor: String!
The cursor for this edge for use in pagination.
node: OriginatedAchTransfer
The OriginatedAchTransfer
id: ID!
Uniquely identifies the OriginatedAchTransferFailedEvent
statusFailureReason: AchTransferStatusFailureReason
Additional details about why the originated transfer was failed by Highnote.
failedAt: String
The date the transfer was failed by Highnote, in ISO 8601 format, e.g. 2024-01-01T00:00:00.000Z.
transfer: OriginatedAchTransfer!
Details about the OriginatedAchTransfer
that was failed by Highnote.
id: ID!
Uniquely identifies the OriginatedAchTransferInitiatedEvent
createdAt: String
The date the transfer was initiated, in ISO 8601 format, e.g. 2024-01-01T00:00:00.000Z.
transfer: OriginatedAchTransfer!
Details about the OriginatedAchTransfer
that was initiated.
id: ID!
Uniquely identifies the OriginatedAchTransferPendingEvent
processedPendingAt: String
The date the transfer was initiated, in ISO 8601 format, e.g. 2024-01-01T00:00:00.000Z.
transfer: OriginatedAchTransfer!
Details about the OriginatedAchTransfer
that was processed as PENDING
by Highnote.
id: ID!
Uniquely identifies the OriginatedAchTransferProcessedEvent
processedAt: String
The date and time the transfer was processed (e.g. transitioned to PROCESSED
) and reflected on the financial account,
in ISO 8601 date and time format, e.g. 2024-01-01T00:00:00.000Z.
transfer: OriginatedAchTransfer!
Details about the OriginatedAchTransfer
that was processed (e.g. transitioned to PROCESSED
) and reflected on the financial account.
id: ID!
Uniquely identifies the OriginatedAchTransferProcessingEvent
sentToBankAt: String
The date and time the transfer is sent to the external financial institution for processing, in ISO 8601 date and time format, e.g. 2024-01-01T00:00:00.000Z.
transfer: OriginatedAchTransfer!
Details about the OriginatedAchTransfer
that was sent to the external financial institution.
id: ID!
Uniquely identifies the OriginatedAchTransferReturnedEvent
statusFailureReason: AchTransferStatusFailureReason
Additional details about why the originated transfer was returned by the external financial institution.
returnProcessedAt: String
The date and time when a return received from the external financial institution for this transfer was processed by Highnote, in ISO 8601 date and time format, e.g. 2024-01-01T00:00:00.000Z.
transfer: OriginatedAchTransfer!
Details about the OriginatedAchTransfer
that was returned by the external financial institution.
hasNextPage: Boolean!
Whether or not edges prior to before
or after
hasPreviousPage: Boolean!
Whether or not edges further from before
or after
startCursor: String!
When paginating backward, the cursor to use for your next request.
endCursor: String!
When paginating forward, the cursor to use for your next request.
id: ID!
Global ID used to reference the PanEntryModeSpendRule
in operations.
name: String
The name assigned to the rule.
allowed: [PanEntryMode!]
The PanEntryMode
types that will be allowed during authorizations.
blocked: [PanEntryMode!]
The PanEntryMode
types that will result in declined authorizations.
version: String
The current version of the rule. Specific versions can be attached and detached from card products and payment cards.
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the spend rule was created.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the spend rule was last updated.
revisions: SpendRuleConnection
The list of revisions for this spend rule.
recommendation: SpendRuleRecommendation
The recommendation to ALLOW
an event based on the result of the rule.
message: String
A message describing the result.
valuesTested: [PanEntryMode!]
The tested PanEntryMode
of the event.
spendRule: PanEntryModeSpendRule
The spend rule attached at the time of the event.
attachedLevel: AttachedLevel
The attached level.
enabled: Boolean
Whether or not the feature is enabled for the CardProduct
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the feature was created.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the feature was last updated.
receivablesPurchaseAgreementEnabled: Boolean
Whether or not Receivables Purchase Agreement functionality should be used.
creditProcessorOnlyEnabled: Boolean
Whether or not credit processor only functionality should be used.
effectiveFrom: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the feature was effective from.
effectiveThrough: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the feature was effective through.
enabled: Boolean
Whether or not the feature is enabled for the Financial Account.
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the feature was created.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the feature was last updated.
maximumAggregateCreditDistributionAmount: Amount
The maximum aggregate credit distribution limit amount on the PartialFundingFinancialAccountFeature
effectiveFrom: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the feature was effective from.
effectiveThrough: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the feature was effective through.
id: ID!
Global ID used to reference the Payment Card in operations.
externalId: String
Externally provided ID (255 character limit) that is unique per organization and tenant. If not provided, Highnote will generate an ID (ten digit, Base58, all caps).
bin: String
The Bank Identification Number of the Payment Card. Usually the first 6 digits of the primary account number (PAN).
last4: String
The last four digits of the primary account number (PAN).
expirationDate: String
The exact date and time in UTC when the payment card expires.
expirationMonth: String
The expiration month to display to the card holder. This value would be printed on the physical card.
expirationYear: String
The expiration year to display to the card holder. This value would be printed on the physical card.
network: PaymentCardNetwork
The card network that issued the Payment Card.
cardProduct: CardProduct
The Card Product associated to the Payment Card.
cardProductApplication: CardProductApplication
The CardProductApplication
used to issue this Payment Card.
application: AccountHolderCardProductApplication
The Card Product Application used to issue this Payment Card.
Use `cardProductApplication` instead.
status: PaymentCardStatus
The current status of the Payment Card.
formFactor: CardFormFactor
Whether the card is PHYSICAL
originalPaymentCard: PaymentCard
The Payment card from which this card was reissued.
restrictedDetails: PaymentCardRestrictedDetailsResult
The decrypted values for this this card.
Note: This is only available to users/organizations who have provided an AOC (attestation of compliance).
atmLocations: AtmLocationsResult
Search ATM locations for the Payment Card.
radius: ATMLocationRadiusInput
Search for ATM locations based on a radius.
Note: Use a radius when a coordinate location is available.
viewport: ATMLocationViewportInput
Search for ATM locations based on a viewport.
Note: Use a viewport when searching within a boxed area.
atmFilter: ATMLocationFilterInput
Filters ATM locations based on available features
limit: Int
The number of ATM locations to return.
Default limit
is set to 50
Max limit
is 50
Default Value: 50
transactionEvents: TransactionEventConnection
The Transaction Events that occurred on this Payment Card.
after: String
The cursor to start the page.
filterBy: PaymentCardTransactionEventsFilterInput
Filter results to specific Transaction Events.
For information on Highnote's Search API, see our Search guide.
financialAccounts: [FinancialAccount!]
The financial accounts backing this Payment Card.
physicalPaymentCardOrders: [PhysicalPaymentCardOrder]
The physical card orders for the Payment Card.
attachedSpendRules: SpendRuleConnection
The spend rules attached to this Payment Card.
cardDigitalWalletTokens: CardDigitalWalletTokenConnection
Paginated list of card digital wallet tokens associated to a card.
velocityRuleBalances: [VelocityRuleBalance]
The balances of the VelocityRules that pertain to this PaymentCard
Use velocitySpendRuleBalances instead
velocitySpendRuleBalances: [VelocitySpendRuleBalance]
The balances of the VelocityRules that pertain to this PaymentCard
attachedVelocityRules: VelocityRuleConnection
The velocity rules attached to this Payment Card.
paymentCardHolderDetails: PaymentCardHolderDetails
The billing address for AVS, identity of payment card holder and the associated account details.
customFields: [CustomField!]
The customFields associated with this PaymentCard
revisionSnapshots: PaymentCardSnapshotConnection
A paginated list of snapshotted revisions made to this PaymentCard
cardProfileSet: CardProfileSet
The CardProfileSet
used to issue this PaymentCard
pinDetails: PaymentCardPinDetails
PIN details for this PaymentCard
suspensionFlags: [PaymentCardSuspensionFlag!]
The suspension flags on the PaymentCard
cardLostDate: String
The UTC date on which the card was lost. e.g. 2026-01-01T23:59:59Z
id: ID!
Global ID used to reference the Payment Card in operations.
bin: String
The Bank Identification Number of the Payment Card. Usually the first 6 digits of the primary account number (PAN).
cardProductId: ID
The Card Product ID associated to the Payment Card.
expirationDate: String
The exact date and time the payment card expires.
formFactor: CardFormFactor
Whether the card is PHYSICAL or VIRTUAL
last4: String
The last four digits of the primary account number (PAN).
network: PaymentCardNetwork
The card network that issued the Payment Card.
status: PaymentCardStatus
The current status of the Payment Card.
previousStatus: PaymentCardStatus
The previous status of the Payment Card.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format that the status of the Payment Card was updated.
id: ID!
The ID of the transaction event. This id
can be used to later retrieve details of this PaymentCardAuthorizationAndClearApprovedEvent
or correlate it with other events on this Transaction
approvedAmount: Amount
The amount approved for this PaymentCardAuthorizationAndClearApprovedEvent
avsResponseCode: AVSResponseCode
Code representing the result of an address verification check
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, this PaymentCardAuthorizationAndClearApprovedEvent
was created.
cvvResponseCode: CVVResponseCode
Code representing the result of CVV (security code) verification check
merchantDetails: MerchantDetails
The details about the merchant who requested the authorization and clear.
originalAmount: Amount
The original amount of this PaymentCardAuthorizationAndClearApprovedEvent
postalCodeResponseCode: PostalCodeResponseCode
Code representing the result of postal code verification check
requestedAmount: Amount
The amount requested to be approved for this PaymentCardAuthorizationAndClearApprovedEvent
responseCode: TransactionEventResponseCode
The Highnote response code
transactionId: ID
ID of the transaction
accountHolderId: ID
ID of the account holder for the card account
financialAccountId: ID
ID of the financial account.
cardId: ID
ID of the payment card.
currentFinancialAccountAvailableToSpendAmount: Amount
Amount available to spend after this transaction event
currentFinancialAccountMaximumBalanceAmount: Amount
Maximum balance allowed for the card account at the time of this transaction event
transactionProcessingType: CardTransactionProcessingType
Represents the customer transaction type being processed.
pointOfServiceDetails: PointOfServiceDetails
The Point Of Service Details.
additionalNetworkData: AdditionalNetworkData
Network specific transaction data.
partial: Boolean
Determines whether this authorization and clear was approved for partial or full amount.
paymentCardSnapshot: PaymentCardSnapshot
A snapshot of the PaymentCard
at the time of the PaymentCardTransactionEvent
advice: Boolean
Determines whether this event is an advice.
adviceDetail: AdviceDetail
Details if event is an advice.
id: ID!
The ID of the transaction event. This id
can be used to later retrieve details of this PaymentCardAuthorizationAndClearDeclinedEvent
or correlate it with other events on this Transaction
approvedAmount: Amount
The amount approved for this PaymentCardAuthorizationAndClearDeclinedEvent
avsResponseCode: AVSResponseCode
Code representing the result of an address verification check
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, this PaymentCardAuthorizationAndClearDeclinedEvent
was created.
cvvResponseCode: CVVResponseCode
Code representing the result of CVV (security code) verification check
merchantDetails: MerchantDetails
The details about the merchant who requested the authorization and clear.
originalAmount: Amount
The original amount of this PaymentCardAuthorizationAndClearDeclinedEvent
postalCodeResponseCode: PostalCodeResponseCode
Code representing the result of postal code verification check
requestedAmount: Amount
The amount requested to be approved for this PaymentCardAuthorizationAndClearDeclinedEvent
responseCode: TransactionEventResponseCode
The Highnote response code
transactionId: ID
ID of the transaction
accountHolderId: ID
ID of the account holder for the card account
financialAccountId: ID
ID of the financial account.
cardId: ID
ID of the payment card.
currentFinancialAccountAvailableToSpendAmount: Amount
Amount available to spend after this transaction event
currentFinancialAccountMaximumBalanceAmount: Amount
Maximum balance allowed for the card account at the time of this transaction event
transactionProcessingType: CardTransactionProcessingType
Represents the customer transaction type being processed.
pointOfServiceDetails: PointOfServiceDetails
The Point Of Service Details.
additionalNetworkData: AdditionalNetworkData
Network specific transaction data.
paymentCardSnapshot: PaymentCardSnapshot
A snapshot of the PaymentCard
at the time of the PaymentCardTransactionEvent
id: ID!
The ID of the transaction event. This id
can be used to later retrieve details of this PaymentCardAuthorizationApprovedEvent
or correlate it with other events on this Transaction
approvedAmount: Amount
The amount approved for this PaymentCardAuthorizationApprovedEvent
avsResponseCode: AVSResponseCode
Code representing the result of an address verification check
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, this PaymentCardAuthorizationApprovedEvent
was created.
cvvResponseCode: CVVResponseCode
Code representing the result of CVV (security code) verification check
merchantDetails: MerchantDetails
The details about the merchant who requested the authorization.
originalAmount: Amount
The original amount of this PaymentCardAuthorizationApprovedEvent
postalCodeResponseCode: PostalCodeResponseCode
Code representing the result of postal code verification check
requestedAmount: Amount
The amount requested to be approved for this PaymentCardAuthorizationApprovedEvent
responseCode: TransactionEventResponseCode
The Highnote response code
transactionId: ID
ID of the transaction
accountHolderId: ID
ID of the account holder for the card account
financialAccountId: ID
ID of the financial account.
cardId: ID
ID of the payment card.
currentFinancialAccountAvailableToSpendAmount: Amount
Amount available to spend after this transaction event
currentFinancialAccountMaximumBalanceAmount: Amount
Maximum balance allowed for the card account at the time of this transaction event
transactionProcessingType: CardTransactionProcessingType
Represents the customer transaction type being processed.
pointOfServiceDetails: PointOfServiceDetails
The Point Of Service Details.
additionalNetworkData: AdditionalNetworkData
Network specific transaction data.
partial: Boolean
Determines whether this authorization was approved for partial or full amount.
paymentCardSnapshot: PaymentCardSnapshot
A snapshot of the PaymentCard
at the time of the PaymentCardTransactionEvent
advice: Boolean
Determines whether this event is an advice.
adviceDetail: AdviceDetail
Details if event is an advice.
id: ID!
The ID of the transaction event. This id
can be used to later retrieve details of this PaymentCardAuthorizationCreatedEvent
or correlate it with other events on this Transaction
`PaymentCardAuthorizationCreatedEvent` is no longer supported
approvedAmount: Amount
The amount approved for this PaymentCardAuthorizationCreatedEvent
`PaymentCardAuthorizationCreatedEvent` is no longer supported
avsResponseCode: AVSResponseCode
Code representing the result of an address verification check
`PaymentCardAuthorizationCreatedEvent` is no longer supported
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, this PaymentCardAuthorizationCreatedEvent
was created.
`PaymentCardAuthorizationCreatedEvent` is no longer supported
cvvResponseCode: CVVResponseCode
Code representing the result of CVV (security code) verification check
`PaymentCardAuthorizationCreatedEvent` is no longer supported
merchantDetails: MerchantDetails
The details about the merchant who requested the authorization.
`PaymentCardAuthorizationCreatedEvent` is no longer supported
originalAmount: Amount
The original amount of this PaymentCardAuthorizationCreatedEvent
`PaymentCardAuthorizationCreatedEvent` is no longer supported
postalCodeResponseCode: PostalCodeResponseCode
Code representing the result of postal code verification check
`PaymentCardAuthorizationCreatedEvent` is no longer supported
requestedAmount: Amount
The amount requested to be approved for this PaymentCardAuthorizationCreatedEvent
`PaymentCardAuthorizationCreatedEvent` is no longer supported
responseCode: TransactionEventResponseCode
The Highnote response code
`PaymentCardAuthorizationCreatedEvent` is no longer supported
transactionId: ID
ID of the transaction
`PaymentCardAuthorizationCreatedEvent` is no longer supported
accountHolderId: ID
ID of the account holder for the card account
`PaymentCardAuthorizationCreatedEvent` is no longer supported
financialAccountId: ID
ID of the financial account.
`PaymentCardAuthorizationCreatedEvent` is no longer supported
cardId: ID
ID of the payment card.
`PaymentCardAuthorizationCreatedEvent` is no longer supported
currentFinancialAccountAvailableToSpendAmount: Amount
Amount available to spend after this transaction event
`PaymentCardAuthorizationCreatedEvent` is no longer supported
currentFinancialAccountMaximumBalanceAmount: Amount
Maximum balance allowed for the card account at the time of this transaction event
`PaymentCardAuthorizationCreatedEvent` is no longer supported
transactionProcessingType: CardTransactionProcessingType
Represents the customer transaction type being processed.
`PaymentCardAuthorizationCreatedEvent` is no longer supported
pointOfServiceDetails: PointOfServiceDetails
The Point Of Service Details.
`PaymentCardAuthorizationCreatedEvent` is no longer supported
additionalNetworkData: AdditionalNetworkData
Network specific transaction data.
`PaymentCardAuthorizationCreatedEvent` is no longer supported
paymentCardSnapshot: PaymentCardSnapshot
A snapshot of the PaymentCard
at the time of the PaymentCardTransactionEvent
`PaymentCardAuthorizationCreatedEvent` is no longer supported
id: ID!
The ID of the transaction event. This id
can be used to later retrieve details of this PaymentCardAuthorizationDeclinedEvent
or correlate it with other events on this Transaction
approvedAmount: Amount
The amount approved for this PaymentCardAuthorizationDeclinedEvent
avsResponseCode: AVSResponseCode
Code representing the result of an address verification check
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, this PaymentCardAuthorizationDeclinedEvent
was created.
cvvResponseCode: CVVResponseCode
Code representing the result of CVV (security code) verification check
merchantDetails: MerchantDetails
The details about the merchant who requested the authorization.
originalAmount: Amount
The original amount of this PaymentCardAuthorizationDeclinedEvent
postalCodeResponseCode: PostalCodeResponseCode
Code representing the result of postal code verification check
requestedAmount: Amount
The amount requested to be approved for this PaymentCardAuthorizationDeclinedEvent
responseCode: TransactionEventResponseCode
The Highnote response code
transactionId: ID
ID of the transaction
accountHolderId: ID
ID of the account holder for the card account
financialAccountId: ID
ID of the financial account.
cardId: ID
ID of the payment card.
currentFinancialAccountAvailableToSpendAmount: Amount
Amount available to spend after this transaction event
currentFinancialAccountMaximumBalanceAmount: Amount
Maximum balance allowed for the card account at the time of this transaction event
transactionProcessingType: CardTransactionProcessingType
Represents the customer transaction type being processed.
pointOfServiceDetails: PointOfServiceDetails
The Point Of Service Details.
additionalNetworkData: AdditionalNetworkData
Network specific transaction data.
paymentCardSnapshot: PaymentCardSnapshot
A snapshot of the PaymentCard
at the time of the PaymentCardTransactionEvent
id: ID!
The ID of the transaction event. This id
can be used to later retrieve details of this PaymentCardAuthorizationReversedEvent
or correlate it with other events on this Transaction
approvedAmount: Amount
The amount approved for this PaymentCardAuthorizationReversedEvent
avsResponseCode: AVSResponseCode
Code representing the result of an address verification check
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, this PaymentCardAuthorizationReversedEvent
was created.
cvvResponseCode: CVVResponseCode
Code representing the result of CVV (security code) verification check
merchantDetails: MerchantDetails
The details about the merchant who requested the authorization.
originalAmount: Amount
The original amount of this PaymentCardAuthorizationReversedEvent
postalCodeResponseCode: PostalCodeResponseCode
Code representing the result of postal code verification check
requestedAmount: Amount
The amount requested to be reversed for this PaymentCardAuthorizationReversedEvent
responseCode: TransactionEventResponseCode
The Highnote response code
transactionId: ID
ID of the transaction
accountHolderId: ID
ID of the account holder for the card account
financialAccountId: ID
ID of the financial account.
cardId: ID
ID of the payment card.
currentFinancialAccountAvailableToSpendAmount: Amount
Amount available to spend after this transaction event
currentFinancialAccountMaximumBalanceAmount: Amount
Maximum balance allowed for the card account at the time of this transaction event
transactionProcessingType: CardTransactionProcessingType
Represents the customer transaction type being processed.
pointOfServiceDetails: PointOfServiceDetails
The Point Of Service Details.
additionalNetworkData: AdditionalNetworkData
Network specific transaction data.
issuerExpiredAuthorization: Boolean
Determines whether this is an issuer initiated reversal for an expired authorization.
partial: Boolean
Determines whether this is a partial or full reversal for an authorization.
paymentCardSnapshot: PaymentCardSnapshot
A snapshot of the PaymentCard
at the time of the PaymentCardTransactionEvent
advice: Boolean
Determines whether this event is an advice.
adviceDetail: AdviceDetail
Details if event is an advice.
id: ID!
