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Simulate Fleet Transactions


  1. Review Transaction Lifecycle guide
  2. A Highnote account
  3. An API key or the API Explorer
  4. A fleet card product, financial account, and payment card


Warning: The Highnote test environment lets you freely explore platform features and functionality. It is intended for experimenting, building integrations, and training your team.

To ensure the security of your real-world data, do not enter production data in the test environment. Production data includes sensitive information like customer details, financial data, or personally identifiable information (PII).

Use only dummy or test data explicitly created for testing purposes in the test environment.

Fleet transactions include enhanced data processing during clearing and settling. You can use the Highnote API to simulate fleet transactions in the test environment. Simulating fleet transactions helps test the following use cases and card product settings:

  • Different merchants
  • Different merchant category codes (MCCs)
  • Enhanced data
  • Authorization advice
  • Spend rules and velocity controls
  • Collaborative authorization flow

This guide provides steps for simulating fleet transactions using the Highnote API.


Highnote offers two types of authorization controls for Fleet Payment Cards:

For example, Highnote’s Fleet Cards have a product restriction code encoded into the EMV chip to allow fuel purchases and other approved products. The product restriction code may also prevent purchasing non-fleet items, such as food, at fuel stops.

Merchant Category Codes

Fleet Cards may be restricted to specific purchase types. In addition, you may also restrict purchases, such as meals purchased through DoorDash, via MCC-based Spend Control Rules.

Refer to the following product restriction types for Visa and Mastercard:


  • Open, No Restrictions (Fuel, Maintenance, and Non-Fuel)
  • Fleet (Fuel and Maintenance Only)
  • Fuel Only


  • Open, No Restrictions (Fuel, Maintenance, and Non-Fuel)
  • Fuel Only

All Fleet Cards must accept Fleet/Fuel MCCs and can optionally accept Maintenance MCCs:

Fleet/Fuel MCCs

4468Marinas, Marine service/supplies
5499Miscellaneous food stores - Convenience stores, markets, and specialty stores
5541Service stations (with or without ancillary services)
5542Fuel dispenser, automated
5983Fuel dealers – Coal, fuel oil, liquefied petroleum, wood

Maintenance MCCs

5013Motor vehicle supplies and new parts
5511Automobile and truck dealers – Sales, service, repairs, parts, and leasing
5531Auto stores, home supply stores
5532Automotive tire stores
5533Automotive parts, accessories stores
5599Miscellaneous automotive, aircraft, and farm equipment dealers
7531Automotive body repair shops
7534Tire retreading and repair shops
7535Automotive paint shops
7538Automotive service shops (non-dealer)
7542Car washes
7549Towing services
7699Miscellaneous repair shops and related services

MCC-based authorization controls

Fleet cards can be restricted to specific purchase types using MCC-based authorization controls. For an overview of MCC-based spend controls, see Configure Spend Rules.

Purchase types are defined as follows for Visa and Mastercard:

Card networkPurchase typeDescription
VisaOpen, No restrictionsAllows all fuel, maintenance, and non-fuel purchases
FleetAllows fuel and maintenance purchases only
Fuel onlyOnly allows fuel purchases
MastercardOpen, No restrictionsAllows all fuel, maintenance, and non-fuel purchases
Fuel onlyAllows only fuel purchases

All fleet cards must accept fleet/fuel MCCs. It is optional to configure your authorization controls to accept maintenance MCCs. The following tables provide an overview of fleet/fuel and maintenance MCCs for reference:

##Fleet/Fuel MCCs

4468Marinas, Marine service/supplies
5499Miscellaneous food stores; Convenience stores, markets, and specialty stores
5541Service stations (with or without ancillary services)
5542Fuel dispenser, automated
5983Fuel dealers – Coal, fuel oil, liquefied petroleum, wood

##Maintenance MCCs

5013Motor vehicle supplies and new parts
5511Automobile and truck dealers – Sales, service, repairs, parts, and leasing
5531Auto stores, home supply stores
5532Automotive tire stores
5533Automotive parts, accessories stores
5599Miscellaneous automotive, aircraft, and farm equipment dealers
7531Automotive body repair shops
7534Tire retreading and repair shops
7535Automotive paint shops
7538Automotive service shops (non-dealer)
7542Car washes
7549Towing services
7699Miscellaneous repair shops and related services

Simulate authorization with Visa

Use the following query to simulate a fleet authorization with Visa:

Simulate authorization with Mastercard

Use the following query to simulate a fleet authorization with Mastercard:

Authorization advice

For purchases at Automated Fuel Dispensers (AFDs), the full transaction amount may not be known at authorization. Instead, a $1 or estimated amount is sent for authorization at the time of purchase, and authorization advice is sent to confirm the total amount at a later time.

Simulating authorization advice is optional. Visa supports a real-time clearing program, which does not require authorization advice. We recommend skipping simulating authorization advice in the following scenarios:

  • Simulating a real-time clearing event
  • Simulating an in-store pre-pay transaction
  • Simulating a transaction where the merchant incorrectly did not send authorization advice

Simulate authorization advice with Visa

Use the following mutation to simulate authorization advice with Visa:

Simulate authorization advice with Mastercard

Use the following query to simulate authorization advice with Mastercard:


Fleet transactions follow the standard authorization and clearing data flow and include enhanced data specific to the fleet vertical via specialized clearing messages. Visa and Mastercard outline three levels of data for fleet transactions, but they provide the data at different times during the transaction lifecycle. Depending on your card product's card network, your system may receive fleet-specific Level 2 and Level 3 data.

Level 1 data

Level 1 data contains standard payment network transaction data provided by merchants. This data includes:

Level 1 data is the same for all transaction types and merchants. No enhanced data is captured or provided at this level.

Level 2 data

Level 2 data contains enhanced data captured at the point of sale. Level 2 data is always sent at the time a transaction clears. Level 2 transactions have different MCCs based on whether the payment card is used at an Automated Fuel Dispenser or in-store:

  • Automated Fuel Dispenser MCC: 5542
  • In-store MCC: 5541

Refer to the API Reference for more information on Visa Level 2 Purchase Data Fields.

Simulate clearing with Visa

Visa sends Level 1 and Level 2 data together clearing events. Use the following mutation to simulate clearing with Visa:

Simulate clearing with Mastercard

Mastercard only sends Level 1 data in clearing events. Use the following query to simulate a clearing with Mastercard:

Level 3 enhanced data

Level 3 data contains enhanced transaction data and is generally used to send specific data related to non-fuel products and services. Level 3 enhanced data transactions use the same MCCs as Level 1 and 2 data for AFD and in-store MCCs:

  • Automated Fuel Dispenser MCC: 5542
  • In-store MCC: 5541

You can set up a Notification Event to alert you when Level 3 enhanced data has been added to a transaction.

Simulate enhanced data with Visa

Visa Level 3 data is typically sent between 24 to 48 hours after the transaction takes place. Merchants are not required to report enhanced data for fuel-only transactions.

Level 3 data typically follows an invoice structure with invoice summary information and invoice line item detail information. Refer to the API Reference for more information on Visa Level 3 Enhanced Data Fields.

Use the following mutation to simulate Visa fleet enhanced data:

Simulate enhanced data with Mastercard

Mastercard defines enhanced data as Level 2 and Level 3 data. Mastercard Level 2 and Level 3 data is sent at the end of the business day (EST).

Level 3 data typically follows an invoice structure with invoice summary information and invoice line item detail information. Refer to the API Reference for more information on Mastercard Enhanced Data Fields.

Use the following mutation to simulate Mastercard fleet enhanced data:

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