The ID of the BinRange
binLength: UnsignedInt
The bin length.
paymentCardBrand: PaymentCardBrand
The configured card brand.
firstDigitsOfBin: String
The first digits of the bin based on the defined bin length.
productName: String
The product name.
Examples: "Corporate T&E Prepaid", "Debit Mastercard BusinessCard Card", "Fleet with Purchasing"
reloadable: Boolean
The reload indicator for the bin.
binClassification: PaymentCardBinClassification
The payment card bin classification.
binFundingModel: PaymentCardBinFundingModel
The payment card bin funding model.
binProductCode: PaymentCardBinProductCode
The configured paymet card bin product code.
binSubProductCode: PaymentCardBinSubProductCode
The configured payment card bin sub product code.
activeAtNetwork: Boolean
The indicator whether the bin is active at network
liveAtNetworkFrom: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the date this PaymentCardBinRange
was live at network.
activeAtPlatform: Boolean
The indicator whether the bin is active on the platform
liveAtPlatformFrom: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the date this PaymentCardBinRange
was live at platform.
secondaryPointOfSaleNetworks: [SecondaryPointOfSaleNetwork!]
Allowed secondary point of sale networks
secondaryAtmNetworks: [SecondaryAtmNetwork!]
Allowed secondary atm networks.
secondarySurchargeFreeAtmNetworks: [SecondarySurchargeFreeAtmNetwork!]
Allowed Secondary surcharge free atm networks
emvType: PaymentCardEmvType
The configured payment card EMV type.
effectiveFrom: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the date (inclusive) this BinRange
is effective from.
effectiveThrough: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the date (inclusive) this BinRange
stops being in effect.
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the date this BinRange
was created.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the date this BinRange
was updated.
PaymentCardClearedEvent indicates if a Payment Card Transaction has been cleared. This event will be conditionally fired after a PaymentCardAuthorizationApprovedEvent
| PaymentCardAuthorizationDeclinedEvent
. This event will not be triggered after a PaymentCardAuthorizationAndClearApprovedEvent
| PaymentCardAuthorizationAndClearDeclinedEvent
id: ID!
The ID of the transaction event. This id
can be used to later retrieve details of this PaymentCardClearedEvent
or correlate it with other events on this Transaction
approvedAmount: Amount
The amount approved for this PaymentCardClearedEvent
avsResponseCode: AVSResponseCode
Code representing the result of an address verification check
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, this PaymentCardClearedEvent
was created.
cvvResponseCode: CVVResponseCode
Code representing the result of CVV (security code) verification check
merchantDetails: MerchantDetails
The details about the merchant who requested the authorization.
originalAmount: Amount
The original amount of this PaymentCardClearedEvent
postalCodeResponseCode: PostalCodeResponseCode
Code representing the result of postal code verification check
requestedAmount: Amount
The amount requested to be approved for this PaymentCardClearedEvent
responseCode: TransactionEventResponseCode
The Highnote response code
transactionId: ID
ID of the transaction
accountHolderId: ID
ID of the account holder for the card account
financialAccountId: ID
ID of the financial account.
cardId: ID
ID of the payment card.
currentFinancialAccountAvailableToSpendAmount: Amount
Amount available to spend after this transaction event
currentFinancialAccountMaximumBalanceAmount: Amount
Maximum balance allowed for the card account at the time of this transaction event
transactionProcessingType: CardTransactionProcessingType
Represents the customer transaction type being processed.
pointOfServiceDetails: PointOfServiceDetails
The Point Of Service Details.
additionalNetworkData: AdditionalNetworkData
Network specific transaction data.
partial: Boolean
Determines whether this is a partial or full clear for an authorization.
paymentCardSnapshot: PaymentCardSnapshot
A snapshot of the PaymentCard
at the time of the PaymentCardTransactionEvent
advice: Boolean
Determines whether this event is an advice.
adviceDetail: AdviceDetail
Details if event is an advice.
id: ID!
Global ID used to reference the Payment Card in operations.
bin: String
The Bank Identification Number of the Payment Card. Usually the first 6 digits of the primary account number (PAN).
cardProductId: ID
The Card Product ID associated to the Payment Card.
expirationDate: String
The exact date and time the payment card expires.
formFactor: CardFormFactor
Whether the card is PHYSICAL or VIRTUAL
last4: String
The last four digits of the primary account number (PAN).
network: PaymentCardNetwork
The card network that issued the Payment Card.
status: PaymentCardStatus
The current status of the Payment Card.
previousStatus: PaymentCardStatus
The previous status of the Payment Card.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format that the status of the Payment Card was updated.
pageInfo: PageInfo!
Information about the current page.
edges: [PaymentCardEdge!]
A list of edges.
name: Name
The name of a person to whom the shipment should be delivered.
companyName: String
The company to whom the shipment should be delivered.
address: Address
The address to where the shipment should be delivered.
validatedAddress: ValidatedAddress
The ID of validated address to where the shipment should be delivered.
paymentCard: PaymentCard
The PaymentCard
requested to be push provisioned
encryptedPassData: String
A Base64-encoded cipher text containing the card data, nonce, and nonce signature generated by Highnote.
activationData: String
A Base64-encoded cryptographic OTP required to activate the Card by the Network. This data is not interpreted by Apple and the formats and contents are Network-specific. The Network and Highnote are responsible for validating the OTP and activating the Card.
ephemeralPublicKey: String
A Base64-encoded ephemeral public key. The ephemeralPublicKey
can be used in PKEncryptionSchemeECC_V2
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, this PaymentCardDigitalWalletTokenApplePayDevicePushProvisioning
was created.
paymentCard: PaymentCard
The PaymentCard
requested to be push provisioned
opaquePaymentCard: String
The Opaque Payment Credential is an encrypted object that is created by Highnote and passed to Google Pay during push provisioning.
network: PaymentCardNetwork
The card networks that the Highnote platform uses to issue Payment Cards.
tokenServiceProvider: String
The Token Service Provider
displayName: String
A customer friendly name to appear on the Digital Wallet.
billingAddress: Address
The billing address information of the PaymentCard
cardholderName: DigitalWalletPushProvisioningCardholderName
A structured object representing the name of the Cardholder
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, this PaymentCardDigitalWalletTokenGooglePayPushProvisioning
was created.
cursor: String!
The cursor for this edge for use in pagination.
node: PaymentCard
The Payment Card.
PaymentCardEnhancedDataEvent indicates if enhanced data for a Payment Card Transaction has been received. This event will be conditionally fired after a PaymentCardClearedEvent
. This event will not be triggered after a PaymentCardAuthorizationAndClearApprovedEvent
| PaymentCardAuthorizationAndClearDeclinedEvent
id: ID!
The ID of the transaction event. This id
can be used to later retrieve details of this PaymentCardEnhancedDataEvent
or correlate it with other events on this Transaction
approvedAmount: Amount
The amount approved for this PaymentCardEnhancedDataEvent
avsResponseCode: AVSResponseCode
Not used for this PaymentCardEnhancedDataEvent
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, this PaymentCardEnhancedDataEvent
was created.
cvvResponseCode: CVVResponseCode
Not used for this PaymentCardEnhancedDataEvent
merchantDetails: MerchantDetails
Not used for this PaymentCardEnhancedDataEvent
originalAmount: Amount
Not used for this PaymentCardEnhancedDataEvent
postalCodeResponseCode: PostalCodeResponseCode
Not used for this PaymentCardEnhancedDataEvent
requestedAmount: Amount
Not used for this PaymentCardEnhancedDataEvent
responseCode: TransactionEventResponseCode
The Highnote response code
transactionId: ID
ID of the transaction
accountHolderId: ID
ID of the account holder for the card account
financialAccountId: ID
ID of the financial account.
cardId: ID
ID of the payment card.
currentFinancialAccountAvailableToSpendAmount: Amount
Not used for this PaymentCardEnhancedDataEvent
currentFinancialAccountMaximumBalanceAmount: Amount
Not used for this PaymentCardEnhancedDataEvent
transactionProcessingType: CardTransactionProcessingType
Represents the customer transaction type or the center function being processed.
pointOfServiceDetails: PointOfServiceDetails
Not used for this PaymentCardEnhancedDataEvent
additionalNetworkData: AdditionalNetworkData
Network specific transaction data.
status: PaymentCardGroupOrderStatus
Current order status.
previousStatus: PaymentCardGroupOrderStatus
Previous order status.
newStatus: PaymentCardGroupOrderStatus
New order status.
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format the status changed.
billingAddressOnCard: Address
The billing address on the card for AVS and Postal Code Matching. Depending on account holder updates, this could differ from billing address on the account.
paymentCardHolder: PaymentCardHolder
Identity of payment card holder. This may either be an account holder or an authorized user.
associatedPaymentCardAccountHolder: AccountHolder
The USBusinessAccountHolder or USPersonAccountHolder associated with the payment card.
brand: AcquiringPaymentCardBrand
The payment card brand.
last4: String
The last 4 digits of the payment card.
cardHolder: CardHolder
The cardHolder data for the payment card.
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, this object was created.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, this object was updated.
status: PaymentCardOrderStatus
Current order status.
previousStatus: PaymentCardOrderStatus
Previous order status.
newStatus: PaymentCardOrderStatus
New order status.
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format the status changed.
textLines: PaymentCardPersonalizationTextLines!
Personalization text lines.
isSet: Boolean
Denotes whether the PaymentCard
has a PIN set.
pinUpdateHistory: [PaymentCardPinUpdate!]
List of PIN updates.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the PIN was updated.
number: String
The primary account number for the payment card.
courier: PaymentCardShipmentCourier
Courier information.
requestedShipDate: String
Requested ship date in YYYY-MM-DD format.
deliveryDetails: PaymentCardDeliveryDetails
Delivery details.
senderDetails: PaymentCardDeliveryDetails
Sender details.
method: PaymentCardShippingMethod
Shipping method.
signatureRequiredOnDelivery: Boolean
Whether signature is required on delivery.
tracking: PaymentCardShipmentTracking
Tracking information.
id: ID!
Global ID used to reference the PaymentCardSnapshot
sourceCard: PaymentCard
Source card for the PaymentCard
if replaced. When this happens, a new card ID is generated.
The source card tells us that card A came from card B through this attribute.
expirationDate: String
The exact date and time in UTC when the PaymentCard
expirationMonth: String
The expiration month to display to the card holder. This value would be printed on the physical card.
expirationYear: String
The expiration year to display to the card holder. This value would be printed on the physical card.
status: PaymentCardStatus
The status of the card when the snapshot was captured.
statusChangeReason: PaymentCardStatusChangeReason
The reason for the status change.
statusChangeMemo: String
Memo for the change.
usage: CardUsage
Whether the card is MULTI_USE
formFactor: CardFormFactor
Whether the card is PHYSICAL
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, when this snapshot was updated.
This is also the date that the PaymentCard
was modified.
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, when this snapshot was created.
This is also the date that the PaymentCard
was created.
paymentCardCurrent: PaymentCard
The PaymentCard
cardLostDate: String
The UTC date on which the card was lost. e.g. 2026-01-01T23:59:59Z
pageInfo: PageInfo!
Information about the current page.
edges: [PaymentCardSnapshotEdge!]
A list of edges.
cursor: String!
The cursor for this edge for use in pagination.
node: PaymentCardSnapshot
The details of the revision made to a PaymentCard
id: ID!
Global ID used to reference the Payment Card in operations.
bin: String
The Bank Identification Number of the Payment Card. Usually the first 6 digits of the primary account number (PAN).
cardProductId: ID
The Card Product ID associated to the Payment Card.
expirationDate: String
The exact date and time the payment card expires.
formFactor: CardFormFactor
Whether the card is PHYSICAL or VIRTUAL
last4: String
The last four digits of the primary account number (PAN).
network: PaymentCardNetwork
The card network that issued the Payment Card.
status: PaymentCardStatus
The current status of the Payment Card.
previousStatus: PaymentCardStatus
The previous status of the Payment Card.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format that the status of the Payment Card was updated.
timeRange: BusinessMetricTimeRange
An ISO 8601 value (inclusive) for the beginning and end date.
approvedAuthorization: TransactionBusinessMetricAttribute
The approved authorized transaction attributes.
declinedAuthorization: DeclinedTransactionBusinessMetricAttribute
The declined transaction attributes.
clearedTransactions: ClearedTransactionBusinessMetricAttribute
The cleared transaction attributes.
timeRange: BusinessMetricTimeRange
An ISO 8601 value (inclusive) for the beginning and end date.
asOf: String
Data freshness timestamp of metrics.
paymentCardTransactionBusinessMetrics: [PaymentCardTransactionBusinessMetric!]
Returned list of PaymentCardTransactionBusinessMetric.
id: ID!
The Global ID of the chargeback.
requestedAmount: Amount
The requested amount for the chargeback.
receivedAmount: Amount
The received amount for the chargeback.
status: PaymentCardChargebackStatus
The status of the chargeback.
creditStatus: PaymentCardChargebackCreditStatus
The credit status of the chargeback.
dispute: PaymentCardTransactionDispute
The payment card transaction dispute for the chargeback.
chargebackExternalNetwork: ChargebackExternalNetwork
The external network id of the chargeback.
networkReasonCode: PaymentCardChargebackNetworkReasonCode
The external network reason code of the chargeback.
fromDate: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, from which this chargeback is submitted.
throughDate: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, through which this chargeback is resolved.
creditIssueFromDate: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, from which this chargeback credit is issued.
creditIssueThroughDate: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, through which this chargeback credit is issued.
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, this chargeback was created.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, this chargeback was most recently updated.
pageInfo: PageInfo!
Information about the current page.
edges: [PaymentCardTransactionChargebackEdge!]
A list of edges.
cursor: String!
The cursor for this edge for use in pagination.
node: PaymentCardTransactionChargeback
The payment card transaction chargeback.
id: ID!
The Global ID of the dispute.
amount: Amount
The disputed amount.
status: PaymentCardDisputeStatus
The status of the dispute.
category: PaymentCardDisputeCategoryType
The category type of the dispute.
chargebacks: [PaymentCardTransactionChargeback!]
The chargebacks for the dispute.
transactionEvent: TransactionEvent
The payment card transaction event for the dispute.
customerInitiatedOn: String
The date, in YYYY-MM-DD format, from which this dispute is initiated by the customer.
customerClaimType: PaymentCardDisputeCustomerClaimType
The customer claim type of the dispute.
customerContact: PaymentCardDisputeCustomerContact
The customer contact information of the dispute.
subscriberNote: String
The subscriber note of the dispute.
provisionalCreditHistory: [PaymentCardTransactionDisputeProvisionalCredit!]
The payment card transaction provisional credit for the dispute.
disputeCreditHistory: [PaymentCardTransactionDisputeCredit!]
The payment card transaction credit status for the dispute.
liability: PaymentCardDisputeLiability
Whether the issuer is liable for the dispute.
fromDate: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, from which this dispute is effective.
throughDate: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, through which this dispute is effective.
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, this dispute was created.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, this dispute was most recently updated.
pageInfo: PageInfo!
Information about the current page.
edges: [PaymentCardTransactionDisputeEdge!]
A list of edges.
creditStatus: PaymentCardDisputeCreditStatus
The credit status of the dispute credit.
creditAmount: Amount
The amount for the dispute credit.
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, from which this dispute credit is created.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, from which this dispute credit is updated.
cursor: String!
The cursor for this edge for use in pagination.
node: PaymentCardTransactionDispute
The payment card transaction dispute.
creditStatus: PaymentCardProvisionalCreditStatus
The credit status of the dispute credit.
creditAmount: Amount
The amount for the chargeback credit.
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, from which this chargeback credit is created.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, from which this chargeback credit is updated.
id: ID!
Global ID used to reference the Payment Card in operations.
bin: String
The Bank Identification Number of the Payment Card. Usually the first 6 digits of the primary account number (PAN).
cardProductId: ID
The Card Product ID associated to the Payment Card.
expirationDate: String
The exact date and time the payment card expires.
formFactor: CardFormFactor
Whether the card is PHYSICAL or VIRTUAL
last4: String
The last four digits of the primary account number (PAN).
network: PaymentCardNetwork
The card network that issued the Payment Card.
status: PaymentCardStatus
The current status of the Payment Card.
previousStatus: PaymentCardStatus
The previous status of the Payment Card.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format that the status of the Payment Card was updated.
responseCode: PaymentCardVerificationResponseCode
The result of the verification ran on the payment card.
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, this object was created.
id: ID!
The ID of the transaction event. This id
can be used to later retrieve details of this PaymentCardVerificationApprovedEvent
or correlate it with other events on this Transaction
approvedAmount: Amount
The amount verified for this PaymentCardVerificationApprovedEvent
avsResponseCode: AVSResponseCode
Code representing the result of an address verification check
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, this PaymentCardVerificationApprovedEvent
was created.
cvvResponseCode: CVVResponseCode
Code representing the result of CVV (security code) verification check
merchantDetails: MerchantDetails
The details about the merchant who requested the authorization.
originalAmount: Amount
The original amount of this PaymentCardVerificationApprovedEvent
postalCodeResponseCode: PostalCodeResponseCode
Code representing the result of postal code verification check
requestedAmount: Amount
The amount requested to be verified for this PaymentCardVerificationApprovedEvent
responseCode: TransactionEventResponseCode
The Highnote response code
transactionId: ID
ID of the transaction
accountHolderId: ID
ID of the account holder for the card account
financialAccountId: ID
ID of the financial account.
cardId: ID
ID of the payment card.
currentFinancialAccountAvailableToSpendAmount: Amount
Amount available to spend after this transaction event
currentFinancialAccountMaximumBalanceAmount: Amount
Maximum balance allowed for the card account at the time of this transaction event
transactionProcessingType: CardTransactionProcessingType
Represents the customer transaction type being processed.
pointOfServiceDetails: PointOfServiceDetails
The Point Of Service Details.
additionalNetworkData: AdditionalNetworkData
Network specific transaction data.
paymentCardSnapshot: PaymentCardSnapshot
A snapshot of the PaymentCard
at the time of the PaymentCardTransactionEvent
id: ID!
The ID of the transaction event. This id
can be used to later retrieve details of this PaymentCardVerificationDeclinedEvent
or correlate it with other events on this Transaction
approvedAmount: Amount
The amount verified for this PaymentCardVerificationDeclinedEvent
avsResponseCode: AVSResponseCode
Code representing the result of an address verification check
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, this PaymentCardVerificationDeclinedEvent
was created.
cvvResponseCode: CVVResponseCode
Code representing the result of CVV (security code) verification check
merchantDetails: MerchantDetails
The details about the merchant who requested the authorization.
originalAmount: Amount
The original amount of this PaymentCardVerificationDeclinedEvent
postalCodeResponseCode: PostalCodeResponseCode
Code representing the result of postal code verification check
requestedAmount: Amount
The amount requested to be verified for this PaymentCardVerificationDeclinedEvent
responseCode: TransactionEventResponseCode
The Highnote response code
transactionId: ID
ID of the transaction
accountHolderId: ID
ID of the account holder for the card account
financialAccountId: ID
ID of the financial account.
cardId: ID
ID of the payment card.
currentFinancialAccountAvailableToSpendAmount: Amount
Amount available to spend after this transaction event
currentFinancialAccountMaximumBalanceAmount: Amount
Maximum balance allowed for the card account at the time of this transaction event
transactionProcessingType: CardTransactionProcessingType
Represents the customer transaction type being processed.
pointOfServiceDetails: PointOfServiceDetails
The Point Of Service Details.
additionalNetworkData: AdditionalNetworkData
Network specific transaction data.
paymentCardSnapshot: PaymentCardSnapshot
A snapshot of the PaymentCard
at the time of the PaymentCardTransactionEvent
processorResponseCode: PaymentTransactionResponseCodeProcessorResponseCode
The response code from the processor for this verification.
addressCode: PaymentTransactionAddressCodeResponseCode
The address code response code for this verification.
postalCode: PaymentTransactionPostalCodeResponseCode
The postal code response code for this verification.
securityCode: PaymentTransactionSecurityCodeResponseCode
The security code response code for this verification.
id: ID!
Global ID used to reference this object.
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, this object was created.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, this object was updated.
accountingDirection: AccountingDirection
The direction funds are moving in the perspective of the customer.
For a PaymentCreditTransaction
, this will always be CREDIT
instrument: PaymentInstrument
The payment instrument used for the PaymentTransaction
. Instrument data can be used to display information to the user without violating PCI compliance.
status: PaymentTransactionStatus
The status of this PaymentTransaction
events: [PaymentTransactionEvent!]
Events that have occurred on this PaymentTransaction
steps: [PaymentTransactionLifecycleStep!]
Lifecycle steps that have occurred on this PaymentTransaction
authorizedRemainingAmount: Amount
The total authorized amount remaining for this PaymentTransaction
requestedAuthorizationAmount: Amount
The total authorization amount requested for this PaymentTransaction
authorizedAmount: Amount
The total amount authorized for this PaymentTransaction
settledAmount: Amount
The total amount settled for this PaymentTransaction
disbursedAmount: Amount
The total amount disbursed for this PaymentTransaction
canceledAmount: Amount
The total authorized amount that has been canceled for this PaymentTransaction
refundedAmount: Amount
The total amount refunded for this PaymentTransaction
responseCode: PaymentTransactionResponseCode
The response codes for this PaymentTransaction
originatedPaymentTransaction: PaymentDebitTransaction
The originating PaymentDebitTransaction
that this refund was initiated from.
fees: [PaymentTransactionFee!]
The fee breakdown for this PaymentTransaction
totalFeeAmount: Amount
The total amount of fees associated with this PaymentTransaction
totalPayableAmount: Amount
The total payable amount for this PaymentTransaction
refundReason: PaymentCreditTransactionRefundReason
The reason why the PaymentTransaction
was refunded to the original payment method
refundNote: String
Include additional information regarding the refund for tracking and analysis
id: ID!
Global ID used to reference this object.
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, this object was created.
accountingDirection: AccountingDirection
The direction funds are moving in the perspective of the customer.
authorizedRemainingAmount: Amount
The total authorized amount remaining for this PaymentTransaction
requestedAuthorizationAmount: Amount
The total authorization amount requested for this PaymentTransaction
authorizedAmount: Amount
The total amount authorized for this PaymentTransaction
settledAmount: Amount
The total amount settled for this PaymentTransaction
disbursedAmount: Amount
The total amount disbursed for this PaymentTransaction
canceledAmount: Amount
The total authorized amount that has been canceled for this PaymentTransaction
refundedAmount: Amount
The total amount refunded for this PaymentTransaction
responseCode: PaymentTransactionResponseCode
The response codes for this PaymentTransaction
originatedPaymentTransactionId: ID!
The ID for the originating PaymentDebitTransaction
that this refund was initiated from.
instrument: PaymentInstrument
The payment instrument used for the PaymentTransaction
. Instrument data can be used to display information to the user without violating PCI compliance.
refundReason: PaymentCreditTransactionRefundReason
The reason why the PaymentCreditTransaction
was refunded to the original payment method
refundNote: String
Include additional information regarding the refund for tracking and analysis
id: ID!
Global ID used to reference this object.
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, this object was created.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, this object was updated.
accountingDirection: AccountingDirection
The direction funds are moving in the perspective of the customer.
For a PaymentDebitTransaction
, this will always be DEBIT
instrument: PaymentInstrument
The payment instrument used for the PaymentTransaction
. Instrument data can be used to display information to the user without violating PCI compliance.
status: PaymentTransactionStatus
The status of this PaymentTransaction
events: [PaymentTransactionEvent!]
Events that have occurred on this PaymentTransaction
steps: [PaymentTransactionLifecycleStep!]
Lifecycle steps that have occurred on this PaymentTransaction
authorizedRemainingAmount: Amount
The total authorized amount remaining for this PaymentTransaction
requestedAuthorizationAmount: Amount
The total authorization amount requested for this PaymentTransaction
authorizedAmount: Amount
The total amount authorized for this PaymentTransaction
settledAmount: Amount
The total amount settled for this PaymentTransaction
disbursedAmount: Amount
The total amount disbursed for this PaymentTransaction
canceledAmount: Amount
The total authorized amount that has been canceled for this PaymentTransaction
refundedAmount: Amount
The total amount refunded for this PaymentTransaction
responseCode: PaymentTransactionResponseCode
The response codes for this PaymentTransaction
refunds: [PaymentCreditTransaction!]
Any refunds that were initiated from this PaymentTransaction.
networkTransactionIdentifier: String
The Network Transaction ID for this PaymentTransaction
fees: [PaymentTransactionFee!]
The fee breakdown for this PaymentTransaction
totalFeeAmount: Amount
The total amount of fees associated with this PaymentTransaction
totalPayableAmount: Amount
The total payable amount for this PaymentTransaction
id: ID!
Global ID used to reference this object.
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, this object was created.
accountingDirection: AccountingDirection
The direction funds are moving in the perspective of the customer.
authorizedRemainingAmount: Amount
The total authorized amount remaining for this PaymentTransaction
requestedAuthorizationAmount: Amount
The total authorization amount requested for this PaymentTransaction
authorizedAmount: Amount
The total amount authorized for this PaymentTransaction
settledAmount: Amount
The total amount settled for this PaymentTransaction
disbursedAmount: Amount
The total amount disbursed for this PaymentTransaction
canceledAmount: Amount
The total authorized amount that has been canceled for this PaymentTransaction
refundedAmount: Amount
The total amount refunded for this PaymentTransaction
responseCode: PaymentTransactionResponseCode
The response codes for this PaymentTransaction
networkTransactionIdentifier: String
The Network Transaction ID for this PaymentTransaction
instrument: PaymentInstrument
The payment instrument used for the PaymentTransaction
. Instrument data can be used to display information to the user without violating PCI compliance.
disburseTo: PaymentInstructionDisbursementTarget
The Highnote Node
that funds will be disbursed to.
disbursementPercent: Int
The amount to disburse for this PaymentOrderItem
in percentage, and the FinancialAccount
to disburse to.
Will be null
if the payment instructions were provided as an amount.
disbursementAmount: Amount
The amount to disburse for this PaymentOrderItem
by Amount
, and the FinancialAccount
to disburse to.
Will be null
if the payment instructions were provided as a percentage.
id: ID!
Global ID used to reference this object.
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, this object was created.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, this object was updated.
usage: PaymentMethodTokenUsage
How many times this PaymentMethodToken
can be used.
instrument: PaymentInstrument
The payment instrument used for the PaymentMethodToken
. Instrument data can be used to display information to the user without violating PCI compliance.
id: ID!
Global ID used to reference this object.
transactions: [PaymentTransaction!]
s associated with this PaymentOrder
lineItems: [PaymentOrderLineItem!]
Line items associated with this PaymentOrder
totalAmount: Amount
The total amount for this PaymentOrder
. This is the amount that the customer will be charged.
name: String
The product name for this PaymentOrderItemFromCatalogItem
description: String
The product description for this PaymentOrderItemFromCatalogItem
amountPerItem: Amount
The amount for this PaymentOrderItemFromCatalogItem
per individual item.
paymentInstructions: [PaymentInstruction!]
Breakdown of the payment instructions for the PaymentOrderItemFromCatalogItem
by Amount
catalogItem: CatalogItem
Reference to the original CatalogItem
for this PaymentOrderItemFromCatalogItem
externalIdentifier: String
An optional external reference ID for this PaymentOrderItem
name: String
The product name for this PaymentOrderItemFromCustomItem
description: String
The product description for this PaymentOrderItemFromCustomItem
amountPerItem: Amount
The amount for this PaymentOrderItemFromCustomItem
per individual item.
paymentInstructions: [PaymentInstruction!]
Breakdown of the payment instructions for the PaymentOrderItemFromCustomItem
by Amount
externalIdentifier: String
An optional external reference ID for this PaymentOrderItem
item: PaymentOrderItem
Reference to the item for this PaymentOrderLineItem
quantity: UnsignedInt
The quantity of the item for this PaymentOrderLineItem
authorizationIdentifier: String
The authorization response code identifier provided by the processor for this PaymentTransaction
on a successful authorization.
processorResponseCode: PaymentTransactionResponseCodeProcessorResponseCode
The response code from the processor for this PaymentTransaction
This will include both approval and decline codes.
addressCode: PaymentTransactionAddressCodeResponseCode
The address code response code for this PaymentTransaction
postalCode: PaymentTransactionPostalCodeResponseCode
The postal code response code for this PaymentTransaction
securityCode: PaymentTransactionSecurityCodeResponseCode
The security code response code for this PaymentTransaction
pageInfo: PageInfo!
Information about the current page.
edges: [PaymentTransactionsEdge!]
A list of edges.
cursor: String!
The cursor for this edge for use in pagination.
node: PaymentTransaction
The PaymentTransaction
estimatedPayOffDays: UnsignedInt
Pay off can be completed in how many estimated days.
estimatedTotal: Amount
Pay off estimated total amount.
periodPayment: Amount
If you pay this amount each period, you will pay off your unpaid balance in estimatedPayOffDays.
id: ID!
Global ID used to reference the transfer in operations.
amount: Amount
The amount of the transfer.
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the transfer was created.
companyName: String
he name of the company that initiated the ACH transfer.
companyIdentifier: String
The Company Identifier is a 10-position alphameric code used to identify an Originator of the ACH transaction. It may begin with an ANSI one-digit Identification Code Designator (ICD), followed by the Identification Number.
Identification Code Designator (ICD) | ANSI Identification Number | Example |
IRS Employer Identification Number (EIN) | 1 | 1234567890 for an Originator with 234567890 EIN |
Data Universal Numbering Systems (DUNS) | 3 | 30008016958 for an Originator with 0008016958 DUNS |
User Assigned Number | 9 | 9111111111 for an Originator with 111111111 under assigned Identification Number |
companyEntryDescription: String
Company entered value for the type of ACH.
settlementDate: String
The settlement date as specified by the company that initiated the ACH transfer, ISO 8601 format.
status: ExternallyInitiatedACHStatusDetails
The status of the externally initiated ACH transfer.
toFinancialAccount: FinancialAccount
The account receiving the funds.
transfer: ElectronicFundsTransfer
The ElectronicFundsTransfer
that triggered this event.
returnDate: String
The date this transaction was returned, in ISO 8601 format.
id: ID!
Global ID used to reference the Payroll Payment Advance.
paymentAdvanceStatus: PaymentAdvanceStatus
The status of Payroll Payment Advance.
advanceAmount: Amount
The original amount of the Payroll Payment Advance.
amountBefore: Amount
The amount of the Payroll Payment Advance that has yet to be repaid.
amountApplied: Amount
The amount that should be deducted from the Payroll Payment Advance outstanding balance.
balanceAfter: Amount
The balance amount due after amountApplied
has been applied and deducted from the Payroll Payment Advance outstanding balance.
repaymentAttemptCount: UnsignedInt!
Count of repayment attempts.
writeOffReason: PaymentAdvanceWriteOffReason
Will be set if the PaymentAdvanceStatus is of type WRITTEN_OFF
, explains the reason for write off. Limit of 1024 characters.
writeOffAmount: Amount
Amount that will be written off from the Payroll Payment Advance outstanding balance.
enabled: Boolean
Whether or not the feature is enabled for the Financial Account.
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the feature was created.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the feature was last updated.
effectiveFrom: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the feature was effective from.
effectiveThrough: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the feature was effective through.
id: ID!
Global ID used to reference the Financial Event Id in operations.
financialAccountId: ID
The ID of the financial account receiving funds.
employerFinancialAccountId: ID!
The ID of an employer financial account.
This must be a FinancialAccount
payrollTransferId: ID
The ID of a payroll Transfer
payrollAdvance: PayrollAdvance
The PayrollAdvance
related to this PayrollAdvanceWriteOffCompletedEvent
id: ID!
Global ID used to reference the transfer in operations.
amount: Amount
The amount repaid.
status: InterFinancialAccountTransferStatus
The current status of the transfer.
statusReason: InterFinancialAccountTransferStatusReasonCode
The reason for the current status.
memo: String
A description of the transfer for reference.
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the transfer was created.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the transfer was last updated.
ledgers: [Ledger!]
The ledgers affected by the transfer.
ledgerNames: [LedgerName!]
Scope the results to specific ledgers
id: ID!
Global ID used to reference the Financial Event Id in operations.
financialAccountId: ID
The ID of the financial account receiving funds.
employerFinancialAccountId: ID!
The ID of an employer financial account.
This must be a FinancialAccount
payrollTransferId: ID
The ID of a payroll Transfer
payrollAdvance: PayrollAdvance
The PayrollAdvance
related to this PayrollAdvanceWriteOffCompletedEvent
id: ID!
Global ID used to reference the transfer in operations.
amount: Amount
The written off amount.
status: InterFinancialAccountTransferStatus
The current status of the transfer.
statusReason: InterFinancialAccountTransferStatusReasonCode
The reason for the current status.
memo: String
A description of the transfer for reference.
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the transfer was created.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the transfer was last updated.
ledgers: [Ledger!]
The ledgers affected by the transfer.
ledgerNames: [LedgerName!]
Scope the results to specific ledgers
enabled: Boolean
Whether or not the feature is enabled for the Financial Account.
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the feature was created.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the feature was last updated.
effectiveFrom: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the feature was effective from.
effectiveThrough: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the feature was effective through.
id: ID!
Global ID used to reference the transfer in operations.
amount: Amount
The amount of the transfer.
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the transfer was created.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the transfer was last updated.
ledgers: [Ledger!]
The ledgers affected by the transfer.
ledgerNames: [LedgerName!]
Scope the results to specific ledgers
status: ExternallyInitiatedACHStatusDetails
The status of the externally initiated ACH transfer.
toFinancialAccount: FinancialAccount
The Highnote account receiving the credit.
companyName: String
he name of the company that initiated the ACH transfer.
descriptor: ACHDescriptor
Descriptive fields about the transfer which may show up on bank reports.
companyIdentifier: String
The ID of the company that initiated the ACH transfer, ISO 8601 format.
settlementDate: String
The settlement date as specified by the company that initiated the ACH transfer, ISO 8601 format.
cardProduct: CardProduct
The Card Product associated to the Financial Account.
returnDate: String
The date this transaction was returned, in ISO 8601 format.
traceNumber: String
A unique 15 digit number assigned by the originator to identify the transfer.
personAccountHolder: USPersonAccountHolder
The USPersonAccountHolder
for which documents have been requested.
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, this event was created.
documentUploadSession: IdentityVerificationDocumentUploadSession
The IdentityVerificationDocumentUploadSession
created for the requested documents.
reason: IdentityVerificationDocumentRequestReason
The reason identity verification documents are being requested.
personAccountHolder: USPersonAccountHolder
The USPersonAccountHolder
which was updated.
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, this event was created.
updateTypes: [PersonAccountHolderIdentityUpdateType!]
The type of each update made, indicating which fields were modified on the USPersonAccountHolder
totalAnnualIncome: [Amount!]
Total annual income expressed as an Amount.
currentDebtObligations: [Amount!]
Current debt obligations expressed as an Amount.
employmentStatus: EmploymentStatus
Person's employment status.
monthlyHousingPayment: [Amount!]
The rent, mortgage, or other type of housing payment made on a monthly basis as an Amount
countryCode: String
The assigned country code for the number.
number: String
The phone number in a country specific format.
label: PhoneLabel
A classification for the type of the device the phone number is attached or how the phone number is used (e.g. home or work)
id: ID!
Global ID used to reference the PhysicalCardGroupOrder in operations.
cardProductId: ID
Id of the product with which the group order will be associated.
cardCount: UnsignedInt
Number of cards in the group order
paymentCardShipment: PaymentCardShipment
Payment card shipment
orderState: PaymentCardGroupOrderStateDetail
Order state details.
stateHistory: [PaymentCardGroupOrderStateDetailHistory]
Fulfillment state detail history.
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the PaymentCardShipment was created at.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the PaymentCardShipment was last updated.
physicalPaymentCardOrders: PhysicalPaymentCardOrderConnection
The physical payment card orders for this PhysicalCardGroupOrder.
cardProfileSet: CardProfileSet
The CardProfileSet
associated to this physical payment card group order.
pageInfo: PageInfo!
Information about the current page.
edges: [PhysicalCardGroupOrderEdge!]
A list of edges.
cursor: String!
The cursor for this edge for use in pagination.
node: PhysicalCardGroupOrder
The Physical Card Group Order.
format: PhysicalCardPersonalizationFormat!
The format for the physical card profile look and feel.
line1: PhysicalCardPersonalizationLine!
The line 1 personalization for the physical card.
line2: PhysicalCardPersonalizationLine!
The line 2 personalization for the physical card.
physicalCardType: PhysicalCardType
The type of physical card
type: PhysicalCardPersonalizationLineType
The line type for the physical card line.
line: String
The line value for the physical card line.
id: ID!
ID of the physical card profile.
status: CardProfileStatus
Status of the physical card profile.
paymentNetworkStatus: CardProfilePaymentNetworkStatus
Payment Network Status of the physical card profile.
vendorStatus: CardProfileVendorStatus
Vendor Status of the physical card profile.
bankStatus: CardProfileBankStatus
Bank Status of the physical card profile.
vendorName: PhysicalCardVendorName
Vendor Name of the physical card profile.
vendorProgramExternalIdentifier: String
Vendor program external id for the physical card profile
carrier: String
Carrier for the physical card profile.
packaging: String
Packaging for the physical card profile.
fleetOptionConfigurationId: ID
The fleet option configuration ID
fleetOptionConfigurationVersion: Int
The fleet option configuration version
externalContactlessProfileIdentifier: String
External contactless profile id
chipProfileIdentifier: String
Chip profile id
physicalCardMaterial: PhysicalCardMaterial
Card Material of the physical card profile.
cardHolderAgreementId: ID
Card Holder Agreement ID of the physical card profile.
cardProduct: CardProduct
Card Product of the physical card profile.
cardPersonalization: PhysicalCardPersonalization
Card personalization.
defaultPaymentCardShipment: CardProfileShipment
Payment card shipment
cardArt: [CardArtDocument!]
Card art
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, this physical card profile
was created.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, this physical card profile
was last updated.
name: String
Name of the PhysicalCardProfile
description: String
Description about the PhysicalCardProfile
cardProfileSetRelationships: [CardProfileSetRelationship!]
The list of CardProfileSet
related to this PhysicalCardProfile
id: ID!
Global ID used to reference the PhysicalPaymentCardGroupOrder in operations.
groupOrderState: PaymentCardGroupOrderStateDetail
Order state details.
cardProductId: ID
Card product ID.
cardCount: UnsignedInt
Number of cards in the group order
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the PaymentCardShipment was created at.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the PaymentCardShipment was last updated.
id: ID!
Global ID used to reference the PhysicalPaymentCardGroupOrder in operations.
groupOrderState: PaymentCardGroupOrderStateDetail
Order state details.
cardProductId: ID
Card product ID.
cardCount: UnsignedInt
Number of cards in the group order
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the PaymentCardShipment was created at.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the PaymentCardShipment was last updated.
id: ID!
Global ID used to reference the PaymentCardShipment in operations.
paymentCardShipment: PaymentCardShipment
Payment card shipment
orderState: PaymentCardOrderStateDetail
Order state details.
cardPersonalization: PaymentCardPersonalization
Card personalization.
stateHistory: [PaymentCardOrderStateDetailHistory]
Fulfillment state detail history.
paymentCard: PaymentCard
Payment card details.
groupOrder: PhysicalCardGroupOrder
Physical card group order details
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the PaymentCardShipment was created at.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the PaymentCardShipment was last updated.
pageInfo: PageInfo!
Information about the current page.
edges: [PhysicalPaymentCardOrderEdge!]
A list of edges.
cursor: String!
The cursor for this edge for use in pagination.
node: PhysicalPaymentCardOrder
The Physical Payment Card Order.
id: ID!
Global ID used to reference the PaymentCardShipment in operations.
orderState: PaymentCardOrderStateDetail
Order state details.
paymentCardId: ID
Payment card ID.
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the PaymentCardShipment was created at.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the PaymentCardShipment was last updated.
id: ID!
Global ID used to reference the PaymentCardShipment in operations.
orderState: PaymentCardOrderStateDetail
Order state details.
paymentCardId: ID
Payment card ID.
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the PaymentCardShipment was created at.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the PaymentCardShipment was last updated.
id: ID!
Global ID used to reference the Merchant Category Spend Rule in operations.
name: String
The name assigned to the rule.
allowed: [PointOfServiceCategoryCondition!]
The point of services that will be allowed during authorizations.
blocked: [PointOfServiceCategoryCondition!]
The point of services that will result in declined authorizations.
version: String
The current version of the rule. Specific versions can be attached and detached from card products and payment cards.
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the spend rule was created.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the spend rule was last updated.
revisions: SpendRuleConnection
The list of revisions for this spend rule.
recommendation: SpendRuleRecommendation
The recommendation to ALLOW
an event based on the result of the rule.
message: String
A message describing the result.
valuesTested: [PointOfServiceCategory!]
The tested points of service of the event.
spendRule: PointOfServiceCategorySpendRule
The spend rule attached at the time of the event.
attachedLevel: AttachedLevel
The attached level.
category: PointOfServiceCategory
The point of service category.
panEntryMode: PanEntryMode
The PAN entry mode.
pinEntryMode: PinEntryMode
The PIN entry mode.
terminalAttendance: TerminalAttendance
The attendance at the terminal.
isCardHolderPresent: Boolean
Represents whether the cardholder is present or not.
isCardPresent: Boolean
Represents whether the card is present or not.
isRecurring: Boolean
Represents whether this transaction is recurring or not.
terminalSupportsPartialApproval: Boolean
Represents whether the terminal supports partial approval or not.
cardDataInputCapability: CardDataInputCapability
Tha capabilities of the terminal to read card data
enabled: Boolean
Whether or not the feature is enabled for the CardProduct
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the feature was created.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the feature was last updated.
effectiveFrom: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the feature was effective from.
effectiveThrough: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the feature was effective through.
enabled: Boolean
Whether or not the feature is enabled for the Financial Account.
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the feature was created.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the feature was last updated.
effectiveFrom: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the feature was effective from.
effectiveThrough: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the feature was effective through.
id: ID!
Global ID used to reference the Postal Code Verification Spend Rule in operations.
name: String
The name assigned to the rule.
allowed: [PostalCodeResponseCode!]
The postal code response codes that will be allowed during authorizations.
blocked: [PostalCodeResponseCode!]
The postal code response codes that will result in declined authorizations.
version: String
The current version of the rule. Specific versions can be attached and detached from card products and payment cards.
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the spend rule was created.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the spend rule was last updated.
revisions: SpendRuleConnection
The list of revisions for this spend rule.
recommendation: SpendRuleRecommendation
The recommendation to ALLOW
an event based on the result of the rule.
message: String
A message describing the result.
valuesTested: [PostalCodeResponseCode!]
The tested PostalCodeResponseCode
of the event.
spendRule: PostalCodeVerificationSpendRule
The spend rule attached at the time of the event.
attachedLevel: AttachedLevel
The attached level.
enabled: Boolean
Whether or not the feature is enabled for the Financial Account.
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the feature was created.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the feature was last updated.
effectiveFrom: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the feature was effective from.
effectiveThrough: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the feature was effective through.
enabled: Boolean
Whether or not the feature is enabled for the Financial Account.
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the feature was created.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the feature was last updated.
effectiveFrom: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the feature was effective from.
effectiveThrough: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the feature was effective through.
enabled: Boolean
Whether or not the feature is enabled for the Financial Account.
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the feature was created.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the feature was last updated.
effectiveFrom: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the feature was effective from.
effectiveThrough: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the feature was effective through.
enabled: Boolean
Whether or not the feature is enabled for the Financial Account.
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the feature was created.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the feature was last updated.
effectiveFrom: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the feature was effective from.
effectiveThrough: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the feature was effective through.
enabled: Boolean
Whether or not the feature is enabled for the Financial Account.
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the feature was created.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the feature was last updated.
effectiveFrom: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the feature was effective from.
effectiveThrough: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the feature was effective through.
createAccountHolderCardProductApplicationInput: ProvisionCreateAccountHolderCardProductApplicationActionDetail
Input details for creating an account holder application. This field contains the parameters needed to process the application.
issueFinancialAccountForApplicationInput: ProvisionIssueFinancialAccountForApplicationActionDetail
Input details for creating a financial account. This field includes the parameters necessary to establish a new financial account for the account holder.
initiateFinancialAccountCreditLimitUpdateFromProductFundingInput: ProvisionInitiateFinancialAccountCreditLimitUpdateFromProductFundingActionDetail
Input details for setting a credit limit on a financial account. This field specifies the parameters required to update the credit limit for the financial account.
issuePaymentCardForFinancialAccountInput: ProvisionIssuePaymentCardForFinancialAccountActionDetail
Input details for issuing a payment card for a financial account. This field contains the parameters needed to issue a new payment card associated with the specified financial account.
linkVerifiedExternalBankAccountInput: ProvisionLinkVerifiedExternalBankAccountActionDetail
Input details for linking external bank account.
cardHolderAgreementConsent: ConsentAgreement
Details on the acceptance of the terms and conditions of the card holder agreement. This field captures the applicant's consent to the agreement.
accountHolderCreditReportPullConsent: ConsentAgreement
Details on the account holder's consent to pull their credit report as part of the card product application. This field captures the applicant's consent for this specific action.
name: String
The name of the financial account. This field is required and should provide a meaningful name for the account.
options: IssuePaymentCardOptionsDetail
Options for the newly issued payment card. This field specifies the configuration details and preferences for the card issuance.
publicToken: String
The token provided by account holder as part of the GenerateVerifiedExternalBankAccountLinkToken process
id: ID!
Global ID used to reference the recurring transfer
fromFinancialAccount: AllFinancialAccount
The account sending the funds.
Exactly one of fromFinancialAccount and toFinancialAccount will be an ExternalFinancialAccount and the other will be a FinancialAccount.
toFinancialAccount: AllFinancialAccount
The account receiving the funds.
Exactly one of fromFinancialAccount and toFinancialAccount will be an ExternalFinancialAccount and the other will be a FinancialAccount.
descriptor: ACHDescriptor
Descriptive fields about the transfer which may show up on bank reports.
transferAmount: TransferAmountStrategy
The amount to be transferred.
frequency: RecurringAchTransferFrequencyCode
The frequency of the scheduled payment
balanceAmountType: TransferBalanceAmountCode
The type of balance payment to be scheduled
status: ScheduledTransferStatusCode
The status of the scheduled transfer
nextScheduledTransferDate: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the scheduled transfer is to be executed.
transferEvents: ScheduledTransferEventConnection
The transfers executed as a result of the recurring transfer
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, this RecurringACHTransfer
was created.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, this RecurringACHTransfer
was last updated.
id: ID!
The ID of the transaction event. This id
can be used to later retrieve details of this RepaymentFailedEvent
or correlate it with other events on this Transaction
transactionId: ID
The ID of the Electronic Funds Transfer that trigger this event.
amount: Amount
The amount of the transfer.
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the transfer was created.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the transfer was last updated.
fromFinancialAccountId: ID
The ID of the account sending the funds. Will always be an ExternalFinancialBankAccount
toFinancialAccountId: ID
The ID of the account receiving the funds. Will always be a FinancialAccount
companyName: String
he name of the company that initiated the ACH transfer.
This will always be Highnote.
companyIdentifier: String
The ID for Highnote.
settlementDate: String
The settlement date as specified by the company that initiated the ACH transfer, ISO 8601 format.
fundsAvailableDate: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the transfer will be transitioned to PROCESSED and the funds are available.
repaymentACHReasonCode: IntegratorInitiatedACHStatusReasonCode
Additional details about why an ACH Repayments failed.
transferStatus: ACHTransferStatusDetails
The status of the ACH transfer.
use repaymentACHReasonCode instead
paymentRelatedInformation: String
This field contains payment-related information provided by the originator of the transaction. It can include free-form text, structured data, or codes. The field supports alphanumeric characters, including the following symbols: ! " & ' ( ) * + , - . / : ; ? = % ~ @ [ ] { } \ | < > # $.
Example: RMR*IV*0123456789**999.99\.
Please note that this information may or may not be displayed to the recipient, based on the bank's capabilities, and method of access (i.e., online banking, statement, etc.)
enabled: Boolean
Whether or not the feature is enabled for the Financial Account.
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the feature was created.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the feature was last updated.
effectiveFrom: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the feature was effective from.
effectiveThrough: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the feature was effective through.
id: ID!
The ID of the transaction event. This id
can be used to later retrieve details of this RepaymentProcessedEvent
or correlate it with other events on this Transaction
transactionId: ID
The ID of the Electronic Funds Transfer that trigger this event.
amount: Amount
The amount of the transfer.
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the transfer was created.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the transfer was last updated.
fromFinancialAccountId: ID
The ID of the account sending the funds. Will always be an ExternalFinancialBankAccount
toFinancialAccountId: ID
The ID of the account receiving the funds. Will always be a FinancialAccount
companyName: String
he name of the company that initiated the ACH transfer.
This will always be Highnote.
companyIdentifier: String
The ID for Highnote.
settlementDate: String
The settlement date as specified by the company that initiated the ACH transfer, ISO 8601 format.
fundsAvailableDate: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the transfer will be transitioned to PROCESSED and the funds are available.
transferStatus: ACHTransferStatusDetails
The status of the ACH transfer.
transfer status only needed for failed or returned events
paymentRelatedInformation: String
This field contains payment-related information provided by the originator of the transaction. It can include free-form text, structured data, or codes. The field supports alphanumeric characters, including the following symbols: ! " & ' ( ) * + , - . / : ; ? = % ~ @ [ ] { } \ | < > # $.
Example: RMR*IV*0123456789**999.99\.
Please note that this information may or may not be displayed to the recipient, based on the bank's capabilities, and method of access (i.e., online banking, statement, etc.)
id: ID!
The ID of the transaction event. This id
can be used to later retrieve details of this RepaymentProcessingEvent
or correlate it with other events on this Transaction
transactionId: ID
The ID of the Electronic Funds Transfer that trigger this event.
amount: Amount
The amount of the transfer.
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the transfer was created.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the transfer was last updated.
fromFinancialAccountId: ID
The ID of the account sending the funds. Will always be an ExternalFinancialBankAccount
toFinancialAccountId: ID
The ID of the account receiving the funds. Will always be a FinancialAccount
companyName: String
he name of the company that initiated the ACH transfer.
This will always be Highnote.
companyIdentifier: String
The ID for Highnote.
settlementDate: String
The settlement date as specified by the company that initiated the ACH transfer, ISO 8601 format.
fundsAvailableDate: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the transfer will be transitioned to PROCESSED and the funds are available.
transferStatus: ACHTransferStatusDetails
The status of the ACH transfer.
transfer status only needed for failed or returned events
paymentRelatedInformation: String
This field contains payment-related information provided by the originator of the transaction. It can include free-form text, structured data, or codes. The field supports alphanumeric characters, including the following symbols: ! " & ' ( ) * + , - . / : ; ? = % ~ @ [ ] { } \ | < > # $.
Example: RMR*IV*0123456789**999.99\.
Please note that this information may or may not be displayed to the recipient, based on the bank's capabilities, and method of access (i.e., online banking, statement, etc.)
id: ID!
The ID of the transaction event. This id
can be used to later retrieve details of this RepaymentReturnedEvent
or correlate it with other events on this Transaction
transactionId: ID
The ID of the Electronic Funds Transfer that trigger this event.
amount: Amount
The amount of the transfer.
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the transfer was created.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the transfer was last updated.
fromFinancialAccountId: ID
The ID of the account sending the funds. Will always be an ExternalFinancialBankAccount
toFinancialAccountId: ID
The ID of the account receiving the funds. Will always be a FinancialAccount
companyName: String
he name of the company that initiated the ACH transfer.
This will always be Highnote.
companyIdentifier: String
The ID for Highnote.
settlementDate: String
The settlement date as specified by the company that initiated the ACH transfer, ISO 8601 format.
fundsAvailableDate: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the transfer will be transitioned to PROCESSED and the funds are available.
repaymentACHReasonCode: IntegratorInitiatedACHStatusReasonCode
Additional details about why an ACH Repayments was returned.
transferStatus: ACHTransferStatusDetails
The status of the ACH transfer.
use repaymentACHReasonCode instead
paymentRelatedInformation: String
This field contains payment-related information provided by the originator of the transaction. It can include free-form text, structured data, or codes. The field supports alphanumeric characters, including the following symbols: ! " & ' ( ) * + , - . / : ; ? = % ~ @ [ ] { } \ | < > # $.
Example: RMR*IV*0123456789**999.99\.
Please note that this information may or may not be displayed to the recipient, based on the bank's capabilities, and method of access (i.e., online banking, statement, etc.)
returnDate: String
The date this transaction was returned, in ISO 8601 format.
id: ID!
Global ID used to reference the Report in operations.
status: ReportStatus
The current status of an Report.
reportType: ReportType
Describes which type of report was generated.
statusReason: String
Describes why the report is in a failed state, if applicable.
download: ReportDownload
Used to download the contents of the report, if available.
start: String
The start date and time, in ISO 8601 format, that the report was generated for.
end: String
The end date and time, in ISO 8601 format, that the report was generated for.
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, this was created.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, this was updated.
url: String
The URL to download the report from.
reportType: ReportType
The report type that the usage metrics applies to.
limit: UnsignedInt
The limit of the number of reports that can be generated within a 24 hour period. The 24 hour period is defined as midnight to midnight, Eastern Time.
limitRemaining: UnsignedInt
The number of reports remaining for the report type in the given period.
periodEnd: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, for the end of the current period.
appliedChanges: [RequestedIdentityUpdateType!]
The change types for the applied update.
requestedChange: RequestedIdentityUpdateParty
The supplied information to update on the RequestedIdentityUpdateParty
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the requested update was created.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the requested update was last updated.
id: ID!
The Global ID for the requested Identity Update
status: RequestedIdentityUpdateStatus
The status of the identity update request
referredBy: RequestedIdentityUpdateSource
The referring system that originated this RequestedIdentityUpdate
requestedFor: RequestedIdentityUpdateParty
The identity which has a requested update.
changesRequested: [RequestedIdentityUpdateType!]
The changes requested on the identity.
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, when the identity update request was created.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, when the identity update request was last updated.
appliedUpdates: [RequestedIdentityAppliedUpdate!]
Changes applied to the identity as part of this RequestedIdentityUpdate
id: ID!
Global ID used to reference the RestrictedAccountHolderSpendRule
in operations.
name: String
The name assigned to the rule.
allowed: [ID!]
The account holders that are allowed during authorization. This is not used.
blocked: [ID!]
The account holders that are blocked during authorization.
version: String
The current version of the rule. Specific versions can be attached and detached from card products and payment cards.
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the spend rule was created.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the spend rule was last updated.
revisions: SpendRuleConnection
The list of revisions for this spend rule.
recommendation: SpendRuleRecommendation
The recommendation to ALLOW
an event based on the result of the rule.
message: String
A message describing the result.
valuesTested: [ID!]
The account holder of the event.
spendRule: RestrictedAccountHolderSpendRule
The spend rule attached at the time of the event.
attachedLevel: AttachedLevel
The attached level.
id: ID!
The ID of the transaction event. This id
can be used to later retrieve details of this Reversal or correlate it with other events on this Transaction
responseCode: TransactionEventResponseCode
The Highnote response code
transaction: Transaction
The Transaction for this event.
networkResponseCode: String
The response code from the card network (e.g. Mastercard).
Use responseCode instead
networkTransactionId: ID
The transaction ID from the card network (e.g. Mastercard).
No longer supported
approvedAmount: Amount
The amount approved for this Reversal
originalAmount: Amount
The original amount of the Authorization
related to this Reversal
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, this Reversal
was created.
paymentCard: PaymentCard
The PaymentCard
associated to this ReversalEvent
cardProduct: CardProduct
The CardProduct
associated to this ReversalEvent
merchantDetails: MerchantDetails
The details about the merchant who requested the reversal.
currentFinancialAccountAvailableToSpendAmount: Amount
Amount available to spend after this transaction event
currentFinancialAccountMaximumBalanceAmount: Amount
Maximum balance allowed for the card account at the time of this transaction event
transactionProcessingType: CardTransactionProcessingType
Represents the customer transaction type being processed.
pointOfServiceDetails: PointOfServiceDetails
The Point Of Service Details.
additionalNetworkData: AdditionalNetworkData
Network specific transaction data.
issuerExpiredAuthorization: Boolean
Determines whether this is an issuer initiated reversal for an expired authorization.
partial: Boolean
Determines whether this is a partial or full reversal for an authorization.
paymentCardSnapshot: PaymentCardSnapshot
A snapshot of the PaymentCard
at the time of the ReversalEvent
additionalTransactionData: [AdditionalTransactionData!]
Additional transaction data for this transaction
advice: Boolean
Determines whether this event is an advice.
adviceDetail: AdviceDetail
Details if event is an advice.
originatingAccount: FinancialAccount
The Financial account from where the fee is reversed.
receivingAccount: FinancialAccount
The Financial account that receives the reversed fee.
transferedFeeAmount: Amount
The actual fee amount reversed.
transferDate: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the fee was reversed.
status: FeeTransferStatusDetails
The fee transfer event status.
sourceFeeTransferEvent: FeeTransferEvent
The original fee transfer event that was reversed.
id: ID!
Global ID used to reference the ReviewWorkflowEvent
reviewState: ReviewWorkflowEventStatus
The status of the transfer workflow.
createdAt: String
The date and time the review was initiated, in ISO 8601 format, e.g. 2024-01-01T00:00:00.000Z.
updatedAt: String
The date and time the review was last updated, in ISO 8601 format, e.g. 2024-01-01T00:00:00.000Z.
transfer: ReviewWorkflowEventTransfer
The transfer associated with this workflow event.
reviewItem: WireTransferReviewItem
The details of the wire transfer workflow review associated with this event.
enabled: Boolean
Whether or not the feature is enabled for the CardProduct
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the feature was created.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the feature was last updated.
effectiveFrom: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the feature was effective from.
effectiveThrough: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the feature was effective through.
id: ID!
Global ID used to reference the reward earn rule.
type: EarnRuleType
The EarnRuleType
name: String
Name of this RewardDefaultEarnRule
rewardPointEarning: RewardEarnRate
Earning Rate. This rate describes the amount of points earn related to the amount of money spent. (i.e., a rate of 1.5 means earning 15 points on a $10 transaction)
attachments: RewardRuleAttachmentConnection
Objects that a rule is attached to.
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, when the earn rule was created.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, when the earn rule was updated.
The number of points earned per USD
on a transaction.
This rate should be between 0.0 and 100.0 with up to 3 digits of precision after the decimal point (i.e. 1.000).
Rounding on fractional points will be rounded down.
For example:
rate | transaction amount | points earned |
1.0 point per dollar | $1 | 1 point |
1.5 points per dollar | $10 | 15 points |
rate: String
The number of points earned per USD
on a transaction.
This rate should be between 0.0 and 100.0 with up to 3 digits of precision after the decimal point (i.e. 1.000).
Rounding on fractional points will be rounded down.
For example:
rate | transaction amount | points earned |
1.0 point per dollar | $1 | 1 point |
1.5 points per dollar | $10 | 15 points |
pageInfo: PageInfo!
Information about the current page.
edges: [RewardEarnRuleEdge!]
A list of edges.
cursor: String
The cursor for this edge for use in pagination.
node: RewardEarnRule
The RewardEarnRule
id: ID!
Global ID used to reference the reward earn rule.
type: EarnRuleType
The EarnRuleType
name: String
Name of RewardMerchantCategoryEarnRule
rewardPointEarning: RewardEarnRate
Earning Rate. This rate describes the amount of points earn related to the amount of money spent. (i.e. rate of 1.5 means earning 15 points on a $10 transaction)
attachments: RewardRuleAttachmentConnection
Objects that a rule is attached to.
allowedList: [MerchantCategory!]
Collection of MerchantCategory
that a transaction's MCC must exist within in order for this rule to earn reward points. This field must have at least one MerchantCategory
allowedListCodes: [String!]
Collection of MerchantCategory
codes that a transaction's MCC must exist within in order for this rule to earn reward points. This field must have at least one MerchantCategory
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, when the earn rule was created.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, when the earn rule was updated.
id: ID!
Global ID used to reference the transfer in operations.
rewardPointsAmount: Amount
The amount of the transfer.
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the transfer was created.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the transfer was last updated.
ledgers: [Ledger!]
The ledgers affected by the transfer.
ledgerNames: [LedgerName!]
Scope the results to specific ledgers
status: RewardPointsTransferStatusDetails
The status of the reward poimnts transfer.
activity: RewardPointsActivityType
Reward activity like AWARD, REDEEM, REFUND, DEDUCT
source: RewardPointsTransferSource
Source for reward points transfer like CARD_TRANSACTION, API
memo: String
Description for the transfer ** Note: ** The maximum size is 1024 characters
externalTransactionIdentifier: String
An optional tracker for external transaction identifier. Max character length is 255.
rewardPointsValue: Amount
Reward points monetary value
redemptionConfiguration: RewardRedemptionConfiguration
Optional; used if the reward point transfer was applied using a redemption configuration.
rewardEarnRule: RewardEarnRule
Optional; used if the reward point transfer was applied using an earn rule.
pageInfo: PageInfo!
Information about the current page.
edges: [RewardPointsTransferEdge!]
A list of edges.
cursor: String
The cursor for this edge for use in pagination.
node: RewardPointsTransfer
The RewardPointsTransfer
status: RewardPointsTransferStatus
The status of the failed transfer. This will always be FAILED
statusReasonCode: RewardPointsTransferFailureReasonCode
Additional details about why a transfer failed.
status: RewardPointsTransferStatus
The status of the reward points transfer.
id: ID!
Global ID used to reference the RewardRedemptionConfiguration
type: RedemptionConfigurationType
The RedemptionConfigurationType
name: String
Name of RewardRedemptionConfiguration
rewardPointRedemption: RewardRedemptionRate
Redemption Rate. This rate describes the value of money that can be redeemed for earned points. See RewardRedemptionRate
attachments: RewardRedemptionConfigurationAttachmentConnection
Objects that a RewardRedemptionConfiguration
is attached to.
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, when the configuration was created.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, when the configuration was updated.
pageInfo: PageInfo!
Information about the current page.
edges: [RewardRedemptionConfigurationAttachmentEdge!]
A list of edges.
cursor: String
The cursor for this edge for use in pagination.
node: RewardRedemptionConfigurationAttachment
The RewardRedemptionConfigurationAttachment
pageInfo: PageInfo!
Information about the current page.
edges: [RewardRedemptionConfigurationEdge!]
A list of edges.
cursor: String
The cursor for this edge for use in pagination.
node: RewardRedemptionConfiguration
The RewardRedemptionConfiguration
id: ID!
Global ID used to reference the RewardRedemptionConfigurationAttachment
redemptionConfiguration: RewardRedemptionConfiguration
that is attached.
cardProduct: CardProduct
that the RewardRedemptionConfiguration
is attached to.
effectiveFrom: String
The date and time in ISO 8601 format, representing when the attachment should start taking effect.
effectiveThrough: String
The date and time in ISO 8601 format, representing when the attachment should stop taking effect.
Input for entering RewardRedemptionRate
. The amount of money that will be redeemed per point earned.
This rate should be between 0.0 and 100.0 with up to 3 digits of precision after the decimal point (i.e. 1.000).
Redemption value will be rounded down to according to the currency precision. For example:
| rate | points redeemed | redemption value
| --------------------- | -------------- | -------------------
| 1.0 USD per point | 10 points | $10.00
| 1.5 USD per point | 10 points | $15.00
| 1.001 USD per point | 10 points | $10.01
rate: String
Input for entering RewardRedemptionRate
. The amount of money that will be redeemed per point earned.
This rate should be between 0.0 and 100.0 with up to 3 digits of precision after the decimal point (i.e. 1.000).
Redemption value will be rounded down to according to the currency precision. For example:
rate | points redeemed | redemption value |
1.0 USD per point | 10 points | $10.00 |
1.5 USD per point | 10 points | $15.00 |
1.001 USD per point | 10 points | $10.01 |
pageInfo: PageInfo!
Information about the current page.
edges: [RewardRuleAttachmentEdge!]
A list of edges.
cursor: String
The cursor for this edge for use in pagination.
node: RewardRuleAttachment
The RewardRuleAttachment
id: ID!
Global ID used to reference the RewardRuleAttachment
rewardEarnRule: RewardEarnRule
that is attached.
cardProduct: CardProduct
that the RewardEarnRule
is attached to.
effectiveFrom: String
The date and time in ISO 8601 format, representing when the attachment should start taking effect.
effectiveThrough: String
The date and time in ISO 8601 format, representing when the attachment should stop taking effect.
id: ID!
ID of the FeaturePermission
createdBy: String
The entity that created the feature permission
updatedBy: String
The entity that updated the feature permission
createDate: String
When the entity was created
updateDate: String
When the entity was updated
enabled: Boolean
Indicates if the permission is enabled
revisions: FeaturePermissionRevisionConnection
The list of revisions for this feature permission.
id: ID!
ID of the FeaturePermissionRevision
featurePermissionId: ID!
ID of the FeaturePermission
that this entity is a revision of
createdBy: String
The entity that created the feature permission
updatedBy: String
The entity that updated the feature permission
createDate: String
When the entity was created
updateDate: String
When the entity was updated
enabled: Boolean
Indicates if the permission is enabled
sessionToken: String
The session token to be used with the risk application sdk.
isRiskBased: Boolean
Whether or not to use risk based pricing.
A RuleCollection
is a set of SpendRule
, TransferRule
, InterFinancialAccountTransferRule
, RiskRule
, VelocityRiskRule
, VelocityTransferRule
, and/or VelocityInterFinancialAccountTransferRule
that can be used as a template to attach to a PaymentCard
, FinancialAccount
, CardProduct
or Platform
in 1 operation
id: ID!
Global ID used to reference the RuleCollection
version: String
The rule collection version.
name: String
The name assigned to the RuleCollection
spendRules: [SpendRule!]
The list of SpendRule
objects in this RuleCollection
interFinancialAccountTransferRules: [InterFinancialAccountTransferRule!]
The list of InterFinancialAccountTransferRule
objects in this RuleCollection
velocityInterFinancialAccountTransferRules: [VelocityInterFinancialAccountTransferRule!]
The list of VelocityInterFinancialAccountTransferRule
objects in this RuleCollection
velocitySpendRules: [VelocityRule!]
The list of VelocityRule
objects in this RuleCollection
VelocityRules are also known as VelocitySpendRules
Note: Up to 5 allowed
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the rule collection was created.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the rule collection was last updated.
id: ID!
The Global ID used to reference the ScheduledTransferAchEvent
fromFinancialAccount: AllFinancialAccount
The financial account sending the funds.
Exactly one of fromFinancialAccount
and toFinancialAccount
will be an ExternalFinancialAccount
and the other will be a FinancialAccount
toFinancialAccount: AllFinancialAccount
The financial account receiving the funds.
Exactly one of fromFinancialAccount
and toFinancialAccount
will be an ExternalFinancialAccount
and the other will be a FinancialAccount
transferAmount: Amount
The amount requested to be transferred.
transfers: [ElectronicFundsTransfer]
The transfers executed as part of the scheduled payment transfer event.
status: ScheduledTransferEventStatusCode
The status of the scheduled transfer event.
paymentInitiatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, this scheduled transfer event was initiated.
paymentPostedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, this scheduled transfer event was posted to the account.
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, this scheduled transfer event was created.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, this scheduled transfer event was last updated.
pageInfo: PageInfo!
Information about the current page.
edges: [ScheduledTransferEdge!]
A list of edges.
cursor: String!
The cursor for this edge for use in pagination.
node: ScheduledTransfer
A Scheduled Transfer Event.
pageInfo: PageInfo!
Information about the current page.
edges: [ScheduledTransferEventEdge!]
A list of edges.
cursor: String!
The cursor for this edge for use in pagination.
node: ScheduledTransferEvent
The Scheduled Transfer Event.
criticality: SchemaChangeCriticality
The criticality of the SchemaChange
message: String
Description of schema change, e.g. `Field 'bar' was added to object type 'Foo'.
path: String
The schema path of the change e.g. Foo.bar
changeType: String
The type of the schema change, e.g. FIELD_ADDED
level: SchemaChangeCriticalityLevel
This code represents the level of criticality of the SchemaChange
id: ID!
Globally unique identifier for a SchemaChangelog
createdAt: String
Timestamp associated with a specific deployment
changes: [SchemaChangesForRootPath!]
The schema changes associated with the specified timestamp
pageInfo: PageInfo!
Information about the current page.
edges: [SchemaChangelogEdge!]
A list of edges.
cursor: String!
The cursor for this edge for use in pagination.
node: SchemaChangelog
The SchemaChangelog
rootPath: String!
Root path of associated changes
changes: [SchemaChange!]
Schema changes for the specified root path ? Change field name to rootPathChanges?
pageInfo: PageInfo!
Information about the current page.
edges: [SearchCardProductApplicationEdge!]
A list of edges.
january: [Amount!]
January volume for each currency the business transacts with
february: [Amount!]
February volume for each currency the business transacts with
march: [Amount!]
March volume for each currency the business transacts with
april: [Amount!]
April volume for each currency the business transacts with
may: [Amount!]
May volume for each currency the business transacts with
june: [Amount!]
June volume for each currency the business transacts with
july: [Amount!]
July volume for each currency the business transacts with
august: [Amount!]
August volume for each currency the business transacts with
september: [Amount!]
September volume for each currency the business transacts with
october: [Amount!]
October volume for each currency the business transacts with
november: [Amount!]
November volume for each currency the business transacts with
december: [Amount!]
December volume for each currency the business transacts with
id: ID!
Global ID used to reference the transfer in operations.
amount: Amount
The amount of the transfer.
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the transfer was created.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the transfer was last updated.
ledgers: [Ledger!]
The ledgers affected by the transfer.
ledgerNames: [LedgerName!]
Scope the results to specific ledgers
status: IntegratorInitiatedACHStatusDetails
The status of the integrator initiated ACH transfer.
fromFinancialAccount: AllFinancialAccount
The account sending the funds.
Exactly one of fromFinancialAccount and toFinancialAccount will be an ExternalFinancialBankAccount
and the other will be a FinancialAccount
toFinancialAccount: AllFinancialAccount
The account receiving the funds.
Exactly one of fromFinancialAccount and toFinancialAccount will be an ExternalFinancialBankAccount
and the other will be a FinancialAccount
companyName: String
he name of the company that initiated the ACH transfer.
This will always be Highnote.
descriptor: ACHDescriptor
Descriptive fields about the transfer which may show up on bank reports.
companyIdentifier: String
The ID for Highnote.
settlementDate: String
The settlement date as specified by the company that initiated the ACH transfer, ISO 8601 format.
fundsAvailableDate: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the transfer will be transitioned to PROCESSED and the funds are available.
cardProduct: CardProduct
The Card Product associated to the Financial Account.
paymentRelatedInformation: String
This field contains payment-related information provided by the originator of the transaction. It can include free-form text, structured data, or codes. The field supports alphanumeric characters, including the following symbols: ! " & ' ( ) * + , - . / : ; ? = % ~ @ [ ] { } \ | < > # $.
Example: RMR*IV*0123456789**999.99\.
Please note that this information may or may not be displayed to the recipient, based on the bank's capabilities, and method of access (i.e., online banking, statement, etc.)
returnDate: String
The date this transaction was returned, in ISO 8601 format.
traceNumber: String
A unique 15 digit number assigned by the originator to identify the transfer.
id: ID!
Global ID used to reference the transfer in operations.
amount: Amount
The amount of the transfer.
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the transfer event was created.
status: IntegratorInitiatedACHStatusDetails
The status of the integrator initiated ACH transfer.
fromFinancialAccount: ExternalFinancialBankAccount
The account sending the funds.
toFinancialAccount: FinancialAccount
The account receiving the funds.
companyName: String
he name of the company that initiated the ACH transfer.
companyIdentifier: String
The Company Identifier is a 10-position alphameric code used to identify an Originator of the ACH transaction. It may begin with an ANSI one-digit Identification Code Designator (ICD), followed by the Identification Number.
Identification Code Designator (ICD) | ANSI Identification Number | Example |
IRS Employer Identification Number (EIN) | 1 | 1234567890 for an Originator with 234567890 EIN |
Data Universal Numbering Systems (DUNS) | 3 | 30008016958 for an Originator with 0008016958 DUNS |
User Assigned Number | 9 | 9111111111 for an Originator with 111111111 under assigned Identification Number |
companyEntryDescription: String
Company entered value for the type of ACH.
settlementDate: String
The settlement date as specified by the company that initiated the ACH transfer, ISO 8601 format.
transfer: ElectronicFundsTransfer
The ElectronicFundsTransfer
that triggered this event.
returnDate: String
The date this transaction was returned, in ISO 8601 format.
enabled: Boolean
Whether or not the feature is enabled for the Financial Account.
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the feature was created.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the feature was last updated.
creditLimit: Amount
The credit limit on the SecuredCreditPaymentCardFinancialAccountFeature
effectiveFrom: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the feature was effective from.
effectiveThrough: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the feature was effective through.
enabled: Boolean
Whether or not the feature is enabled for the CardProduct
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the feature was created.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the feature was last updated.
effectiveFrom: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the feature was effective from.
effectiveThrough: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the feature was effective through.
id: ID!
The unique id of the FinancialAccountStatement
periodStart: String
The date, in ISO 8601 format, the statement period starts.
periodEnd: String
The date, in ISO 8601 format, the statement period ends.
openedAt: String
The timestamp, in ISO 8601 format, the statement was opened.
closedAt: String
The timestamp, in ISO 8601 format, the statement was closed.
startingPrimaryCreditBalance: Amount
The credit balance at the start of the period for the primary ledger.
startingPrimaryDebitBalance: Amount
The debit balance at the start of the period for the primary ledger.
endingPrimaryCreditBalance: Amount
The credit balance at the end of the period for the primary ledger.
endingPrimaryDebitBalance: Amount
The debit balance at the end of the period for the primary ledger.
primaryLedger: Ledger
The ledger associated with the primary balance
startingSecondaryCreditBalance: Amount
The credit balance at the start of the period for the secondary ledger.
startingSecondaryDebitBalance: Amount
The debit balance at the start of the period for the secondary ledger.
endingSecondaryCreditBalance: Amount
The credit balance at the end of the period for the secondary ledger.
endingSecondaryDebitBalance: Amount
The debit balance at the end of the period for the secondary ledger.
secondaryLedger: Ledger
The ledger associated with the primary balance
startingTertiaryCreditBalance: Amount
The credit balance at the start of the period for the tertiary ledger.
startingTertiaryDebitBalance: Amount
The debit balance at the start of the period for the tertiary ledger.
endingTertiaryCreditBalance: Amount
The credit balance at the end of the period for the tertiary ledger.
endingTertiaryDebitBalance: Amount
The debit balance at the end of the period for the tertiary ledger.
tertiaryLedger: Ledger
The ledger associated with the tertiary balance
periodPurchasesAmount: Amount
The total from purchases for the statement period.
periodFeesAmount: Amount
The total from fees for the statement period.
periodFeeCredit: Amount
The total fee credit (for example due to waiving fees) for the statement period.
periodRefundsAndPaymentsAmount: Amount
The total refunds and payments for the statement period.
endingCreditLimit: Amount
The credit limit at the end of the period.
paymentDueOn: String
The date, in ISO 8601 format, payment is due on end of day.
statementEntries: FinancialAccountStatementEntryConnection
statement entries.
For information on Highnote's Search API, see our Search guide.
after: String
The cursor to start the page.
filterBy: FinancialAccountStatementEntriesFilterInput
Filter results to specific Financial Account Activities.
repaymentHistory: [CreditRepaymentStatementApplication!]
History of repayments per statement
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, this was created.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, this was most recently updated.
creditAmount: Amount
Credit amount of the transaction.
debitAmount: Amount
Debit amount of the transaction.
primaryCreditBalance: Amount
Credit balance of the account.
primaryDebitBalance: Amount
Debit balance of the account.
postDate: String
The date, in ISO 8601 format, the transaction was posted. (Different word for 'posted'?)
ledgerEntry: LedgerEntry
Ledger Entry for the entry
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, this was created.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, this was most recently updated.
asOf: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the snapshot was calculated. Note that this will be the date/time of the last impactful event.
currentOpenStatement: FinancialAccountStatement
The current open statement
latestClosedStatement: FinancialAccountStatement
The most recently closed statement
currentAmountDue: Amount
The current amount due.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, this was most recently updated.
enabled: Boolean
Whether or not the feature is enabled for the Financial Account.
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the feature was created.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the feature was last updated.
effectiveFrom: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the feature was effective from.
effectiveThrough: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the feature was effective through.
id: ID!
Global ID used to reference the transfer in operations.
amount: Amount
The amount of the transfer.
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the transfer was created.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the transfer was last updated.
ledgers: [Ledger!]
The ledgers affected by the transfer.
ledgerNames: [LedgerName!]
Scope the results to specific ledgers
toFinancialAccount: AllFinancialAccount
The account receiving the funds.
Exactly one of fromFinancialAccount and toFinancialAccount will be an ExternalFinancialBankAccount
and the other will be a FinancialAccount
companyName: String
The name of the company that initiated the ACH transfer.
This will always be Highnote.
descriptor: ACHDescriptor
Descriptive fields about the transfer which may show up on bank reports.
companyIdentifier: String
The ID for Highnote.
settlementDate: String
The settlement date as specified by the company that initiated the ACH transfer, ISO 8601 format.
status: ExternallyInitiatedACHStatusDetails
The status of the integrator initiated ACH transfer.
cardProduct: CardProduct
The Card Product associated to the Financial Account.
returnDate: String
The date this transaction was returned, in ISO 8601 format.
traceNumber: String
A unique 15 digit number assigned by the originator to identify the transfer.
id: ID!
Global ID used to reference the transfer in operations.
amount: Amount
The amount of the transfer.
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the transfer was created.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the transfer was last updated.
ledgers: [Ledger!]
The ledgers affected by the transfer.
ledgerNames: [LedgerName!]
Scope the results to specific ledgers
status: IntegratorInitiatedACHStatusDetails
The status of the integrator initiated ACH transfer.
fromFinancialAccount: AllFinancialAccount
The account sending the funds.
Exactly one of fromFinancialAccount and toFinancialAccount will be an ExternalFinancialBankAccount
and the other will be a FinancialAccount
toFinancialAccount: AllFinancialAccount
The account receiving the funds.
Exactly one of fromFinancialAccount and toFinancialAccount will be an ExternalFinancialBankAccount
and the other will be a FinancialAccount
companyName: String
The name of the company that initiated the ACH transfer.
This will always be Highnote.
descriptor: ACHDescriptor
Descriptive fields about the transfer which may show up on bank reports.
companyIdentifier: String
The ID for Highnote.
settlementDate: String
The settlement date as specified by the company that initiated the ACH transfer, ISO 8601 format.
fundsAvailableDate: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the transfer will be transitioned to PROCESSED and the funds are available.
cardProduct: CardProduct
The Card Product associated to the Financial Account.
paymentRelatedInformation: String
This field contains payment-related information provided by the originator of the transaction. It can include free-form text, structured data, or codes. The field supports alphanumeric characters, including the following symbols: ! " & ' ( ) * + , - . / : ; ? = % ~ @ [ ] { } \ | < > # $.
Example: RMR*IV*0123456789**999.99\.
Please note that this information may or may not be displayed to the recipient, based on the bank's capabilities, and method of access (i.e., online banking, statement, etc.)
returnDate: String
The date this transaction was returned, in ISO 8601 format.
traceNumber: String
A unique 15 digit number assigned by the originator to identify the transfer.
id: ID!
Global ID used to reference the transfer in operations.
amount: Amount
The amount of the transfer.
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the transfer event was created.
status: IntegratorInitiatedACHStatusDetails
The status of the integrator initiated ACH transfer.
fromFinancialAccount: ExternalFinancialBankAccount
The account sending the funds.
toFinancialAccount: FinancialAccount
The account receiving the funds.
companyName: String
he name of the company that initiated the ACH transfer.
companyIdentifier: String
The Company Identifier is a 10-position alphameric code used to identify an Originator of the ACH transaction. It may begin with an ANSI one-digit Identification Code Designator (ICD), followed by the Identification Number.
Identification Code Designator (ICD) | ANSI Identification Number | Example |
IRS Employer Identification Number (EIN) | 1 | 1234567890 for an Originator with 234567890 EIN |
Data Universal Numbering Systems (DUNS) | 3 | 30008016958 for an Originator with 0008016958 DUNS |
User Assigned Number | 9 | 9111111111 for an Originator with 111111111 under assigned Identification Number |
companyEntryDescription: String
Company entered value for the type of ACH.
settlementDate: String
The settlement date as specified by the company that initiated the ACH transfer, ISO 8601 format.
transfer: ElectronicFundsTransfer
The ElectronicFundsTransfer
that triggered this event.
returnDate: String
The date this transaction was returned, in ISO 8601 format.
id: ID!
The ID of the transaction event. This id
can be used to later retrieve details of this SecureDepositCanceledEvent
or correlate it with other events on this Transaction
transactionId: ID
The ID of the Electronic Funds Transfer that trigger this event.
amount: Amount
The amount of the transfer.
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the transfer was created.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the transfer was last updated.
fromFinancialAccountId: ID
The ID of the account sending the funds. Will always be an ExternalFinancialBankAccount
toFinancialAccountId: ID
The ID of the account receiving the funds. Will always be a FinancialAccount
companyName: String
he name of the company that initiated the ACH transfer.
This will always be Highnote.
companyIdentifier: String
The ID for Highnote.
settlementDate: String
The settlement date as specified by the company that initiated the ACH transfer, ISO 8601 format.
fundsAvailableDate: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the transfer will be transitioned to PROCESSED and the funds are available.
transferStatus: ACHTransferStatusDetails
The status of the ACH transfer.
transfer status only needed for failed or returned events
paymentRelatedInformation: String
This field contains payment-related information provided by the originator of the transaction. It can include free-form text, structured data, or codes. The field supports alphanumeric characters, including the following symbols: ! " & ' ( ) * + , - . / : ; ? = % ~ @ [ ] { } \ | < > # $.
Example: RMR*IV*0123456789**999.99\.
Please note that this information may or may not be displayed to the recipient, based on the bank's capabilities, and method of access (i.e., online banking, statement, etc.)
id: ID!
The ID of the transaction event. This id
can be used to later retrieve details of this SecureDepositFailedEvent
or correlate it with other events on this Transaction
transactionId: ID
The ID of the Electronic Funds Transfer that trigger this event.
amount: Amount
The amount of the transfer.
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the transfer was created.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the transfer was last updated.
fromFinancialAccountId: ID
The ID of the account sending the funds. Will always be an ExternalFinancialBankAccount
toFinancialAccountId: ID
The ID of the account receiving the funds. Will always be a FinancialAccount
companyName: String
he name of the company that initiated the ACH transfer.
This will always be Highnote.
companyIdentifier: String
The ID for Highnote.
settlementDate: String
The settlement date as specified by the company that initiated the ACH transfer, ISO 8601 format.
fundsAvailableDate: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the transfer will be transitioned to PROCESSED and the funds are available.
secureDepositACHReasonCode: IntegratorInitiatedACHStatusReasonCode
Additional details about why a secure deposit ACH transfer failed.
transferStatus: ACHTransferStatusDetails
The status of the ACH transfer.
use secureDepositACHReasonCode instead
paymentRelatedInformation: String
This field contains payment-related information provided by the originator of the transaction. It can include free-form text, structured data, or codes. The field supports alphanumeric characters, including the following symbols: ! " & ' ( ) * + , - . / : ; ? = % ~ @ [ ] { } \ | < > # $.
Example: RMR*IV*0123456789**999.99\.
Please note that this information may or may not be displayed to the recipient, based on the bank's capabilities, and method of access (i.e., online banking, statement, etc.)
id: ID!
The ID of the transaction event. This id
can be used to later retrieve details of this SecureDepositInitiatedEvent
or correlate it with other events on this Transaction
transactionId: ID
The ID of the Electronic Funds Transfer that trigger this event.
amount: Amount
The amount of the transfer.
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the transfer was created.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the transfer was last updated.
fromFinancialAccountId: ID
The ID of the account sending the funds. Will always be an ExternalFinancialBankAccount
toFinancialAccountId: ID
The ID of the account receiving the funds. Will always be a FinancialAccount
companyName: String
he name of the company that initiated the ACH transfer.
This will always be Highnote.
companyIdentifier: String
The ID for Highnote.
settlementDate: String
The settlement date as specified by the company that initiated the ACH transfer, ISO 8601 format.
fundsAvailableDate: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the transfer will be transitioned to PROCESSED and the funds are available.
transferStatus: ACHTransferStatusDetails
The status of the ACH transfer.
transfer status only needed for failed or returned events
paymentRelatedInformation: String
This field contains payment-related information provided by the originator of the transaction. It can include free-form text, structured data, or codes. The field supports alphanumeric characters, including the following symbols: ! " & ' ( ) * + , - . / : ; ? = % ~ @ [ ] { } \ | < > # $.
Example: RMR*IV*0123456789**999.99\.
Please note that this information may or may not be displayed to the recipient, based on the bank's capabilities, and method of access (i.e., online banking, statement, etc.)
id: ID!
The ID of the transaction event. This id
can be used to later retrieve details of this SecureDepositProcessedEvent
or correlate it with other events on this Transaction
transactionId: ID
The ID of the Electronic Funds Transfer that trigger this event.
amount: Amount
The amount of the transfer.
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the transfer was created.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the transfer was last updated.
fromFinancialAccountId: ID
The ID of the account sending the funds. Will always be an ExternalFinancialBankAccount
toFinancialAccountId: ID
The ID of the account receiving the funds. Will always be a FinancialAccount
companyName: String
he name of the company that initiated the ACH transfer.
This will always be Highnote.
companyIdentifier: String
The ID for Highnote.
settlementDate: String
The settlement date as specified by the company that initiated the ACH transfer, ISO 8601 format.
fundsAvailableDate: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the transfer will be transitioned to PROCESSED and the funds are available.
transferStatus: ACHTransferStatusDetails
The status of the ACH transfer.
transfer status only needed for failed or returned events
paymentRelatedInformation: String
This field contains payment-related information provided by the originator of the transaction. It can include free-form text, structured data, or codes. The field supports alphanumeric characters, including the following symbols: ! " & ' ( ) * + , - . / : ; ? = % ~ @ [ ] { } \ | < > # $.
Example: RMR*IV*0123456789**999.99\.
Please note that this information may or may not be displayed to the recipient, based on the bank's capabilities, and method of access (i.e., online banking, statement, etc.)
id: ID!
The ID of the transaction event. This id
can be used to later retrieve details of this SecureDepositProcessingEvent
or correlate it with other events on this Transaction
transactionId: ID
The ID of the Electronic Funds Transfer that trigger this event.
amount: Amount
The amount of the transfer.
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the transfer was created.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the transfer was last updated.
fromFinancialAccountId: ID
The ID of the account sending the funds. Will always be an ExternalFinancialBankAccount
toFinancialAccountId: ID
The ID of the account receiving the funds. Will always be a FinancialAccount
companyName: String
he name of the company that initiated the ACH transfer.
This will always be Highnote.
companyIdentifier: String
The ID for Highnote.
settlementDate: String
The settlement date as specified by the company that initiated the ACH transfer, ISO 8601 format.
fundsAvailableDate: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the transfer will be transitioned to PROCESSED and the funds are available.
transferStatus: ACHTransferStatusDetails
The status of the ACH transfer.
transfer status only needed for failed or returned events
paymentRelatedInformation: String
This field contains payment-related information provided by the originator of the transaction. It can include free-form text, structured data, or codes. The field supports alphanumeric characters, including the following symbols: ! " & ' ( ) * + , - . / : ; ? = % ~ @ [ ] { } \ | < > # $.
Example: RMR*IV*0123456789**999.99\.
Please note that this information may or may not be displayed to the recipient, based on the bank's capabilities, and method of access (i.e., online banking, statement, etc.)
id: ID!
The ID of the transaction event. This id
can be used to later retrieve details of this SecureDepositReturnedEvent
or correlate it with other events on this Transaction
transactionId: ID
The ID of the Electronic Funds Transfer that trigger this event.
amount: Amount
The amount of the transfer.
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the transfer was created.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the transfer was last updated.
fromFinancialAccountId: ID
The ID of the account sending the funds. Will always be an ExternalFinancialBankAccount
toFinancialAccountId: ID
The ID of the account receiving the funds. Will always be a FinancialAccount
companyName: String
he name of the company that initiated the ACH transfer.
This will always be Highnote.
companyIdentifier: String
The ID for Highnote.
settlementDate: String
The settlement date as specified by the company that initiated the ACH transfer, ISO 8601 format.
fundsAvailableDate: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the transfer will be transitioned to PROCESSED and the funds are available.
secureDepositACHReasonCode: IntegratorInitiatedACHStatusReasonCode
Additional details about why a secure deposit ACH transfer was returned.
transferStatus: ACHTransferStatusDetails
The status of the ACH transfer.
use secureDepositACHReasonCode instead
paymentRelatedInformation: String
This field contains payment-related information provided by the originator of the transaction. It can include free-form text, structured data, or codes. The field supports alphanumeric characters, including the following symbols: ! " & ' ( ) * + , - . / : ; ? = % ~ @ [ ] { } \ | < > # $.
Example: RMR*IV*0123456789**999.99\.
Please note that this information may or may not be displayed to the recipient, based on the bank's capabilities, and method of access (i.e., online banking, statement, etc.)
returnDate: String
The date this transaction was returned, in ISO 8601 format.
id: ID!
Global ID used to reference the transfer in operations.
amount: Amount
The amount of the transfer.
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the transfer event was created.
status: ExternallyInitiatedACHStatusDetails
The status of the integrator initiated ACH transfer.
toFinancialAccount: FinancialAccount
The account receiving the funds.
companyName: String
he name of the company that initiated the ACH transfer.
companyIdentifier: String
The Company Identifier is a 10-position alphameric code used to identify an Originator of the ACH transaction. It may begin with an ANSI one-digit Identification Code Designator (ICD), followed by the Identification Number.
Identification Code Designator (ICD) | ANSI Identification Number | Example |
IRS Employer Identification Number (EIN) | 1 | 1234567890 for an Originator with 234567890 EIN |
Data Universal Numbering Systems (DUNS) | 3 | 30008016958 for an Originator with 0008016958 DUNS |
User Assigned Number | 9 | 9111111111 for an Originator with 111111111 under assigned Identification Number |
companyEntryDescription: String
Company entered value for the type of ACH.
settlementDate: String
The settlement date as specified by the company that initiated the ACH transfer, ISO 8601 format.
transfer: ElectronicFundsTransfer
The ElectronicFundsTransfer
that triggered this event.
returnDate: String
The date this transaction was returned, in ISO 8601 format.
status: ServicemembersCivilReliefActStatus
The status of this configuration. For example, PENDING
effectiveFrom: Date
The start date for this configuration, in YYYY-MM-DD (ISO 8601 RFC 3339) date format. For example, 2023-01-15
effectiveThrough: Date
The end date for this configuration, in YYYY-MM-DD (ISO 8601 RFC 3339) date format. For example, 2023-01-15
. Optional; if not present, this configuration is treated as indefinite, with no set end date.
activeDutyFrom: Date
The start date of active duty, in YYYY-MM-DD (ISO 8601 RFC 3339) date format. For example, 2023-01-15
activeDutyThrough: Date
The end date of active duty, in YYYY-MM-DD (ISO 8601 RFC 3339) date format. For example, 2023-01-15
Optional; if not present, active duty is treated as indefinite, with no set ending. Cannot be in the past. Must be after activeDutyFromDate
updatedAt: String
The date and time when this was updated, in ISO 8601 format.
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, this was created.
id: ID!
Global ID used to reference the SigningKey in operations.
secret: String
The shared secret to use to verify a notification payload.
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, this was created.
expiresAt: String
Expiration date and time, in ISO 8601 format, for this key.
If this is set, it means that the rotateNotificationTargetSigningKey
mutation was called for this key's target.
spendRule: SpendRule
A Spending Rule.
pageInfo: PageInfo!
Information about the current page.
edges: [SpendRuleResultEdge!]
A list of edges.
cursor: String!
The cursor for this edge for use in pagination.
node: SpendRuleResult
The SpendRuleResult
id: ID!
Global ID used to reference the spend rule in operations.
name: String
The name assigned to the rule.
allowed: [AVSResponseCode!]
The AVSResponseCode
values that will be allowed during authorizations.
blocked: [AVSResponseCode!]
The AVSResponseCode
values that will result in declined authorizations.
version: String
The current version of the rule. Specific versions can be attached and detached from card products and payment cards.
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the spend rule was created.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the spend rule was last updated.
revisions: SpendRuleConnection
The list of revisions for this spend rule.
recommendation: SpendRuleRecommendation
The recommendation to ALLOW
an event based on the result of the rule.
message: String
A message describing the result.
valuesTested: [AVSResponseCode!]
The AVS response codes of the event.
spendRule: StreetAddressSpendRule
The spend rule attached at the time of the event.
attachedLevel: AttachedLevel
The attached level.
numberHash: String
A cryptographically hashed representation of the number.
countryCodeAlpha3: String
The three character country code of the issuing country.
taxIdentificationNumberType: TaxIdentificationNumberType
The type of tax identification number.
taxIdentificationNumberStored: Boolean
Whether a tax identification number has been previously stored
count: UnsignedInt
The count field attributes of a transaction.
amount: Amount
The amount field attributes of a transaction.
pageInfo: PageInfo!
Information about the current page.
edges: [TransactionEventEdge!]
A list of edges.
cursor: String!
The cursor for this edge for use in pagination.
node: TransactionEvent
The Transaction Event.
id: ID!
Global ID used to reference the Transfer in operations.
amount: Amount
The amount of the Transfer.
status: TransferStatus
The current status of the Transfer.
statusReason: TransferStatusReasonCode
The reason for the current status.
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the Transfer was created.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the Transfer was last updated.
ledgers: [Ledger!]
The ledgers affected by the transfer.
ledgerNames: [LedgerName!]
Scope the results to specific ledgers
calculatedType: CalculatedTransferAmountType
The type used to calculate the total amount to be transferred
id: ID!
Global ID used to reference the TransferPurposeInterFinancialAccountTransferRule
in operations.
name: String
The name assigned to the rule.
allowed: [TransferPurpose!]
The transfer purposes that will be allowed.
blocked: [TransferPurpose!]
The transfer purposes that will be blocked.
version: String
The current version of the rule. Specific versions can be attached and detached from card products and payment cards.
revisions: InterFinancialAccountTransferRuleConnection
The list of revisions for this transfer rule.
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the transfer rule was created.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the transfer rule was last updated.
status: InterFinancialAccountTransferRuleResultStatus
A status representing the result of the rule’s evaluation.
message: String
A message describing the result.
interFinancialAccountTransferRule: TransferPurposeInterFinancialAccountTransferRule
Transfer purpose inter financial account transfer rule
adverseActionReasons: [AdverseActionReason]
A list of reasons why the underwriting decision was adverse.
creditLine: Amount!
The approved credit line, based on pre-defined rules.
creditPlanTerms: [CreditPlanTerms!]
Terms such as interest rates for each CreditPlan
associated with this application.
feeAmount: Amount
The amount of the fee.
accountingDirection: AccountingDirection
The direction the fees are moving in the perspective of the subscriber.
constraints: [UploadRequirementConstraint]
A list of a constraints for an upload
id: ID!
Global ID used to reference the document upload session
status: DocumentUploadSessionStatusCode
The current state of the document upload session
primaryDocumentTypes: [DocumentType!]
A list of primary document types that are compliant for upload. A primary document is a verifiable document used to provide evidence of identity containing personally identifiable information.
secondaryDocumentTypes: [DocumentType!]
A list of secondary document types that are compliant for upload. A secondary document is additional substantiating evidence to verify the identity of the entity.
supportingDocumentTypes: [DocumentType!]
A list of supporting document types that are compliant for upload. A supporting document contains information to correlate the identity of the entity.
uploadRequirements: [UploadRequirement!]
A list of upload requirements, dependent upon the type of document upload
documents: [UploadLink]
A list of documents uploaded via a secure document upload link
documentContext: DocumentUploadSessionContext
A context to represent rules and configurations for the USAccountHolderApplicationDocumentUploadSession
recommendedDocumentTypes: [DocumentType!]
A recommended list of documents to collect during this USAccountHolderApplicationDocumentUploadSession
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, this document upload session
was created.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, this document upload session
was last updated.
id: ID!
Global ID used to reference the business in operations.
primaryAuthorizedPerson: USBusinessAuthorizedPerson
The details of the person authorized to act on behalf of business.
businessProfile: USBusinessProfile
Information about the business.
externalId: String
An ID associated to the account holder provided by an external party. Highnote does not validate the ID.
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the business account holder was created.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the business account holder was last updated.
cardProductApplications: AccountHolderCardProductApplicationConnection
The Applications for this Account Holder.
paymentCards: PaymentCardConnection
The Payment Cards issued for this Account Holder.
For information on Highnote's Search API, see our Search guide.
first: Int
Default Value: 20
after: String
filterBy: AccountHolderPaymentCardsFilterInput
Filter results to specific Payment Cards.
externalFinancialAccounts: ExternalFinancialAccountConnection
The external financial account for this Account Holder.
financialAccounts: FinancialAccountConnection
The financial accounts associated to the account holder.
For information on Highnote's Search API, see our Search guide.
after: String
The cursor to start the page.
filterBy: AccountHolderFinancialAccountsFilterInput
Filter results to specific financial accounts.
globalNotes: GlobalNoteConnectionPayload
All global notes for this USBusinessAccountHolder
pageInfo: PageInfo!
Information about the current page.
edges: [USBusinessAccountHolderEdge!]
A list of edges.
cursor: String!
The cursor for this edge for use in pagination.
node: USBusinessAccountHolder
The account holder.
accountHolderCurrent: USBusinessAccountHolder
The account holder.
businessProfile: USBusinessProfileSnapshot
primaryAuthorizedPerson: USBusinessAuthorizedPersonSnapshot
Authorized person
currentVerification: AccountHolderVerification
The current verification attempt, if any, of the account holder.
Deprecated. Please check the currentVerification
field under USBusinessProfileSnapshot
use `businessProfile.currentVerification` instead.
token: String!
The reference to the tokenized UsBusinessAccountHolder.
The tokenized USBusinessAccountHolder
data to be used as input to subsequent mutations (e.g. createUSBusinessAccountHolderFromToken
Expires after 1 hour.
id: ID!
Global ID used to reference the authorized person.
name: Name
The authorized person's name.
percentageOwnership: Int
Percentage ownership of authorized person.
authorizingPersonTitle: BusinessTitle
Authorized person's business title.
email: String
The email address of the authorized person.
phoneNumbers: [Phone!]
List of phone numbers associated to the authorized person.
homeAddress: Address
The default physical address of the authorized person.
dateOfBirth: String
The date of birth of the authorized person represented in YYYY-MM-DD format.
identificationDocument: USIdentificationDocument
Identification Document associated with the authorized person.
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the authorized person was created.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the authorized person was last updated.
name: Name
The authorized person's name.
percentageOwnership: Int
Percentage ownership of authorized person.
authorizingPersonTitle: BusinessTitle
Authorized person's business title.
email: String
The email address of the authorized person.
phoneNumbers: [Phone!]
List of phone numbers associated to the authorized person.
homeAddress: Address
The default physical address of the authorized person.
dateOfBirth: String
The date of birth of the authorized person represented in YYYY-MM-DD format.
identificationDocument: USIdentificationDocument
Identification Document associated with the authorized person.
verificationState: AccountHolderVerificationStatusCode
Verification status of authorized person.
Use currentVerification instead.
currentVerification: AccountHolderVerification
The current verification attempt, if any, of the authorized person.
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the authorized person was created.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the authorized person was last updated.
employerIdentificationNumber: TaxIdentificationDocument
Employer Identification Number (USA only).
id: ID!
Global ID used to reference the business.
name: BusinessName
Name of the business.
businessDescription: String
A short description of what the business does, its purpose, and the products or services it provides.
businessType: BusinessStructure
Type of business.
creditRiskAttributes: CreditRiskAttributes
The business' credit risk attributes such as annual revenue, used for underwriting decisions.
Use businessCreditRiskAttributes instead.
businessCreditRiskAttributes: BusinessCreditRiskAttributes
The business' credit risk attributes such as annual revenue, used for underwriting decisions.
website: String
Business website.
billingAddress: Address
The default physical address of the business.
legalAddress: Address
The address supplied for the business' registration.
phoneNumbers: [Phone!]
List of phone numbers associated to the business.
identificationDocument: USBusinessIdentificationDocument
Identification document associated with the business.
ultimateBeneficialOwners: [USBusinessUltimateBeneficialOwner]
Ultimate beneficial owners of the business.
authorizedUsers: AuthorizedUserConnection
Authorized users of the business.
operatingDetails: BusinessPlanOperatingDetails
Operating Details
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the business was created.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the business was last updated.
name: BusinessName
Name of the business.
businessDescription: String
A short description of what the business does, its purpose, and the products or services it provides.
businessType: BusinessStructure
Type of business.
creditRiskAttributes: CreditRiskAttributes
The business' credit risk attributes, such as annual revenue. Used for underwriting decisions.
Use businessCreditRiskAttributes instead.
operatingDetails: BusinessPlanOperatingDetails
Operating Details
businessCreditRiskAttributes: BusinessCreditRiskAttributes
The business' credit risk attributes, such as annual revenue. Used for underwriting decisions.
currentCreditUnderwritingVerification: CreditUnderwritingVerification
The business' current credit underwriting status and details.
website: String
Business website.
billingAddress: Address
The default physical addresses of the business.
legalAddress: Address
The address supplied for the business' registration.
phoneNumbers: [Phone!]
List of phone numbers associated to the business.
identificationDocument: USBusinessIdentificationDocument
Identification document associated with the business.
verificationState: AccountHolderVerificationStatusCode
Verification status of business.
Use currentVerification instead.
currentVerification: AccountHolderVerification
The current verification attempt, if any, on the business profile.
ultimateBeneficialOwners: [USBusinessUltimateBeneficialOwnerSnapshot]
Ultimate beneficial owners of the business.
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the business was created.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the business was last updated.
id: ID!
Global ID used to reference the ultimate beneficial owner.
name: Name
The ultimate beneficial owner's full name.
percentageOwnership: Int
Percentage ownership of ultimate beneficial owner.
homeAddress: Address
The default physical address of the ultimate beneficial owner.
dateOfBirth: String
The date of birth of the ultimate beneficial owner represented in YYYY-MM-DD format.
email: String
The email address of the ultimate beneficial owner.
phoneNumbers: [Phone!]
List of phone numbers associated to the ultimate beneficial owner.
identificationDocument: USIdentificationDocument
Identification Document associated with the ultimate beneficial owner.
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the ultimate beneficial owner was created.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the ultimate beneficial owner was last updated.
ultimateBeneficialOwnerId: ID!
Global ID used to reference the ultimate beneficial owner.
name: Name
The ultimate beneficial owner's full name.
percentageOwnership: Int
Percentage ownership of ultimate beneficial owner.
homeAddress: Address
The default physical address of the ultimate beneficial owner.
dateOfBirth: String
The date of birth of the ultimate beneficial owner represented in YYYY-MM-DD format.
email: String
The email address of the ultimate beneficial owner.
phoneNumbers: [Phone!]
List of phone numbers associated to the ultimate beneficial owner.
identificationDocument: USIdentificationDocument
Identification Document associated with the ultimate beneficial owner.
verificationState: AccountHolderVerificationStatusCode
Verification status of ultimate beneficial owner.
Use currentVerification instead.
currentVerification: AccountHolderVerification
The current verification attempt, if any, of the ultimate beneficial owner.
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the ultimate beneficial owner was created.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the ultimate beneficial owner was last updated.
id: ID!
The Global ID of the User.
email: String
The email address of the User.
clientCredentials: [UserClientCredential!]
A list of credentials for the User that can be used to make client-side requests.
roles: [UserRole!]
The list of users' roles that determine a user's permissions within the organization.
token: String
A token used to authenticate requests to Highnote's Platform. Set the Authorization
HTTP header to Bearer TOKEN
organization: Organization
The Organization this credential is scoped to.
roles: [UserRole!]!
A list of roles belonging to the user.
errors: [FieldUserError!]
The user errors present on the request.
socialSecurityNumber: TaxIdentificationDocument
A person's social security number (USA only).
Must have 9 digits divided into 3 parts by hyphen. For example, 123-45-6789
The first part should have 3 digits and should not be 000, 666, or between 900 and 999.
The second part should have 2 digits and it should be from 01 to 99.
The third part should have 4 digits and it should be from 0001 to 9999.
The validation for the input uses the following regex pattern ^(?!666|000|9\d{2})\d{3}-(?!00)\d{2}-(?!0{4})\d{4}$
id: ID!
Global ID used to reference the account holder in operations.
name: Name
The account holder's name, represented as different parts.
email: String
The email address of the account holder.
phoneNumbers: [Phone!]
List of phone numbers associated to the account holder.
billingAddress: Address
The default billing addresses of the account holder
dateOfBirth: String
The date of birth of the account holder represented in YYYY-MM-DD format.
identificationDocument: USIdentificationDocument
Identification Document associated with the account holder.
externalId: String
An ID associated to the account holder provided by an external party. Highnote does not validate the ID.
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the account holder was created.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the account holder was last updated.
personCreditRiskAttributes: PersonCreditRiskAttributes
The credit risk attributes for the USPersonAccountHolder
cardProductApplications: AccountHolderCardProductApplicationConnection
The Applications for this Account Holder.
paymentCards: PaymentCardConnection
The Payment Cards issued for this Account Holder.
For information on Highnote's Search API, see our Search guide.
first: Int
Default Value: 20
after: String
filterBy: AccountHolderPaymentCardsFilterInput
Filter results to specific Payment Cards.
externalFinancialAccounts: ExternalFinancialAccountConnection
The external financial account for this Account Holder.
financialAccounts: FinancialAccountConnection
The financial accounts associated to the account holder.
For information on Highnote's Search API, see our Search guide.
after: String
The cursor to start the page.
filterBy: AccountHolderFinancialAccountsFilterInput
Filter results to specific financial accounts.
globalNotes: GlobalNoteConnectionPayload
All global notes for this USPersonAccountHolder
pageInfo: PageInfo!
Information about the current page.
edges: [USPersonAccountHolderEdge!]
A list of edges.
cursor: String!
The cursor for this edge for use in pagination.
node: USPersonAccountHolder
The account holder.
accountHolderCurrent: USPersonAccountHolder
The account holder.
name: Name
The account holder's name, represented as different parts.
billingAddress: Address
The default billing addresses of the account holder
email: String
The email address of the account holder.
phoneNumbers: [Phone!]
List of phone numbers associated to the account holder.
dateOfBirth: String
The date of birth of the account holder represented in YYYY-MM-DD format.
identificationDocument: USIdentificationDocument
Identification Document associated with the account holder.
currentVerification: AccountHolderVerification
The current verification attempt, if any, of the account holder.
currentCreditUnderwritingVerification: CreditUnderwritingVerification
The USPersonAccountHolder
's current credit underwriting status and details.
personCreditRiskAttributes: PersonCreditRiskAttributes
The USPersonAccountHolder
's credit risk attributes, such as annual income. Used for underwriting decisions.
token: String!
The reference to the tokenized USPersonAccountHolder.
The tokenized USPersonAccountHolder
data to be used as input to subsequent mutations (e.g. createUSPersonAccountHolderFromToken
Expires after 1 hour.
id: ID!
ID used to reference the authorized user in operations.
name: Name
The authorized user's name, represented as different parts.
email: String
The email address of the authorized user.
phoneNumbers: [Phone!]
List of phone numbers associated to the authorized user.
billingAddress: Address
The default billing addresses of the authorized user.
dateOfBirth: String
The date of birth of the authorized user represented in YYYY-MM-DD format.
identificationDocument: USIdentificationDocument
Identification Document associated with the authorized user.
externalId: String
An ID associated to the authorized user provided by an external party. Highnote does not validate the ID.
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the authorized user was created.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the authorized user was last updated.
cardProductApplications: AuthorizedUserCardProductApplicationConnection
The Applications for this authorized user.
paymentCards: PaymentCardConnection
The Payment Cards issued for this authorized user.
For information on Highnote's Search API, see our Search guide.
first: Int
Default Value: 20
after: String
filterBy: AuthorizedUserPaymentCardsFilterInput
Filter results to specific Payment Cards.
associatedAccountHolders: AccountHolderConnection
The account holders associated to the authorized user.
For information on Highnote's Search API, see our Search guide.
after: String
The cursor to start the page.
filterBy: AccountHolderFinancialAccountsFilterInput
Filter results to specific financial accounts.
authorizedUserCurrent: USPersonAuthorizedUser
The authorized user.
name: Name
The authorized user's name, represented as different parts.
billingAddress: Address
The default billing addresses of the authorized user
email: String
The email address of the account holder.
phoneNumbers: [Phone!]
List of phone numbers associated to the authorized user.
dateOfBirth: String
The date of birth of the authorized user represented in YYYY-MM-DD format.
identificationDocument: USIdentificationDocument
Identification Document associated with the authorized user.
token: String!
The reference to the tokenized USPersonAuthorizedUser.
The tokenized USPersonAuthorizedUser
data to be used as input to subsequent mutations (e.g. createUSPersonAuthorizedUserFromToken
Expires after 1 hour.
id: ID!
Global ID used to reference this object.
provided: Address
The address as provided to validateAddress
standardized: Address
The standardized version of the provided address.
labels: [ValidatedAddressLabel!]
Additional information about the address.
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, this object was created.
id: ID!
Global ID used to reference this object.
provided: Address
The address as provided to validateAddress
standardized: Address
The standardized version of the provided address.
labels: [ValidatedAddressLabel!]
Additional information about the address.
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, this object was created.
basisPoints: UnsignedInt
Basis points representation of the fee percentage to be charged. eg: 125 basis points = 1.25%
A VelocityInterFinancialAccountTransferRule
is window constrained inter financial account transfer control that is composed of at most
3 ConditionalInterFinancialAccountTransferRules
and 1 cumulative CumulativeInterFinancialAccountTransferRule
(e.g. AmountLimitInterFinancialAccountTransferRule
id: ID!
Global ID used to reference the VelocityInterFinancialAccountTransferRule
in operations.
name: String
The name assigned to the rule.
velocityRuleWindow: VelocityRuleWindow
The evaluation window of a VelocityInterFinancialAccountTransferRule
cumulativeInterFinancialAccountTransferRule: CumulativeInterFinancialAccountTransferRule
The cumulative rule attached to the VelocityInterFinancialAccountTransferRule
conditionalInterFinancialAccountTransferRules: [ConditionalInterFinancialAccountTransferRule]
The conditional rules attached to the VelocityInterFinancialAccountTransferRule
version: String
The current version of the rule. Specific versions can be attached and detached from CardProducts.
filterBy: String
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the VelocityTransferRule
was created.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the VelocityTransferRule
was last updated.
currentBalance: Amount
The current balance for the VelocityInterFinancialAccountTransferRule
remainingBalance: Amount
The remaining balance for the VelocityInterFinancialAccountTransferRule
computedCurrentBalance: Amount
The computed current balance for the VelocityInterFinancialAccountTransferRule
computedRemainingBalance: Amount
The computed remaining balance for the VelocityInterFinancialAccountTransferRule
asOfDate: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the balance was last updated.
velocityInterFinancialAccountTransferRule: VelocityInterFinancialAccountTransferRule
Indicates the VelocityInterFinancialAccountTransferRule
the balance is associated to.
pageInfo: PageInfo!
Information about the current page.
edges: [VelocityInterFinancialAccountTransferRuleBalanceEdge!]
A list of edges.
cursor: String!
The cursor for this edge for use in pagination.
node: VelocityInterFinancialAccountTransferRuleBalance
The VelocityInterFinancialAccountTransferRuleBalance
pageInfo: PageInfo!
Information about the current page.
edges: [VelocityInterFinancialAccountTransferRuleEdge!]
A list of edges.
currentCount: UnsignedInt
The current count for the VelocityInterFinancialAccountTransferRule
remainingCount: UnsignedInt
The remaining count for the VelocityInterFinancialAccountTransferRule
computedCurrentCount: UnsignedInt
The computed current count for the VelocityInterFinancialAccountTransferRule
computedRemainingCount: UnsignedInt
The computed remaining count for the VelocityInterFinancialAccountTransferRule
asOfDate: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the balance was last updated.
velocityInterFinancialAccountTransferRule: VelocityInterFinancialAccountTransferRule
Indicates the VelocityInterFinancialAccountTransferRule
the balance is associated to.
cursor: String!
The cursor for this edge for use in pagination.
node: VelocityInterFinancialAccountTransferRule
The VelocityInterFinancialAccountTransferRule
status: InterFinancialAccountTransferRuleResultStatus
A status representing the result of the rule’s evaluation.
message: String
A message describing the result.
velocityInterFinancialAccountTransferRule: VelocityInterFinancialAccountTransferRule
The VelocityInterFinancialAccountTransferRule
attached at the time of the event.
feedbackCode: FeedbackCode
This field will be populated if an override is attempted. It will indicate if the override was allowed or denied.
id: ID!
Global ID used to reference the VelocityRule
in operations.
name: String
The name assigned to the rule.
velocityRuleWindow: VelocityRuleWindow
The evaluation window of a VelocityRule
cumulativeRule: SpendRule
The cumulative rule attached to the VelocityRule
spendRules: [SpendRule]
The SpendRules attached to the VelocityRule
version: String
The current version of the rule. Specific versions can be attached and detached from CardProducts and PaymentCards.
filterBy: String
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the VelocityRule
was created.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the VelocityRule
was last updated.
revisions: VelocityRuleConnection
The list of revisions for this VelocityRule
velocityConstraintLevelOverride: VelocityConstraintLevel
Optional VelocityConstraintLevel
at which the cumulative spend rule will be evaluated.
Defaults to CARD
when VelocityRule
is directly attached to a card
All other times defaults to ACCOUNT
velocityRule: VelocityRule
The VelocityRule
name: String
The name assigned to the rule.
associatedTo: VelocityRuleAssociatedType
The associated entity the VelocityRule
is attached to
version: String
The current version of the rule. Specific versions can be attached and detached.
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the VelocityRule
was created.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the VelocityRule
was last updated.
currentBalance: Amount
The current amount balance for the VelocityRule
remainingBalance: Amount
The remaining amount balance for the VelocityRule
velocityRule: VelocityRule
Indicates the VelocityRule
the balance is associated to.
pageInfo: PageInfo!
Information about the current page.
edges: [VelocityRuleEdge!]
A list of edges.
velocityRule: VelocityRule
A Velocity Rule.
cursor: String!
The cursor for this edge for use in pagination.
node: VelocityRule
The VelocityRule
recommendation: SpendRuleRecommendation
The recommendation to ALLOW
an event based on the result of the rule.
message: String
A message describing the result.
velocityRule: VelocityRule
The VelocityRule
attached at the time of the event.
attachedLevel: AttachedLevel
The attached level.
currentBalance: Amount
The current amount balance for the VelocityRule
remainingBalance: Amount
The remaining amount balance for the VelocityRule
computedCurrentBalance: Amount
The computed current amount balance for the VelocityRule
computedRemainingBalance: Amount
The computed remaining amount balance for the VelocityRule
asOfDate: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the balance was last updated.
velocityRule: VelocityRule
Indicates the VelocityRule
the balance is associated to.
attachedLevel: AttachedLevel
The attached level. (Platform, Product, Card)
currentCountBalance: Int
The current count balance for the VelocityRule
remainingCountBalance: Int
The remaining count balance for the VelocityRule
computedCurrentCountBalance: Int
The computed current count balance for the VelocityRule
computedRemainingCountBalance: Int
The computed remaining count balance for the VelocityRule
asOfDate: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the balance was last updated.
velocityRule: VelocityRule
Indicates the VelocityRule
the balance is associated to.
attachedLevel: AttachedLevel
The attached level. (Platform, Product, Card)
enabled: Boolean
Whether or not the feature is enabled for the Financial Account.
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the feature was created.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the feature was last updated.
effectiveFrom: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the feature was effective from.
effectiveThrough: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the feature was effective through.
id: ID!
The ID of the transaction event.
responseCode: TransactionEventResponseCode
The Highnote response code
transaction: Transaction
The Transaction for this event.
networkResponseCode: String
The response code from the card network (e.g. Mastercard).
Use responseCode instead
avsResponseCode: AVSResponseCode
Code representing the result of an address verification check
postalCodeResponseCode: PostalCodeResponseCode
Code representing the result of postal code verification check
cvvResponseCode: CVVResponseCode
Code representing the result of CVV (security code) verification check
networkTransactionId: ID
The transaction ID from the card network (e.g. Mastercard).
No longer supported
approvedAmount: Amount
The amount approved for this VerificationEvent
requestedAmount: Amount
The amount requested to be approved for this VerificationEvent
originalAmount: Amount
The original amount of the VerificationEvent
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, this VerificationEvent
was created.
paymentCard: PaymentCard
The PaymentCard
associated to this VerificationEvent
cardProduct: CardProduct
The CardProduct
associated to this VerificationEvent
merchantDetails: MerchantDetails
The details about the merchant who requested the verification.
spendRuleResults: SpendRuleResultConnection
The triggered spend rules and the results for the verification.
currentFinancialAccountAvailableToSpendAmount: Amount
Amount available to spend after this transaction event
currentFinancialAccountMaximumBalanceAmount: Amount
Maximum balance allowed for the card account at the time of this transaction event
transactionProcessingType: CardTransactionProcessingType
Represents the customer transaction type being processed.
pointOfServiceDetails: PointOfServiceDetails
The Point Of Service Details.
additionalNetworkData: AdditionalNetworkData
Network specific transaction data.
paymentCardSnapshot: PaymentCardSnapshot
A snapshot of the PaymentCard
at the time of the VerificationEvent
id: ID!
ID of the virtual card profile.
status: CardProfileStatus
Status of the virtual card profile.
paymentNetworkStatus: CardProfilePaymentNetworkStatus
Payment Network Status of the virtual card profile.
bankStatus: CardProfileBankStatus
Bank Status of the virtual card profile.
cardHolderAgreementId: ID
Card Holder Agreement ID of the virtual card profile.
cardProduct: CardProduct
Card Product of the virtual card profile.
personalization: VirtualCardPersonalizationType
Personalization type for the virtual card profile
serviceCode: ServiceCode
Specify intended POS behavior for card
cardArt: [CardArtDocument!]
Card art
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, this virtual card profile
was created.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, this virtual card profile
was last updated.
name: String
Name of the VirtualCardProfile
description: String
Description about the VirtualCardProfile
cardProfileSetRelationships: [CardProfileSetRelationship!]
The list of CardProfileSet
related to this VirtualCardProfile
browserText: VirtualCardBrowserText
The browser text displayed to cardholder during 3DS verification for online transactions
appText: VirtualCardAppText
The native app text displayed to cardholder during 3DS verification for mobile transactions
transactionIdentifier: String
The transaction identifier sent by Visa.
authorizationCode: String
An alphanumeric value generated by Highnote and shared with Visa when an authorization is approved.
acquiringInstitutionIdentificationCode: String
A number used by Visa to identify the acquiring institution.
systemTraceAuditNumber: String
A number assigned by the message initiator that uniquely identifies a transaction.
retrievalReferenceNumber: String
An value used to identify and track a transaction’s separate messages.
networkTransmissionDateAndTime: String
The date and time that the network transmitted the transaction. This value is expressed in Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) with format (MMDDhhmmss)
id: ID!
Globally unique id of a VisaFleetAuthorizationData
purchaseType: VisaFuelPurchaseType
Indicates whether fuel or non-fuel items are included in the transaction
serviceType: VisaFuelServiceType
Indicates whether the transaction occurred at a self-service or a full-service station
purchaseIdentifierFormat: VisaFleetPurchaseIdentifierFormat
Indicates whether purchaseIdentifier
is an Order Number or a Invoice Number provided by the cardholder
purchaseIdentifier: String
An alphanumeric value representing either an Order Number or an Invoice Number provided by the cardholder
fleetIdentifier: String
An alphanumeric value representing either a Vehicle, Driver, or Generic ID provided by the cardholder
odometer: String
The odometer value provided by the cardholder
employeeNumber: String
An alphanumeric value representing the employee’s ID number
trailerNumber: String
An alphanumeric value representing the trailer’s ID number
customPrompt1: String
An alphanumeric value representing the answer to a custom prompt
customPrompt2: String
An alphanumeric value representing the answer to a custom prompt
purchaseRestrictonsFlag: Boolean
Indicates whether the POS supports host-based restriction processing
nonFuelProductCodes: [VisaNonFuelProductCode!]
A list of non-fuel product codes for the products purchased
productCode: VisaFuelType
Describes one of the fuels purchased in this transaction
unitPrice: UnsignedInt
Cost of fuel per unit of measure
unitPriceMinorUnit: UnsignedInt
The number of places the decimal point shall be moved to the left, starting from the right-most numeric digit of unit price
unitOfMeasure: VisaFuelUnitOfMeasure
Unit of measure used to measure this fuel item
quantity: UnsignedInt
Quantity of fuel purchased
quantityMinorUnit: UnsignedInt
The number of places the decimal point shall be moved to the left, starting from the right-most numeric digit of quantity
totalTimePluggedIn: String
Total amount of time the vehicle was plugged in, in the format HHMMSS
totalTimeCharging: String
Total amount of time taken to charge the vehicle, in the format HHMMSS
chargingStartTime: String
Start time of the charge expressed in local time of the card acceptor location, in the format HHMMSS
chargingFinishTime: String
Finish time of the charge expressed in local time of the card acceptor location, in the format HHMMSS
totalAmount: Amount
Total amount for this fuel code line item, including tax
fuelIndicator: Boolean
Indicates whether the line item represents a fuel product or service or not
serviceType: VisaFuelServiceType
The type of service provided at the card acceptor location
productCategoryOrDescription: String
The product category or detail description
discountRatePercentage: UnsignedInt
The discount rate in basis points. Two decimal places are implied
discountPerUnit: Amount
The discount amount per unit
discountPerTransaction: Amount
The discount amount per transaction
totalDiscountAmount: Amount
The total discount amount for this line item
netAmount: Amount
The net line item amount less than tax exempted or discounts
notTaxableIndicator: Boolean
An indicator to show whether the item is taxable or not
localTaxIncludedIndicator: Boolean
An indicator to show whether the local tax is included in the unit cost or not
localTaxAmount: Amount
The amount of local tax
localTaxRate: UnsignedInt
The VAT/Local tax rate in basis points for fuel purchased. Two decimal places are implied
nationalTaxIncludedIndicator: Boolean
An indicator to show whether national tax is included in the unit cost or not
nationalTaxAmount: Amount
The amount of national tax
nationalTaxRate: UnsignedInt
The national tax rate in basis points for fuel purchased. Two decimal places are implied
otherTaxIncludedIndicator: Boolean
Indicates whether other tax is included in the unit cost or not
otherTaxAmount: Amount
The amount of other tax
otherTaxRate: UnsignedInt
The other tax rate in basis points for fuel purchased. Two decimal places are implied
id: ID!
Globally unique id of a VisaFleetL2TransactionData
visaFuelPurchaseType: VisaFuelPurchaseType
Describes the type of items included in the transaction. (Gas, non-fuel, fuel, and non-fuel)
visaFuelServiceType: VisaFuelServiceType
Indicates whether the transaction occurred at a self-service or a full-service station
visaFuelType: VisaFuelType
The variety of fuel purchased during the transaction
visaFuelQuantity: UnsignedInt
The amount of fuel purchased during the transaction.
There are 4 implied decimal places, thus a value of “1” is populated in this field as 10000.
visaFuelUnitOfMeasure: VisaFuelUnitOfMeasure
The dimension utilized in conjunction with quantity
visaFuelUnitCost: UnsignedInt
The price per unit of measure for the fuel.
There are 4 implied decimal places, thus a value of “1” is populated in this field as 10000.
visaFuelNetAmount: UnsignedInt
The fuel amount less any exempted taxes or discounts. The value will equal visaFuelQuantity * visaFuelUnitCost exclusive of taxes.
There are 4 implied decimal places, thus a value of “1” is populated in this field as 10000.
visaFuelGrossAmount: UnsignedInt
The total amount for only the fuel purchased in the transaction. The value will equal visaFuelQuantity * visaFuelUnitCost inclusive of taxes.
There are 4 implied decimal places, thus a value of “1” is populated in this field as 10000.
visaNonFuelNetAmount: UnsignedInt
The non-fuel amount less any exempted taxes or discounts. The value will equal the sum of the line item(s) exclusive of taxes.
There are 2 implied decimal places, thus a value of “1” is populated in this field as 100.
visaNonFuelGrossAmount: UnsignedInt
The total amount for only the non-fuel products purchased in the transaction. The value will equal the sum of the line item(s) inclusive of taxes.
There are 2 implied decimal places, thus a value of “1” is populated in this field as 100.
visaTaxRate: UnsignedInt
The VAT or tax rate applied for the transaction
There are 4 implied decimal places, thus a value of “1” is populated in this field as 10000.
visaExpandedFuelType: VisaFuelType
An additional identifier to further differentiate the fuel product
visaAdditionalDataIndicator: Boolean
Indicates whether the Merchant will send more additional (Level 3) information in the future
visaFleetIdentifier: String
An alphanumeric value representing either a Vehicle, Driver, or Generic ID
visaOdometerReading: UnsignedInt
A numeric value indicating the vehicle’s odometer reading at the time of the transaction.
Up to 7 digits.
visaPurchaseIdentifierFormat: VisaFleetPurchaseIdentifierFormat
Indicates whether Purchase Identifier is an order or invoice number
visaPurchaseIdentifier: String
An alphanumeric value representing an order or invoice number
visaFleetEmployeeNumber: String
An alphanumeric value representing the employee’s ID number
visaFleetTrailerNumber: String
An alphanumeric value representing the trailer’s ID number
visaFleetCustomPrompt1: String
An alphanumeric value representing the answer to a custom prompt
visaFleetCustomPrompt2: String
An alphanumeric value representing the answer to a custom prompt
visaNonFuelProductCodes: [VisaNonFuelProductCode!]
A list of up to eight visaNonFuelProductCode values for products in the transaction
visaChargingPowerCapacity: UnsignedInt
Charging station power output capacity represented in kW
visaChargingReasonCode: UnsignedInt
Specific charging reason code for this transaction
Use visaEvChargingReasonCode instead
visaEvChargingReasonCode: VisaEvChargingReasonCode
Specific charging reason code for this transaction
visaEstimatedKmMilesAdded: UnsignedInt
Estimate of the total distance added in km/miles, based on the kWh added and the type of vehicle engine charged
visaCarbonFootprintAvoided: UnsignedInt
Carbon footprint avoidance (how much was saved from this charge) measurement for the purchase on the transaction – measured in grams of carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e)
visaEstimatedKmMilesAvailable: UnsignedInt
Estimated range in Km/Miles the car will have, after completion of the charge, once it leaves the electric vehicle charging station
visaMaxPowerDispensed: UnsignedInt
Maximum power dispensed during the specific charge session from that charging station. This could be different to the power output capacity of the station based on power management by the site operator
visaConnectorType: String
Visa-defined code for a specific connector type to identify the connection for the charge session
Use visaEvConnectorType instead
visaEvConnectorType: VisaEvConnectorType
Visa-defined code for a specific connector type to identify the connection for the charge session
visaFleetFuelLineItems: [VisaFleetL2FuelLineItem!]
A list of fuel products purchased if this transaction contained multiple fuel types
visaNationalTaxRate: UnsignedInt
The national tax rate in basis points for fuel purchased. Two decimal places are implied
visaOtherTaxRate: UnsignedInt
Other tax rate in basis points for fuel purchased. Two decimal places are implied
visaDiscountMethod: VisaFleetDiscountMethod
Discount method applied to the transaction
visaDiscountAgent: VisaFleetDiscountAgent
Identifies the entity that calculated the discount
visaDiscountPlanIdentifier: String
Identifies the discount plan applied to the transaction
visaClientIdentifier: String
Identifies the fleet client
id: ID!
The ID of this VisaFleetL3EnhancedData
. This id
cannot be used to later retrieve details of this EnhancedDataEvent
. Please use the id
of the EnhancedDataEvent
discount: VisaFleetL3EnhancedDataDiscount
Discount data for this transaction.
duty: VisaFleetL3EnhancedDataDuty
Duty data for this transaction.
invoice: VisaFleetL3EnhancedDataInvoice
Invoice data for this transaction.
shipping: VisaFleetL3EnhancedDataShipping
Shipping data for this transaction.
tax: VisaFleetL3EnhancedDataTax
Tax data for this transaction.
amount: Amount
Total amount of discount at invoice level according to the treatment
and the tax.treatment
This figure excludes any discount amounts defined at line item level.
The last two digits are implied decimal places.
signage: VisaAmountSignage
This field specifies if the invoice-level Discount Amount is a credit or debit value.
treatment: VisaDiscountTreatment
Identifies how to treat the discount if one was applied at the invoice level
amount: Amount
The price of duty. The last two digits are implied decimal places.
signage: VisaAmountSignage
This field specifies if the Duty Amount is a credit or debit value.
referenceNumber: String
The VAT invoice reference number
destinationPostalCode: String
Postal code of the destination. The field may contain spaces.
shipFromPostalCode: String
Postal code of the location being shipped from. The field may contain spaces.
destinationCountryCode: String
Country code of the destination. The field may contain spaces.
authorizationCode: String
The Authorization Code of the transaction.
orderDate: String
Date the order was taken. The entry should be in the format YYYY-MM-DD.
lineItems: [VisaFleetL3EnhancedDataLineItem!]
List of VisaFleetL3EnhancedDataLineItem
commodityCode: VisaItemCommodityCode
The value holds either a fuelType
or a nonFuelProductCode
descriptor: String
Freeform text description of item or service
productCode: String
Typically, an SKU or identifier from the Merchant
quantity: UnsignedInt
The number of items.
There are 4 implied decimal places, thus a value of “1” is populated in this field as 10000.
unitOfMeasure: String
A readable unit of measure
unitCost: Amount
Unit cost for this item or service in accordance with the taxTreatment
There are 4 implied decimal places, thus a value of “1” is populated in this field as 10000.
taxAmount: Amount
Amount of sales tax for this item or service in accordance with the taxTreatment
The last two digits are implied decimal places.
taxRate: UnsignedInt
Rate of sales tax charged on the item or service (in accordance with the taxTreatment
The last two digits are implied decimal places.
discountPerItem: Amount
Amount of discount if provided for this line item according to the discountTreatment
The last two digits are implied decimal places.
lineItemDiscountTreatment: VisaDiscountTreatment
Identifies how to treat the discount if one was applied at the line item level
lineItemTotal: Amount
Formula: (quantity
* unitCost
) - discountPerItem
The last two digits are implied decimal places.
lineItemDetailIndicator: VisaLineItemDetailIndicator
Defines the type of line item
amount: Amount
The price of freight/shipping. The last two digits are implied decimal places.
signage: VisaAmountSignage
This field specifies if the Shipping Amount is a credit or debit value.
taxAmount: Amount
Amount of Sales Tax charged on the shipping amount (in accordance with the tax.treatment
The last two digits are implied decimal places.
taxAmountSignage: VisaAmountSignage
This field specifies if the Duty Amount is a credit or debit value.
taxRate: UnsignedInt
Rate of sales tax charged on the shipping amount (in accordance with the tax.treatment
The last two digits are implied decimal places.
treatment: VisaTaxTreatment
Describes how the tax is calculated on the invoice.
id: ID!
Global ID used to reference the WatchlistInterFinancialAccountTransferRule
in operations.
name: String
The name assigned to the rule.
version: String
The current version of the rule.
revisions: InterFinancialAccountTransferRuleConnection
The list of revisions for this transfer rule.
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the transfer rule was created.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the transfer rule was last updated.
status: InterFinancialAccountTransferRuleResultStatus
A status representing the result of the rule’s evaluation.
message: String
A message describing the result.
interFinancialAccountTransferRule: WatchlistInterFinancialAccountTransferRule
The WatchlistInterFinancialAccountTransferRule
attached at the time of the event.
feedbackCode: FeedbackCode
This field will be populated if an override is attempted. It will indicate if the override was allowed or denied.
id: ID!
Global ID used to reference the WebhookNotificationTarget in operations.
name: String
The name of the WebhookNotificationTarget.
uri: String
The URI to send notifications.
email: String
The email address to which target deactivation emails are sent. This data is only stored in the live environment. Deactivation emails are not sent in the test environment.
subscriptions: [NotificationEventName!]
The event names this target is subscribed to.
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the WebhookNotificationTarget was created.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, this was most recently updated.
deactivatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, this was most recently deactivated.
signingKeys: [SigningKey!]
The signing keys used for this target.
status: NotificationTargetStatus!
The status of the target.
deliveryAttempts: DeliveryAttemptConnection
The history of delivery attempts for this notification target.
statusHistory: NotificationTargetStatusHistoryConnection
The history of status changes for this notification target.
webhookNotificationTargetEvents: WebhookNotificationTargetEventConnection
The events that should have been delivered to this target.
after: String
filterBy: WebhookNotificationTargetEventFilterInput
The filter parameter for this connection.
pageInfo: PageInfo!
Information about the current page.
edges: [WebhookNotificationTargetEdge!]
A list of edges.
cursor: String!
The cursor for this edge for use in pagination.
node: WebhookNotificationTarget
The Webhook Notification Target.
hasSuccessfulDelivery: Boolean
Indicates whether the event was delivered to the target. If false, the latest delivery attempt was unsuccessful OR skipped because the target was deactivated.
event: NotificationEvent
The notification event that should have been delivered to the target.
deliveryAttempts: DeliveryAttemptConnection
The delivery attempts for this event to this target.
pageInfo: PageInfo!
Information about the current page.
edges: [WebhookNotificationTargetEventEdge!]
A list of edges.
cursor: String!
The cursor for this edge for use in pagination.
node: WebhookNotificationTargetEvent
The WebhookNotificationTargetEvent
id: ID!
Global ID used to reference the transfer in operations.
amount: Amount
The amount of the transfer.
createdAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the transfer was created.
updatedAt: String
The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the transfer was last updated.
ledgers: [Ledger!]
The ledgers affected by the transfer.
ledgerNames: [LedgerName!]
Scope the results to specific ledgers.
type: WireTransferType
The type that this WireTransfer
status: WireTransferStatus
The current status of this WireTransfer
statusReason: WireTransferStatusReasonCode
The reason for the current status.
financialAccount: FinancialAccount
The FinancialAccount
effected for this WireTransfer
memo: String
A memo for the WireTransfer
id: ID!
Global ID used to reference the WireTransferReview
toFinancialAccount: FinancialAccount
The FinancialAccount
receiving funds.
amount: Amount
The monetary amount wired.
memo: String
The memo for this request.
externalIdentifier: String
The externally generated ID associated with the wire transfer.
to: [String!]
The recipient's email addresses. This field specifies where the email notification was sent.
from: String
The sender's email address. This field indicates who sent the email notification.
provider: ProvisionWorkflowProvider
The provider used to send the email notification. This field references the provider involved in the email delivery process.
deliveredAt: String
The date and time when the email notification was delivered, represented as an ISO 8601 string. This field indicates when the email was successfully sent.
externalFinancialBankAccounts: [ExternalFinancialBankAccount!]
a list of ExternalFinancialBankAccount
createdAt: String
The date and time when this result outcome was created, represented in ISO 8601 format. This timestamp indicates when the record was initially created.
updatedAt: String
The date and time when this result outcome was last updated, represented in ISO 8601 format. This timestamp reflects the most recent modification to the record.
result: WorkflowActionResult
The result of the workflow action, which can be one of several possible result types. This field provides the details specific to the action performed.
buyerIdentifier: String
The unique identifier for the buyer in Visa's Payable Automation system. This ID is used to reference the buyer's account or profile.
proxyPoolAccountIdentifier: String
The unique identifier for the proxy pool account in Visa's Payable Automation system. This ID is associated with the proxy account used for transactions or funding.